
65a92164344350d8a2aae8445fbc4df68d5a30f6 — Johan Vandegriff 3 years ago 5621ee6
made stats page faster by sorting and filtering on the server
2 files changed, 291 insertions(+), 494 deletions(-)

M boggle.py
M templates/boggle/stats.html
M boggle.py => boggle.py +149 -10
@@ 1,5 1,6 @@
from flask import render_template
import sys, cgi, json, datetime, re, time, decimal, subprocess, random, threading, os, pymongo
from functools import reduce

from nav import nav #file in same dir
from BoggleCVPipeline import processImage, BoggleError

@@ 412,6 413,12 @@ def filterWord(word):
    #only letters, convert to lowercase
    return re.sub('[^a-z]', '', word.lower())

def getAllGames():
    games = coll.find()
    games = [updateGame(game) for game in games]
    games = [game for game in games if game] #remove entries that are "None"
    return games

This method doesn't return html, but JSON data for JS to digest.
It is called with AJAX requests, and the data will be formatted

@@ 446,9 453,7 @@ def request_data(form):
        # lockGamesFile()
        # games = loadGamesFile()
        # anyChanged = False
        games = coll.find()
        games = [updateGame(game) for game in games]
        games = [game for game in games if game] #remove entries that are "None"
        games = getAllGames()
        # for id in getAllIDs():
        #     updateGame(getGameByID(id))
            # if changed:

@@ 658,6 663,38 @@ def do_action(form):
        return "lobby", None
    return "lobby", None

def histogram(games, maxGame, prop):
    hs = maxGame[prop]
    bins = []
    data = []
    if hs < 10:
        for i in range(int(hs)+1):
        for i in range(1,10+1): #1 to 10 inclusive
    for game in games:
        s = game[prop]
        for j in range(len(bins)):
            if round(s*10)/10 <= bins[j]:
                data[j] += 1
    return {"labels": bins, "series": [data]}

def text2bool(text):
    return text.lower() == "true"

def get_param(form, kwargs, name, converter=lambda text: text, fallback=""):
    if name in form:
        kwargs[name] = converter(form[name])
        kwargs[name] = fallback

def load_page(form, page=None, id=None):
    if page is None:
        if "page" in form:

@@ 683,15 720,11 @@ def load_page(form, page=None, id=None):
        "id": id

    if page == "login":
        return render_template("boggle/login.html", page=page, **kwargs)

    if "username" in form:
        username = filterUsername(form["username"])
        username = ""

    kwargs["username"] = username
    get_param(form, kwargs, "username", filterUsername)

    if page == "pregame" and id is not None:
        return render_template("boggle/pregame.html", **kwargs)

@@ 703,7 736,113 @@ def load_page(form, page=None, id=None):
        return render_template("boggle/view.html", prev=prev, **kwargs)

    if page == "stats":
        return render_template("boggle/stats.html", prev=prev, **kwargs)
        games = getAllGames()
        games = [game for game in games if game["isArchived"]]

        get_param(form, kwargs, "selectedUsed", text2bool, False)
        if kwargs["selectedUsed"]:
            fallback = ""
            fallback = "checked"

        showLabels = [
            "show2x2", "show3x3", "show4x4", "show5x5", "show6x6", "show7x7", "showOtherSizes",
            "show2L", "show3L", "show4L", "show5L", "show6L", "show7L", "showOtherL",
            "show30Sec", "show1Min", "show2Min", "show3Min", "show4Min", "show5Min",
            "show6Min", "show7Min", "show8Min", "show9Min", "show10Min", "showOtherMin"

        labelBool = {}
        numChecked = 0
        for label in showLabels:
            get_param(form, kwargs, label, lambda text: "checked" if text == "on" else "", fallback)
            labelBool[label] = kwargs[label] == "checked"
            if labelBool[label]:
                numChecked += 1

        kwargs["selectAll"] = "checked" if numChecked >= len(labelBool)/2 else ""
        # print(labelBool)

