
47637e9f68c3a7b79512227f3608b8a122f58c9e — Jeremiah LaRocco 1 year, 2 months ago 727d11d
Remove swank calls. A little code cleanup.  Add some doc coments.
3 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

M bluez.lisp
M dbus-tools.asd
M dbus-tools.lisp
M bluez.lisp => bluez.lisp +40 -27
@@ 27,35 27,40 @@
        :when (has-interface device interface)
          :return device))

(defun volume-up (&optional (device-path (managed-object-name
                                          (first-bt-with-interface "org.bluez.MediaControl1"))))

(defun volume-up (&key
                    (steps 1)
                    (device-path (managed-object-name
                                  (first-bt-with-interface "org.bluez.MediaControl1"))))
  "Execute VolumeUp method one or more times on a org.bluez.MediaControl1 object."
  (dbus:with-open-bus (bus (get-bus :system))
    (dbus:invoke-method (dbus:bus-connection bus)
                        :path device-path
                        :interface "org.bluez.MediaControl1"
                        :destination "org.bluez")))

(defun volume-down (&optional (device-path (managed-object-name
                                            (first-bt-with-interface "org.bluez.MediaControl1"))))

    (dotimes (i steps)
      (dbus:invoke-method (dbus:bus-connection bus)
                          :path device-path
                          :interface "org.bluez.MediaControl1"
                          :destination "org.bluez"))))

(defun volume-down (&key
                      (steps 1)
                      (device-path (managed-object-name
                                    (first-bt-with-interface "org.bluez.MediaControl1"))))
  "Execute VolumeDown method one or more times on a org.bluez.MediaControl1 object."
  (dbus:with-open-bus (bus (get-bus :system))
    (dbus:invoke-method (dbus:bus-connection bus)
                        :path device-path
                        :interface "org.bluez.MediaControl1"
                        :destination "org.bluez")))
    (dotimes (i steps)
      (dbus:invoke-method (dbus:bus-connection bus)
                          :path device-path
                          :interface "org.bluez.MediaControl1"
                          :destination "org.bluez"))))

(defun list-bt-objects ()

  "List all org.bluez managed objects."
  (dbus:with-open-bus (bus (get-bus :system))
    (dbus:get-managed-objects bus "org.bluez" "/")))

(defun is-bt-device (object)
   (managed-object-name object)))
  "Test if object looks like a bluetooth device."
  (has-interface object "org.bluez.Device1"))

(defun is-bt-service (object)

@@ 98,9 103,17 @@
    :for device :in (list-bt-devices)
    :when (has-interface device "org.bluez.Battery1")
      :collect (cons (dbus-tools::managed-object-name device)
                     (dbus-tools:get-all-properties :system
                                                    (managed-object-name device)
    :for is-connected = (find-value (find-value (managed-object-value device)
    :for is-paired = (find-value (find-value (managed-object-value device)
    :when  (and (or is-paired
                (has-interface device "org.bluez.Battery1"))
      :collect (cons device
                     (get-all-properties :system
                                         (managed-object-name device)

M dbus-tools.asd => dbus-tools.asd +1 -1
@@ 20,7 20,7 @@
  :license  "ISC"
  :version "0.0.1"
  :serial t
  :depends-on (#:j-utils #:alexandria #:dbus #:cxml #:xpath)
  :depends-on (#:alexandria #:dbus #:cxml #:xpath)
  :components ((:file "package")
               (:file "dbus-tools")
               (:file "bluez"))

M dbus-tools.lisp => dbus-tools.lisp +3 -1
@@ 143,13 143,15 @@ For example (list-paths-at :system \:org.bluez\" \"/\") -> (\"/org\")"
                        :interface interface
                        :destination service)))

(defparameter *inspect-function* #'inspect)
(defun inspect-introspected-object (which-bus service object)
  "Open an instrospected object in the Slime Inspector."
  (declare (type bus-type which-bus)
           (type string service object))
  (dbus:with-open-bus (bus (get-bus which-bus))
    (let ((obj (dbus:make-object-from-introspection (dbus:bus-connection bus) object service)))
      (swank:inspect-in-emacs obj))))

      (funcall *inspect-function* obj))))

(defun list-interfaces (which-bus service object)
  "List all interfaces that object satisfies."