
Seamless navigation between Sway windows and (Neo)Vim splits with the same key bindings
Address lingering TODOs
Fix error starting server
Work with nvim 0.9's TUI as external process


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Seamless navigation between Sway windows and (Neo)Vim splits with the same key bindings.

Inspired by vim-tmux-navigator.


  • Vim built with +clientserver (check with vim --version), or Neovim
  • jq


First, install this repository as a Vim plugin. For example, if you use vim-plug:

Plug 'https://git.sr.ht/~jcc/vim-sway-nav'

Second, download the vim-sway-nav script and stick it somewhere in your $PATH.

Finally, modify your Sway config to use vim-sway-nav instead of your normal focus left, focus down, etc. bindings:

bindsym $mod+$left exec vim-sway-nav left
bindsym $mod+$down exec vim-sway-nav down
bindsym $mod+$up exec vim-sway-nav up
bindsym $mod+$right exec vim-sway-nav right

You can now use $mod+<arrow> to navigate among Sway windows and Vim splits!


Contributions are welcome! You can send questions, bug reports, patches, etc. by email to ~jcc/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht. (Don't know how to contribute via email? Check out the interactive tutorial at git-send-email.io, or email me for help.)

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