        gamesFiltered = {}
        gamesFiltered["5x5"] = [game for game in games if game["size"] == 5 and game["letters"] == 4 and game["minutes"] == 3]
        gamesFiltered["4x4"] = [game for game in games if game["size"] == 4 and game["letters"] == 3 and game["minutes"] == 3]
        gamesFiltered["Sel"] = []
        for game in games:
            if (
                    labelBool["show2x2"] and game["size"] == 2 or
                    labelBool["show3x3"] and game["size"] == 3 or
                    labelBool["show4x4"] and game["size"] == 4 or
                    labelBool["show5x5"] and game["size"] == 5 or
                    labelBool["show6x6"] and game["size"] == 6 or
                    labelBool["show7x7"] and game["size"] == 7 or
                    labelBool["showOtherSizes"] and not game["size"] in [2,3,4,5,6,7]
                ) and (
                    labelBool["show2L"] and game["letters"] == 2 or
                    labelBool["show3L"] and game["letters"] == 3 or
                    labelBool["show4L"] and game["letters"] == 4 or
                    labelBool["show5L"] and game["letters"] == 5 or
                    labelBool["show6L"] and game["letters"] == 6 or
                    labelBool["show7L"] and game["letters"] == 7 or
                    labelBool["showOtherL"] and not game["letters"] in [2,3,4,5,6,7]
                ) and (
                    labelBool["show30Sec"] and game["minutes"] == 0.5 or
                    labelBool["show1Min"] and game["minutes"] == 1 or
                    labelBool["show2Min"] and game["minutes"] == 2 or
                    labelBool["show3Min"] and game["minutes"] == 3 or
                    labelBool["show4Min"] and game["minutes"] == 4 or
                    labelBool["show5Min"] and game["minutes"] == 5 or
                    labelBool["show6Min"] and game["minutes"] == 6 or
                    labelBool["show7Min"] and game["minutes"] == 7 or
                    labelBool["show8Min"] and game["minutes"] == 8 or
                    labelBool["show9Min"] and game["minutes"] == 9 or
                    labelBool["show10Min"] and game["minutes"] == 10 or
                    labelBool["showOtherMin"] and not game["minutes"] in [0.5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
        gamesFiltered["All"] = games

        for gameType in ["5x5", "4x4", "Sel", "All"]:
            kwargs["has"+gameType] = (len(gamesFiltered[gameType]) > 0)
            if kwargs["has"+gameType]:
                for prop in ["winScore", "numWordsPlayersFound", "percentFound", "maxScore", "maxWords", "duplicates", "secondsToSolve"]:
                    kwargs[prop+gameType] = reduce(lambda prev, curr: prev if prev[prop] > curr[prop] else curr, gamesFiltered[gameType]) 
                for prop in ["maxScore", "maxWords"]:
                    kwargs["low_"+prop+gameType] = reduce(lambda prev, curr: prev if prev[prop] < curr[prop] else curr, gamesFiltered[gameType])

        get_param(form, kwargs, "sortCol", int, 0)
        get_param(form, kwargs, "isAscending", text2bool, False)

        #these correspond to the columns on the stats page
        lambdas = [
            lambda game: game["_id"],
            lambda game: game["players"][0].lower(),
            lambda game: len(game["players"]),
            lambda game: game["size"],
            lambda game: game["letters"],
            lambda game: game["minutes"],
            lambda game: game["maxWords"],
            lambda game: game["numWordsPlayersFound"],
            lambda game: game["percentFound"],
            lambda game: game["maxScore"],
            lambda game: game["winScore"],
            lambda game: game["winners"][0].lower(),
        if kwargs["hasSel"]:
            for prop in ["winScore", "maxScore", "numWordsPlayersFound", "maxWords", "percentFound", "duplicates", "secondsToSolve"]:
                kwargs[prop+"Chart"] = histogram(gamesFiltered["Sel"], kwargs[prop+"Sel"], prop)

            kwargs["sizeChart"] = histogram(gamesFiltered["Sel"], {"size": 7}, "size")
            kwargs["sizeChart"]["labels"] = ["2x2", "3x3", "4x4", "5x5", "6x6", "7x7"]
            kwargs["sizeChart"]["series"][0] = kwargs["sizeChart"]["series"][0][2:] #remove 1st 2 items

        games_sorted = sorted(gamesFiltered["Sel"], key=lambdas[kwargs["sortCol"]], reverse=(not kwargs["isAscending"]))

        # print(kwargs)
        return render_template("boggle/stats.html", prev=prev, games=games_sorted, **kwargs)

    if page == "json":
        return json.dumps([x for x in coll.find()], indent=2)

