
An extremely simple static blog generator made in Haskell
8f54b120 — Jelle Hermsen 1 year, 8 months ago
Remove Template Haskell dependency
bd023b74 — Jelle Hermsen 2 years ago
Version 0.7.0, improved RSS generation
4b138203 — Jelle Hermsen 2 years ago
Merge branch 'fix/relative-rss-links'



You can also use your local clone with git send-email.


An extremely simple static blog generator made in Haskell, licensed under BSD3


Make sure you have ghc and cabal installed.

You can install this using:

cabal install


Initialize your blog inside an empty directory:

hasclunk init

Generate your blog (result will go into website/)

hasclunk build

#Writing posts

You can write posts by simply putting files in the posts directory. Add the date in front like so: 2015-07-14-teaser-post.md

By default HasClunk uses Pandoc to generate html from your source files, but you could use any kind of system you like. Just modify the config file and change the "convert" line. You can also change the "extension" line to specify the the file extension of the posts/pages. This defaults to ".md".

At the top of your post you should include an html comment that gives some metadata. HasClunk will take this data from the generated html, so you can do whatever trickery is needed to get it out of your source format. In markdown you can simply add an html comment on top:

title: Hello world
categories: categoryName

If you want you can also add a description to the metadata. If you want to you can use the {meta_description} tag in your template. It will be replaced with the description given for the post.

You can use {base_url} in posts to indicate your blog's url defined in your config.

#Writing pages

Writing new pages is mostly like writing posts, with the exceptions that you don't need to tag the date on front, and you don't need to include categories in the metadata.

#Modifying the template

HasClunk has two template files, template/header.html and template/footer.html. All the generated html files will get smacked between these two files.

You can use {base_url} in these template files to refer to the url in your config. There's also {title} you can drop in. These will get automatically replaced during the build process. The title tag is always replaced with the title given in the config. You can also use {head_title} and this gets replaced with either the main blog title from the config, or the current post or page title.

You can use {page_type} inside you header.html. It will be replaced with the type of page you're currently visiting. You can use it for example in <body class="{page_type}"> to be able to add page-specific css trickery. The possible values for page_type are: index, category, post and archive.

You can also use {page_name}. This will be replaced with the file name (without the extension). You can use this to do even more css based filtering.


Usage:: hasclunk [OPTION]

HasClunk is a tiny, dependency light static blog generator.
  init        initializes the blog, you should use this in an empty directory
  build       builds your blog, blows away website/ in the process and
                puts everything there
  --version   shows the HasClunk version
  --help      the current help message

HasClunk generates a couple of directories for all your blogging pleasure:
  assets      this is where you put all your images/css/js and stuff
                it is recursively copied to website/assets. By default the
                css resides here.
  pages       you can put all your pages here, like contact, or posts you
                don't want to have visible inside your website. In order
                for people to see them, you have to link to them manually
                in the template, or from other pages/posts.
  posts       here you put all your posts, in the following format:
                YEAR-month-day-postname, i.e: 2015-07-21-Hello_World.md
  template    the heart and soul of the (cough) templating system,
                the generator takes header.html and footer.html from this
                directory and smacks your posts and pages in between
  website     this is where your generated website is put, each time you
                launch "build" it will blow away this directory

HasClunk generates a couple of files for your bloggy goodness:
  assets/style.css     the default css file
  config               the configuration file, read more below about this
  template/header.html the template header
  template/footer.html the template footer
  pages/contact.md     an example page
  posts/2022-08-03-hello-world.md example post (to show pagination)
  posts/2022-07-03-hello-world.md example post (to show pagination)
  posts/2022-06-03-hello-world.md example post (to show pagination)
  posts/2022-05-03-hello-world.md example post (to show pagination)
  posts/2022-04-03-hello-world.md example post (to show pagination)
  posts/2022-03-03-hello-world.md example post (to show pagination)
  posts/2022-02-03-hello-world.md example post (to show pagination)
  posts/2022-01-03-hello-world.md example post (to show pagination)

The configuration file has the following mandatory properties:
  posts_on_home   The amount of posts shown on the homepage
  convert         The shell command used to convert/move your posts by default 
                   is assumes you use markdown and it uses pandoc to convert
                   them to html, but you could even use a headless libreoffice
                   and convert your odt, if that tickles your fancy :-)
  url             The base-url of the website (mind the trailing /)
  title           The weblog title (for usage in RSS)
  description     The description for your blog. This is used in the RSS feed.

These configuration properties are optional:
  paginate        Whether your blog page should paginate. showing next /
                  previous links ans splitting the blog posts up using
                  posts_on_home. (default is 1).
  extension       Extension use for your content files (default is .md)
  show_categories Use 0 if you want to hide post categories (default is 1).
  home_is_page    Use 1 use a static page as your home (default is 0).
                   The blog index will be moved to /blog.html.
                   You can put the static home's contents in pages/home.md

  i8n_archive     Translation for "Archive"
  i8n_category    Translation for "Category:"
  i8n_categories  Translation for "Categories"
  i8n_filed_under Translation for "Filed under:"
  i8n_posts       Translation for "Posts"
  i8n_readmore    Translation for "Read more..."

Posts need the following metadata on top in an html comment:
title: Post Title
categories: cat1, cat2, cat3

Pages need the following metadata on top in an html comment:
title: Page title
Do not follow this link