M TODO.org => TODO.org +2 -0
@@ 860,6 860,8 @@ Features and other stuff to do/implement in/around Carth.
instead of all the way from an AST. Might also be good for the
interpreter to run at a lower lever, but not sure.
+ http://web.eecs.umich.edu/~mahlke/courses/483f06/lectures/483L17.pdf
** TODO Step 1: Re-add interpreter for pure Carth code
Fairly self explanatory. Just operate on whatever is returned by
the Optimize pass. Make sure to add / translate as many test-cases
A src/Interp.hs => src/Interp.hs +142 -0
@@ 0,0 1,142 @@
+module Interp (interpret) where
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Data.Foldable
+import Data.Functor
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import Data.Maybe
+import Misc
+import SrcPos
+import TypeAst
+import Selections
+import Optimized
+type Env = Map TypedVar Val
+type Eval = ReaderT Env IO
+data Val
+ = VInt Int
+ | VF64 Double
+ | VStr String
+ | VFun (Val -> IO Val)
+ | VData VariantIx [Val]
+instance Show Val where
+ show = \case
+ VInt x -> "VInt " ++ show x
+ VF64 x -> "VF64 " ++ show x
+ VStr s -> "VStr " ++ show s
+ VFun _ -> "VFun ..."
+ VData c xs -> "VData " ++ show c ++ " " ++ show xs
+instance Select Eval Val where
+ selectAs _ _ = pure
+ selectSub _ i = \case
+ v@(VData _ xs) ->
+ let i' = fromIntegral i
+ msg = "i >= length xs in evalSub: " ++ (show i ++ ", " ++ show v)
+ in pure (if i' < length xs then xs !! i' else ice msg)
+ _ -> ice "evalSub of non VConstruction"
+ selectDeref = pure . deref
+interpret :: Program -> IO ()
+interpret (Program (Topo defs) _datas _externs) =
+ let runMain = (lookupVar (TypedVar "main" mainType) >>= (lift . performIO)) $> ()
+ initEnv = Map.empty
+ in runEval initEnv $ foldr withDef runMain defs
+withDef :: Def -> Eval a -> Eval a
+withDef = flip (foldr withVarDef) . defToVarDefs
+withVarDef :: VarDef -> Eval a -> Eval a
+withVarDef (lhs, rhs) ma = do
+ rhs' <- eval' (snd (unpos rhs))
+ withLocal lhs rhs' ma
+withLocal :: TypedVar -> Val -> Eval a -> Eval a
+withLocal lhs rhs = local (Map.insert lhs rhs)
+runEval :: Map TypedVar Val -> Eval a -> IO a
+runEval env ma = runReaderT ma env
+performIO :: Val -> IO Val
+performIO =
+ fmap car . (flip app realWorld) . fromMaybe undefined . safeHead . snd . unwrapData
+eval :: Expr -> Eval Val
+eval (Expr _ e) = eval' e
+eval' :: Expr' -> Eval Val
+eval' = \case
+ Lit (Int x) -> pure (VInt x)
+ Lit (F64 x) -> pure (VF64 x)
+ Lit (Str s) -> pure (VStr s)
+ Var x -> lookupVar x
+ App f e _t -> bind2 (lift .* app) (eval f) (eval e)
+ If p c a -> eval p >>= \p' -> if getBool p' then eval c else eval a
+ Fun (p, (b, _)) ->
+ fmap (\env -> VFun (\v -> runEval env $ withLocal p v (eval b))) ask
+ Let def e -> withDef def (eval e)
+ Match m cs _t -> do
+ m' <- eval m
+ evalDecisionTree cs (newSelections m')
+ Ction (variant, _, _, es) -> fmap (VData variant) (mapM eval es)
+ Sizeof _t -> nyi "eval Sizeof"
+ Absurd _t -> undefined
+evalDecisionTree :: DecisionTree -> Selections Val -> Eval Val
+evalDecisionTree dt selections = case dt of
+ DSwitch selector cs def -> do
+ (m, selections') <- select selector selections
+ case m of
+ VData ctor _ ->
+ evalDecisionTree (fromMaybe def (Map.lookup ctor cs)) selections'
+ _ -> ice "not VConstruction in evalDecisionSwitch"
+ DSwitchStr selector cs def -> do
+ (matchee, selections') <- select selector selections
+ let cs' = Map.toAscList cs
+ let handleCase (s, dt) next = do
+ let isMatch = unwrapStr matchee == s
+ pure $ if isMatch then (evalDecisionTree dt selections') else next
+ join (foldrM handleCase (evalDecisionTree def selections') cs')
+ DLeaf (bs, e) ->
+ foldr (uncurry withLocal) (eval e) =<< selectVarBindings selections bs
+lookupVar :: TypedVar -> Eval Val
+lookupVar x = asks (fromMaybe undefined . Map.lookup x)
+app :: Val -> Val -> IO Val
+app = unwrapFun
+car :: Val -> Val
+car = fromMaybe undefined . safeHead . snd . unwrapData
+deref :: Val -> Val
+deref = id
+unwrapData :: Val -> (VariantIx, [Val])
+unwrapData = \case
+ VData a bs -> (a, bs)
+ _ -> undefined
+unwrapFun :: Val -> (Val -> IO Val)
+unwrapFun = \case
+ VFun f -> f
+ _ -> undefined
+unwrapStr :: Val -> String
+unwrapStr = \case
+ VStr s -> s
+ _ -> undefined
+getBool :: Val -> Bool
+getBool = \case
+ VData 0 [] -> False
+ VData 1 [] -> True
+ _ -> undefined
+realWorld :: Val
+realWorld = VData 0 []
M src/Misc.hs => src/Misc.hs +11 -0
@@ 124,3 124,14 @@ takeWhileJust :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [b]
takeWhileJust f = \case
[] -> []
a : as -> maybe [] (: takeWhileJust f as) (f a)
+safeHead :: [a] -> Maybe a
+safeHead = \case
+ [] -> Nothing
+ x : _ -> Just x
+bind2 :: Monad m => (a -> b -> m c) -> m a -> m b -> m c
+bind2 f ma mb = do
+ a <- ma
+ b <- mb
+ f a b
M src/Monomorphic.hs => src/Monomorphic.hs +1 -1
@@ 1,7 1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- | Monomorphic AST as a result of monomorphization
-module Monomorphic (module Monomorphic, TPrim(..), Const(..), VariantIx, Span, tUnit) where
+module Monomorphic (module Monomorphic, TPrim(..), Const(..), VariantIx, Span, tUnit, TopologicalOrder (..)) where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)