M templates/boggle/stats.html => templates/boggle/stats.html +142 -484
@@ 11,59 11,65 @@
            <input type="hidden" name="page" value="json"/>
            <input style="position: relative; top: 0; left: 0; float: left; margin-left: 10px" class="purpleButton" type="submit" value="JSON Data"/>
        <input style="position: relative; top: 0; left: 0; float: left; margin-left: 10px" class="grayButton" type="button" value="Reload" onclick="window.location.reload();"/>
        <h1 class="scale">Boggle 2.0 - Stats</h1>
    <div class="leftCol highscores">
        <p class="scale" style="margin: 10px;">
            <div v-if="games5x5.length > 0" class="grayBox">
            {% if has5x5 %}
            <div class="grayBox">
                <h3>5x5, 4 letters, 3 min</h3>
                <a :href="'?id=' + highScore5x5._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">high score</a>: [[ highScore5x5.winScore ]]<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + highWords5x5._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">most words found</a>: [[ highWords5x5.numWordsPlayersFound ]]<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + highPercent5x5._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">highest % found</a>: [[ (Math.round(highPercent5x5.percentFound * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) ]]%<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + highMaxScore5x5._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">high possible score</a>: [[ highMaxScore5x5.maxScore ]]<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + highMaxWords5x5._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">most words available</a>: [[ highMaxWords5x5.maxWords ]]<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + lowMaxScore5x5._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">low possible score</a>: [[ lowMaxScore5x5.maxScore ]]<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + lowMaxWords5x5._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">least words available</a>: [[ lowMaxWords5x5.maxWords ]]<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + highDuplicates5x5._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">most duplicates</a>: [[ highDuplicates5x5.duplicates ]]<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ winScore5x5._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">high score</a>: {{ winScore5x5.winScore }}<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ numWordsPlayersFound5x5._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">most words found</a>: {{ numWordsPlayersFound5x5.numWordsPlayersFound }}<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ percentFound5x5._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">highest % found</a>: {{ ((percentFound5x5.percentFound*100)|round)/100 }}%<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ maxScore5x5._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">high possible score</a>: {{ maxScore5x5.maxScore }}<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ maxWords5x5._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">most words available</a>: {{ maxWords5x5.maxWords }}<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ low_maxScore5x5._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">low possible score</a>: {{ low_maxScore5x5.maxScore }}<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ low_maxWords5x5._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">least words available</a>: {{ low_maxWords5x5.maxWords }}<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ duplicates5x5._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">most duplicates</a>: {{ duplicates5x5.duplicates }}<br/>
            <div v-if="games4x4.length > 0" class="grayBox">
            {% endif %}
            {% if has4x4 %}
            <div class="grayBox">
                <h3>4x4, 3 letters, 3 min</h3>
                <a :href="'?id=' + highScore4x4._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">high score</a>: [[ highScore4x4.winScore ]]<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + highWords4x4._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">most words found</a>: [[ highWords4x4.numWordsPlayersFound ]]<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + highPercent4x4._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">highest % found</a>: [[ (Math.round(highPercent4x4.percentFound * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) ]]%<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + highMaxScore4x4._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">high possible score</a>: [[ highMaxScore4x4.maxScore ]]<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + highMaxWords4x4._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">most words available</a>: [[ highMaxWords4x4.maxWords ]]<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + lowMaxScore4x4._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">low possible score</a>: [[ lowMaxScore4x4.maxScore ]]<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + lowMaxWords4x4._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">least words available</a>: [[ lowMaxWords4x4.maxWords ]]<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + highDuplicates4x4._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">most duplicates</a>: [[ highDuplicates4x4.duplicates ]]<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ winScore4x4._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">high score</a>: {{ winScore4x4.winScore }}<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ numWordsPlayersFound4x4._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">most words found</a>: {{ numWordsPlayersFound4x4.numWordsPlayersFound }}<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ percentFound4x4._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">highest % found</a>: {{ ((percentFound4x4.percentFound*100)|round)/100 }}%<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ maxScore4x4._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">high possible score</a>: {{ maxScore4x4.maxScore }}<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ maxWords4x4._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">most words available</a>: {{ maxWords4x4.maxWords }}<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ low_maxScore4x4._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">low possible score</a>: {{ low_maxScore4x4.maxScore }}<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ low_maxWords4x4._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">least words available</a>: {{ low_maxWords4x4.maxWords }}<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ duplicates4x4._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">most duplicates</a>: {{ duplicates4x4.duplicates }}<br/>
