
Web dashboard to analyze keyboard usage, focused on custom firmware
Guess finger assignments based on key position
Guess hand assignments based on key position
Position keys based on positions from QMK info


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You can also use your local clone with git send-email.


Web dashboard to analyze keyboard usage, focused on custom firmware. (Currently only QMK is supported, but I'd love to see contributions adding support for more firmwares.)

Try it out at kbd.jasoncarloscox.com!

Project hub: sr.ht/~jcc/kbd-analyzer
Mailing list: lists.sr.ht/~jcc/kbd-analyzer
Ticket tracker: todo.sr.ht/~jcc/kbd-analyzer


Contributions are welcome! Follow the development setup instructions below to get started. Make sure you lint (yarn lint) and run tests (yarn test) before submitting a patch. And if you add any dependencies, run yarn licenses generate-disclaimer >dep-licenses.txt as well.

Once you've finished coding, send patches by email to ~jcc/kbd-analyzer@lists.sr.ht. Not used to contributing via email? Check out the interactive tutorial at git-send-email.io.

You're also welcome to push your code to a public repository and send a link to the mailing list, or just email me for help.

#Getting support

Send questions or other discussions to the mailing list at ~jcc/kbd-analyzer@lists.sr.ht.

File bug reports or feature requests by emailing ~jcc/kbd-analyzer@todo.sr.ht or online at todo.sr.ht/~jcc/kbd-analyzer/.

#Development setup

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://git.sr.ht/~jcc/kbd-analyzer
  2. Run yarn inside the source directory. (Use yarn v1.)
  3. Use yarn dev to run a local version of the app. (You can also use yarn build to build the production version -- it's just a bunch of static files in build/.)
  4. Run the linter (yarn lint) and tests (yarn test) to ensure your code changes are in good shape.


precondition's QMK heatmap generator was a big inspiration for this project. And, of course, this project is built using tons of other open source software -- see their licenses in dep-licenses.txt.

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