
J4 processor in verilog
DOCS(jl): docs
TEST(jl): remainder of alu operations
TASK(jl): subroutine call/ret


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#j4 cpu

implementation of a stack-backed, forth-oriented cpu à la bowman, koopman.

#memory map

16-bit word size

                    v          v
0xffff ++=====++ ---+----------+-
       ||     ||    |          |
       ||     ||  v | readable |
0x1fff +-------+ -+-+-         |
       ||     ||  | ^          |
       ||     ||  |            |
       ||     ||  |            |
       ||     ||  |            | writable
       ||     ||  |            |
       ||     ||  | program    |
       ||     ||  |            |
       ||     ||  |            |
       ||     ||  |            |
       ||     ||  |            |
       ||     ||  |            |
0x0000 ++=====++ -+------------+-
                  ^            ^

#instruction encoding

encoding meaning
1nnn_nnnn_nnnn_nnnn 15-bit literal n
000p_pppp_pppp_pppp unconditoinal jump to 13-bit pointer p
001p_pppp_pppp_pppp conditional jump to 13-bit pointer p
010p_pppp_pppp_pppp call 13-bit pointer p
011x_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx alu encoding


user register use
T top element of data stack
N second element of data stack
R top element of return stack
system register use
dsp pointer to top of data stack
rsp pointer to top of return stack
pc program counter

#ALU instruction encoding

ALU instructions are composed of 7 fields

bit(s) field meaning
15-13 constant 011 prefix; see instruction encoding
12 R→PC copy R to PC (i.e., return from subroutine)
11-8 T' alu operation; see below
7 N→T copy N to T
6 T→R copy T to R
5 N→[T] copy N to *T
4 unused
3-2 rstack stack delta¹
1-0 dstack stack delta¹
alu operation² meaning
0000 NOP
0001 N → T
0010 T + N → T
0011 T & N → T
0100 T N → T
0101 T ^ N → T
0110 ~T → T
0111 T == N → T
1000 N s< T → T (signed compare)
1001 T >> 1 → T
1010 T - 1 → T
1011 R → T
1100 *T → T
1101 T << 1 → T
1110 {rsp, dsp} → T (e.g. stack depths)
1111 N u< R → T (unsigned compare)

¹ the stack delta is a 2-bit number treated as a 4-bit 'signed' number; 00 +0, 01 +1, 10 -2, 11 -1.

² all arithmetic operations are bit-wise.


  1. Bowman: J1: a small Forth CPU Core for FPGAs
  2. Koopman: Stack Computers: the new wave