            <div v-if="games.length > 0" class="grayBox">
            {% endif %}
            {% if hasSel %}
            <div class="grayBox">
                <h3>Games Selected</h3>
                <a :href="'?id=' + highScoreSel._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">high score</a>: [[ highScoreSel.winScore ]]<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + highWordsSel._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">most words found</a>: [[ highWordsSel.numWordsPlayersFound ]]<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + highPercentSel._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">highest % found</a>: [[ (Math.round(highPercentSel.percentFound * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) ]]%<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + highMaxScoreSel._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">high possible score</a>: [[ highMaxScoreSel.maxScore ]]<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + highMaxWordsSel._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">most words available</a>: [[ highMaxWordsSel.maxWords ]]<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + lowMaxScoreSel._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">low possible score</a>: [[ lowMaxScoreSel.maxScore ]]<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + lowMaxWordsSel._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">least words available</a>: [[ lowMaxWordsSel.maxWords ]]<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + highDuplicatesSel._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">most duplicates</a>: [[ highDuplicatesSel.duplicates ]]<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ winScoreSel._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">high score</a>: {{ winScoreSel.winScore }}<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ numWordsPlayersFoundSel._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">most words found</a>: {{ numWordsPlayersFoundSel.numWordsPlayersFound }}<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ percentFoundSel._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">highest % found</a>: {{ ((percentFoundSel.percentFound*100)|round)/100 }}%<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ maxScoreSel._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">high possible score</a>: {{ maxScoreSel.maxScore }}<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ maxWordsSel._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">most words available</a>: {{ maxWordsSel.maxWords }}<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ low_maxScoreSel._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">low possible score</a>: {{ low_maxScoreSel.maxScore }}<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ low_maxWordsSel._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">least words available</a>: {{ low_maxWordsSel.maxWords }}<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ duplicatesSel._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">most duplicates</a>: {{ duplicatesSel.duplicates }}<br/>
            <div v-if="gamesAll.length > 0" class="grayBox">
            {% endif %}
            {% if hasAll %}
            <div class="grayBox">
                <h3>All Games</h3>
                <a :href="'?id=' + highScoreAll._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">high score</a>: [[ highScoreAll.winScore ]]<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + highWordsAll._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">most words found</a>: [[ highWordsAll.numWordsPlayersFound ]]<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + highPercentAll._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">highest % found</a>: [[ (Math.round(highPercentAll.percentFound * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) ]]%<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + highMaxScoreAll._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">high possible score</a>: [[ highMaxScoreAll.maxScore ]]<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + highMaxWordsAll._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">most words available</a>: [[ highMaxWordsAll.maxWords ]]<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + lowMaxScoreAll._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">low possible score</a>: [[ lowMaxScoreAll.maxScore ]]<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + lowMaxWordsAll._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">least words available</a>: [[ lowMaxWordsAll.maxWords ]]<br/>
                <a :href="'?id=' + highDuplicatesAll._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">most duplicates</a>: [[ highDuplicatesAll.duplicates ]]<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ winScoreAll._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">high score</a>: {{ winScoreAll.winScore }}<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ numWordsPlayersFoundAll._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">most words found</a>: {{ numWordsPlayersFoundAll.numWordsPlayersFound }}<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ percentFoundAll._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">highest % found</a>: {{ ((percentFoundAll.percentFound*100)|round)/100 }}%<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ maxScoreAll._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">high possible score</a>: {{ maxScoreAll.maxScore }}<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ maxWordsAll._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">most words available</a>: {{ maxWordsAll.maxWords }}<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ low_maxScoreAll._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">low possible score</a>: {{ low_maxScoreAll.maxScore }}<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ low_maxWordsAll._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">least words available</a>: {{ low_maxWordsAll.maxWords }}<br/>
                <a href="?id={{ duplicatesAll._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">most duplicates</a>: {{ duplicatesAll.duplicates }}<br/>
            {% endif %}
        <!-- <p class="compactText" style="margin: 10px;">
            Note: only standard boards are considered for highscores (4x4, 3 letters, 3 min OR 5x5, 4 letters, 3 min).<br/>
        </p> -->
        <div class="ct-chart ct-perfect-fourth" id="scoreChart"></div>
        <div class="ct-chart ct-perfect-fourth" id="possibleScoreChart"></div>

