United States
a $1 game console that fits in 1 hand, with a program smaller than 1kB https://jjv.sh/ATinyGame
my personal website https://jjv.sh
A mini replica of the arcade stacker game!
aggregate live chat from twitch, youtube, etc. and forward commands between as needed. https://botbot.jjv.sh
Hugo + Owncast. Take control over your live stream video by running it yourself. Streaming + chat + static site out of the box.
Use SSH tunnels to access multiple devices through one public server and keep them connected with a cron job.
Enabling phone call management and home automation while preserving user privacy. https://johanv.net/answermator/
Vote for your favorite photo from a gallery of options! https://votephome.johanv.xyz/
My personal website's games section: https://games.jjv.sh/
Forward an RTMP livestream to owncast, twitch, youtube, etc. and aggregate all the chats into one chatroom. https://rtmp.johanv.net
many to many to many mindmap https://m2m2m.johanv.net/
lightweight text and audio streaming service https://asciiradio.johanv.xyz/
computer + calculator
a lock screen that is worse
A repo to manage the setup of my computers.