
A swaybar status command that allows each section of the bar to update independently
Enable reloading config while running
Create update chan as part of block


browse  log 



You can also use your local clone with git send-email.



swaybar-commander is a swaybar status command that allows each section of the bar to update independently. Each section updates at a regular frequency, and additional updates can be requested on-demand via a helper command and/or a background script. The sections are configured in a simple TOML file and can take advantage of the swaybar-protocol.


See swaybar-commander(1).


First, ensure that you have the required dependencies installed:

Then compile the binary and its documentation:

$ make

And install it as root:

# make install

#Sample Blocks

Sample blocks (sections of the bar) can be found in sample-blocks.md


Contributions are welcome! You can send questions, bug reports, patches, etc. by email to ~jcc/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht. (Don't know how to contribute via email? Check out the interactive tutorial at git-send-email.io, or email me for help.)