@@ 82,66 88,98 @@
    <div class="rightCol gamesTable">
        <h2>Past Games</h2>
        <div class="compactText" style="margin: 10px;">
            show sizes:
            <input type="checkbox" v-model="show2x2" checked>2x2
            <input type="checkbox" v-model="show3x3" checked>3x3
            <input type="checkbox" v-model="show4x4" checked>4x4
            <input type="checkbox" v-model="show5x5" checked>5x5
            <input type="checkbox" v-model="show6x6" checked>6x6
            <input type="checkbox" v-model="show7x7" checked>7x7
            <input type="checkbox" v-model="showOtherSizes" checked>other sizes<br/>
            show letters:
            <input type="checkbox" v-model="show2L" checked>2
            <input type="checkbox" v-model="show3L" checked>3
            <input type="checkbox" v-model="show4L" checked>4
            <input type="checkbox" v-model="show5L" checked>5
            <input type="checkbox" v-model="show6L" checked>6
            <input type="checkbox" v-model="show7L" checked>7
            <input type="checkbox" v-model="showOtherL" checked>other letters<br/>
            show minutes:
            <input type="checkbox" v-model="show30Sec" checked>0.5
            <input type="checkbox" v-model="show1Min" checked>1
            <input type="checkbox" v-model="show2Min" checked>2
            <input type="checkbox" v-model="show3Min" checked>3
            <input type="checkbox" v-model="show4Min" checked>4
            <input type="checkbox" v-model="show5Min" checked>5
            <input type="checkbox" v-model="show6Min" checked>6
            <input type="checkbox" v-model="show7Min" checked>7
            <input type="checkbox" v-model="show8Min" checked>8
            <input type="checkbox" v-model="show9Min" checked>9
            <input type="checkbox" v-model="show10Min" checked>10
            <input type="checkbox" v-model="showOtherMin" checked>other times<br/>
            <form id="selectedForm">
                <input type="hidden" name="username" value="{{ username }}"/>
                <input type="hidden" name="page" value="stats"/>
                <input type="hidden" name="selectedUsed" value="true"/>
                <input type="hidden" id="sortCol" name="sortCol" value="{{ sortCol }}"/>
                <input type="hidden" id="isAscending" name="isAscending" value="{{ isAscending }}"/>
                show sizes:
                <input type="checkbox" name="show2x2" {{ show2x2 }}>2x2
                <input type="checkbox" name="show3x3" {{ show3x3 }}>3x3
                <input type="checkbox" name="show4x4" {{ show4x4 }}>4x4
                <input type="checkbox" name="show5x5" {{ show5x5 }}>5x5
                <input type="checkbox" name="show6x6" {{ show6x6 }}>6x6
                <input type="checkbox" name="show7x7" {{ show7x7 }}>7x7
                <input type="checkbox" name="showOtherSizes" {{ showOtherSizes }}>other sizes<br/>
                show letters:
                <input type="checkbox" name="show2L" {{ show2L }}>2
                <input type="checkbox" name="show3L" {{ show3L }}>3
                <input type="checkbox" name="show4L" {{ show4L }}>4
                <input type="checkbox" name="show5L" {{ show5L }}>5
                <input type="checkbox" name="show6L" {{ show6L }}>6
                <input type="checkbox" name="show7L" {{ show7L }}>7
                <input type="checkbox" name="showOtherL" {{ showOtherL }}>other letters<br/>
                show minutes:
                <input type="checkbox" name="show30Sec" {{ show30Sec }}>0.5
                <input type="checkbox" name="show1Min" {{ show1Min }}>1
                <input type="checkbox" name="show2Min" {{ show2Min }}>2
                <input type="checkbox" name="show3Min" {{ show3Min }}>3
                <input type="checkbox" name="show4Min" {{ show4Min }}>4
                <input type="checkbox" name="show5Min" {{ show5Min }}>5
                <input type="checkbox" name="show6Min" {{ show6Min }}>6
                <input type="checkbox" name="show7Min" {{ show7Min }}>7
                <input type="checkbox" name="show8Min" {{ show8Min }}>8
                <input type="checkbox" name="show9Min" {{ show9Min }}>9
                <input type="checkbox" name="show10Min" {{ show10Min }}>10
                <input type="checkbox" name="showOtherMin" {{ showOtherMin }}>other times<br/>
                <input class="greenButton" type="submit" value="Apply"/>
                <input class="grayButton" type="button" value="Reset" onclick="document.getElementById('resetForm').submit();"/>
                select all/none: <input type="checkbox" name="selectAll" {{ selectAll }} onclick="document.querySelectorAll('input[type=checkbox]').forEach((c)=>c.checked = this.checked);"/>
            <form id="resetForm">
                <input type="hidden" name="username" value="{{ username }}"/>
                <input type="hidden" name="page" value="stats"/>
            Click on columns headers to sort the table.<br/>
                sortCol = {{ sortCol }};
                isAscending = "{{ isAscending }}" == "True";
                function sortTable(newSortCol, isNumber) {
                    if (newSortCol == sortCol) {
                        isAscending = !isAscending;
                    } else {
                        sortCol = newSortCol;
                        isAscending = !isNumber; //numbers default to descending, text defaults to ascending

