
Emacs mode for editing Algol 68 programs
2a191fae — Jose E. Marchesi 7 days ago
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2f44c1d1 — Jose E. Marchesi 10 days ago
.gitignore: *!
1e5314cd — Jose E. Marchesi 10 days ago
a68--pretty-print-bold-tags: pass `end' to re-search-forward


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#a68-mode -- Algol68 major mode

This mode fully supports automatic indentation and font locking (i.e. syntax highlighting) including the three comment styles.

a68-mode supports only the UPPER stropping style and not the QUOTE or POINT style.

A minor mode a68-pretty-bold-tags-mode is provided that, when active, makes bold tags in the buffer appear in lower case and styled according to the a68-bold-tag-face. This allows to show bold tags as underlined, or bold, or whatever other visual characteristic that can be configured in an Emacs face.

A minor mode a68-auto-stropping-mode is provided that, when active, applies upper stropping automatically as you type, to both keywords and mode indicators defined in the current buffer.

#Manual installation

Just put a68-mode.el somewhere in your load-path and require it. Or visit the file with Emacs and M-x package-install-file RET.


The following variables are available for customization:

  • a68-indent-level (default 3): indentation offset
  • a68-comment-style (default "#"): the default comment style used by e.g. comment-dwim.

see M-x customize-group a68 RET for more info.

#Known issues

It doesn't handle well shebangs: #! is taken as the start of the comment up to the next #.

#Little history of this code

Jose E. Marchesi wrote the first version of a68-mode.el.

At some point someone got a copy of a68-mode.el, renamed it to algol-mode.el and distributed it in github.

Then Omar Polo forked algol-mode.el, renaming it back to a68-mode.el.

Finally at some point Jose decided to ditch his original version and start using and maintain Omar's version instead.

This is that copy.

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