                    document.getElementById("sortCol").value = sortCol;
                    document.getElementById("isAscending").value = isAscending;
            <table id="pastGames" class="grayTable">
                    <th onclick="sortTable('pastGames', 0, true)">Game #</th>
                    <th onclick="sortTable('pastGames', 1, false)">Host</th>
                    <th onclick="sortTable('pastGames', 2, true)">Players</th>
                    <th onclick="sortTable('pastGames', 3, true)">Size</th>
                    <th onclick="sortTable('pastGames', 4, true)">Letters</th>
                    <th onclick="sortTable('pastGames', 5, true)">Time (Min)</th>
                    <th onclick="sortTable('pastGames', 6, true)">Total # of Words</th>
                    <th onclick="sortTable('pastGames', 7, true)"># of Words Found</th>
                    <th onclick="sortTable('pastGames', 8, true)">% of Words Found</th>
                    <th onclick="sortTable('pastGames', 9, true)">Max Score</th>
                    <th onclick="sortTable('pastGames', 10, true)">Winning Score</th>
                    <th onclick="sortTable('pastGames', 11, false)">Winners</th>
                    <th onclick="sortTable(0, true)">Game #</th>
                    <th onclick="sortTable(1, false)">Host</th>
                    <th onclick="sortTable(2, true)">Players</th>
                    <th onclick="sortTable(3, true)">Size</th>
                    <th onclick="sortTable(4, true)">Letters</th>
                    <th onclick="sortTable(5, true)">Time (Min)</th>
                    <th onclick="sortTable(6, true)">Total # of Words</th>
                    <th onclick="sortTable(7, true)"># of Words Found</th>
                    <th onclick="sortTable(8, true)">% of Words Found</th>
                    <th onclick="sortTable(9, true)">Max Score</th>
                    <th onclick="sortTable(10, true)">Winning Score</th>
                    <th onclick="sortTable(11, false)">Winners</th>
                <tr v-for="game in games">
                    <td><a :href="'?id=' + game._id + '&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats'">[[ game._id ]]</a></td>
                    <td><span v-if="game.players.length > 0">[[ game.players[0] ]]</span></td>
                    <td>[[ game.players.length ]]</td>
                    <td>[[ game.size ]]x[[ game.size ]]</td>
                    <td>[[ game.letters ]]</td>
                    <td>[[ game.minutes ]]</td>
                    <td>[[ game.maxWords ]]</td>
                    <td>[[ game.numWordsPlayersFound ]]</td>
                    <td>[[ (Math.round(game.percentFound * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) ]]%</td>
                    <td>[[ game.maxScore ]]</td>
                    <td>[[ game.winScore ]]</td>
                    <td><span v-for="(winner, i) in game.winners"><span v-if="i>0">, </span>[[ winner ]]</span></td>
                {% for game in games %}
                    <td><a href="?id={{ game._id }}&username={{ username }}&page=view&prev=stats">{{ game._id }}</a></td>
                    <td>{% if game.players|length > 0 %}{{ game.players[0] }}{% endif %}</td>
                    <td>{{ game.players|length }}</td>
                    <td>{{ game.size }}x{{ game.size }}</td>
                    <td>{{ game.letters }}</td>
                    <td>{{ game.minutes }}</td>
                    <td>{{ game.maxWords }}</td>
                    <td>{{ game.numWordsPlayersFound }}</td>
                    <td>{{ ((game.percentFound*100)|round)/100 }}%</td>
                    <td>{{ game.maxScore }}</td>
                    <td>{{ game.winScore }}</td>
                    <td>{% for winner in game.winners %}{{ winner }}{{ ", " if not loop.last }}{% endfor %}</td>
                {% endfor %}

@@ 150,338 188,11 @@


<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/sorttable2.js"></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/chartist.min.css">
<script src="/static/chartist.min.js"></script>
<script src="/static/chartist-plugin-axistitle.min.js"></script>

{% include 'boggle/common.html' %}

    const app = new Vue ({
        delimiters: ['[[',']]'],
        el: "#app",
        data: {
            gamesAll: [],
            show2x2: true,
            show3x3: true,
            show4x4: true,
            show5x5: true,
            show6x6: true,
            show7x7: true,
            showOtherSizes: true,
            show2L: true,
            show3L: true,
            show4L: true,
            show5L: true,
            show6L: true,
            show7L: true,
            showOtherL: true,
            show30Sec: true,
            show1Min: true,
            show2Min: true,
            show3Min: true,
            show4Min: true,
            show5Min: true,
            show6Min: true,
            show7Min: true,
            show8Min: true,
            show9Min: true,
            show10Min: true,
            showOtherMin: true,
            updateCharts: false
        computed: {
            games: function () {
                filtered = []
                for (var i=0; i<this.gamesAll.length; i++) {
                    game = this.gamesAll[i];
                    if (
                        game.isArchived &&
                                this.show2x2 && game.size == 2 ||
                                this.show3x3 && game.size == 3 ||
                                this.show4x4 && game.size == 4 ||
                                this.show5x5 && game.size == 5 ||
                                this.show6x6 && game.size == 6 ||
                                this.show7x7 && game.size == 7 ||
                                this.showOtherSizes && (game.size < 2 || game.size > 7)
                            ) &&
                                this.show2L && game.letters == 2 ||
                                this.show3L && game.letters == 3 ||
                                this.show4L && game.letters == 4 ||
                                this.show5L && game.letters == 5 ||
                                this.show6L && game.letters == 6 ||
                                this.show7L && game.letters == 7 ||
                                this.showOtherL && (game.letters < 2 || game.letters > 7)
                            ) &&
                                this.show30Sec && game.minutes == 0.5 ||
                                this.show1Min && game.minutes == 1 ||
                                this.show2Min && game.minutes == 2 ||
                                this.show3Min && game.minutes == 3 ||
                                this.show4Min && game.minutes == 4 ||
                                this.show5Min && game.minutes == 5 ||
                                this.show6Min && game.minutes == 6 ||
                                this.show7Min && game.minutes == 7 ||
                                this.show8Min && game.minutes == 8 ||
                                this.show9Min && game.minutes == 9 ||
                                this.show10Min && game.minutes == 10 ||
                                this.showOtherMin && [0.5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10].indexOf(game.minutes) == -1
                        ) {
                this.updateCharts = true;
                return filtered;
            games5x5: function () {
                filtered = []
                for (var i=0; i<this.gamesAll.length; i++) {
                    game = this.gamesAll[i];
                    if (game.isArchived && game.size == 5 && game.letters == 4 && game.minutes == 3) {
                return filtered;
            games4x4: function () {
                filtered = []
                for (var i=0; i<this.gamesAll.length; i++) {
                    game = this.gamesAll[i];
                    if (game.isArchived && game.size == 4 && game.letters == 3 && game.minutes == 3) {
                return filtered;
            highScore5x5: function () {
                if (this.games5x5.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.games5x5.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.winScore > curr.winScore
                ? prev : curr);
            highWords5x5: function () {
                if (this.games5x5.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.games5x5.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.numWordsPlayersFound > curr.numWordsPlayersFound
                ? prev : curr);
            highPercent5x5: function () {
                if (this.games5x5.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.games5x5.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.percentFound > curr.percentFound
                ? prev : curr);
            highMaxScore5x5: function () {
                if (this.games5x5.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.games5x5.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.maxScore > curr.maxScore
                ? prev : curr);
            highMaxWords5x5: function () {
                if (this.games5x5.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.games5x5.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.maxWords > curr.maxWords
                ? prev : curr);
            lowMaxScore5x5: function () {
                if (this.games5x5.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.games5x5.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.maxScore < curr.maxScore
                ? prev : curr);
            lowMaxWords5x5: function () {
                if (this.games5x5.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.games5x5.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.maxWords < curr.maxWords
                ? prev : curr);
            highDuplicates5x5: function () {
                if (this.games5x5.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.games5x5.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.duplicates > curr.duplicates
                ? prev : curr);

            highScore4x4: function () {
                if (this.games4x4.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.games4x4.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.winScore > curr.winScore
                ? prev : curr);
            highWords4x4: function () {
                if (this.games4x4.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.games4x4.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.numWordsPlayersFound > curr.numWordsPlayersFound
                ? prev : curr);
            highPercent4x4: function () {
                if (this.games4x4.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.games4x4.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.percentFound > curr.percentFound
                ? prev : curr);
            highMaxScore4x4: function () {
                if (this.games4x4.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.games4x4.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.maxScore > curr.maxScore
                ? prev : curr);
            highMaxWords4x4: function () {
                if (this.games4x4.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.games4x4.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.maxWords > curr.maxWords
                ? prev : curr);
            lowMaxScore4x4: function () {
                if (this.games4x4.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.games4x4.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.maxScore < curr.maxScore
                ? prev : curr);
            lowMaxWords4x4: function () {
                if (this.games4x4.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.games4x4.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.maxWords < curr.maxWords
                ? prev : curr);
            highDuplicates4x4: function () {
                if (this.games4x4.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.games4x4.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.duplicates > curr.duplicates
                ? prev : curr);

            highScoreSel: function () {
                if (this.games.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.games.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.winScore > curr.winScore
                ? prev : curr);
            highWordsSel: function () {
                if (this.games.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.games.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.numWordsPlayersFound > curr.numWordsPlayersFound
                ? prev : curr);
            highPercentSel: function () {
                if (this.games.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.games.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.percentFound > curr.percentFound
                ? prev : curr);
            highMaxScoreSel: function () {
                if (this.games.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.games.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.maxScore > curr.maxScore
                ? prev : curr);
            highMaxWordsSel: function () {
                if (this.games.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.games.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.maxWords > curr.maxWords
                ? prev : curr);
            lowMaxScoreSel: function () {
                if (this.games.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.games.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.maxScore < curr.maxScore
                ? prev : curr);
            lowMaxWordsSel: function () {
                if (this.games.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.games.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.maxWords < curr.maxWords
                ? prev : curr);
            highDuplicatesSel: function () {
                if (this.games.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.games.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.duplicates > curr.duplicates
                ? prev : curr);

            highScoreAll: function () {
                if (this.gamesAll.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.gamesAll.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.winScore > curr.winScore
                ? prev : curr);
            highWordsAll: function () {
                if (this.gamesAll.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.gamesAll.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.numWordsPlayersFound > curr.numWordsPlayersFound
                ? prev : curr);
            highPercentAll: function () {
                if (this.gamesAll.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.gamesAll.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.percentFound > curr.percentFound
                ? prev : curr);
            highMaxScoreAll: function () {
                if (this.gamesAll.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.gamesAll.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.maxScore > curr.maxScore
                ? prev : curr);
            highMaxWordsAll: function () {
                if (this.gamesAll.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.gamesAll.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.maxWords > curr.maxWords
                ? prev : curr);
            lowMaxScoreAll: function () {
                if (this.gamesAll.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.gamesAll.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.maxScore < curr.maxScore
                ? prev : curr);
            lowMaxWordsAll: function () {
                if (this.gamesAll.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.gamesAll.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.maxWords < curr.maxWords
                ? prev : curr);
            highDuplicatesAll: function () {
                if (this.gamesAll.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.gamesAll.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.duplicates > curr.duplicates
                ? prev : curr);

            highSolveTimeSel: function () {
                if (this.games.length == 0) {return undefined;}
                return this.games.reduce((prev, curr) =>
                    prev.secondsToSolve > curr.secondsToSolve
                ? prev : curr);
        created () {
        methods: {
            getGames: function() {
                .then(response => response.json())
                .then(json => {
                    this.gamesAll = json.games.reverse()
        mounted () {
            setInterval(() => {
            }, 10000);

    //have to wait for the page to load to access the footer
    window.onload = function() {
    // hide the footer since it gets in the way

@@ 525,70 236,17 @@

    function histogram(maxGame, property) {
        if (maxGame == undefined) {
            return {
                labels: [],
                series: [[]]
        hs = maxGame[property];
        bins = []
        data = []
        if (hs < 10) {
            for (var i=0; i<=hs; i++) {
        } else {
            for (var i=1; i<=10; i++) {
                // bins.push(i*hs/10);
                // bins.push(Math.round(i*hs/10));

        for (var i=0; i<app.games.length; i++) {
            s = app.games[i][property]
            for (var j=0; j<bins.length; j++) {
                if (Math.round(s*10)/10 <= bins[j]) {
        return {
            labels: bins,
            series: [data]

    function charts() {
        new Chartist.Bar('#scoreChart', histogram(app.highScoreSel, "winScore"), settings("winning score", "# of games"));
        new Chartist.Bar('#possibleScoreChart', histogram(app.highMaxScoreSel, "maxScore"), settings("possible score", "# of games"));
        new Chartist.Bar('#wordsFoundChart', histogram(app.highWordsSel, "numWordsPlayersFound"), settings("# of words found", "# of games"));
        new Chartist.Bar('#wordsPossibleChart', histogram(app.highMaxWordsSel, "maxWords"), settings("# of words possible", "# of games"));
        new Chartist.Bar('#percentFoundChart', histogram(app.highPercentSel, "percentFound"), settings("% of words found", "# of games"));
        new Chartist.Bar('#duplicatesChart', histogram(app.highDuplicatesSel, "duplicates"), settings("# of duplicate words", "# of games"));
        sizeHist = histogram({size: 7}, "size");
        sizeHist.labels = ["2x2", "3x3", "4x4", "5x5", "6x6", "7x7"];
        new Chartist.Bar('#boardSizeChart', sizeHist, settings("board size", "# of games"));
        // new Chartist.Bar('#numPlayersChart', histogram(app., "players".length), settings("# of players", "# of games"));
        new Chartist.Bar('#solveTimeChart', histogram(app.highSolveTimeSel, "secondsToSolve"), settings("computer solve time (sec)", "# of games"));

        if (app.updateCharts) {
            app.updateCharts = false;
    }, 250);
    {% if hasSel %}
    new Chartist.Bar('#scoreChart', {{ winScoreChart|safe }}, settings("winning score", "# of games"));
    new Chartist.Bar('#possibleScoreChart', {{ maxScoreChart|safe }}, settings("possible score", "# of games"));
    new Chartist.Bar('#wordsFoundChart', {{ maxWordsChart|safe }}, settings("# of words found", "# of games"));
    new Chartist.Bar('#wordsPossibleChart', {{ maxWordsChart|safe }}, settings("# of words possible", "# of games"));
    new Chartist.Bar('#percentFoundChart', {{ percentFoundChart|safe }}, settings("% of words found", "# of games"));
    new Chartist.Bar('#duplicatesChart', {{ duplicatesChart|safe }}, settings("# of duplicate words", "# of games"));
    new Chartist.Bar('#boardSizeChart', {{ sizeChart|safe }}, settings("board size", "# of games"));
    // new Chartist.Bar('#numPlayersChart', histogram(app., "players".length), settings("# of players", "# of games"));
    new Chartist.Bar('#solveTimeChart', {{ secondsToSolveChart|safe }}, settings("computer solve time (sec)", "# of games"));
    {% endif %}

{% include 'boggle/common.html' %}
{% include 'footer.html' %}