update readme
fix struct name to prevent name repetition
add build status
exp2pat converts XML exports from Winlink Express to the b2f format that is sent over the air. This is also the format Pat uses to store mail in the inbox.
exp2pat takes the xml file on stdin and writes out one b2f file for each message to the directory it's run from.
$ cat express-export.xml | ./exp2pat
You can copy the resulting files to your Pat inbox directory and they'll show up.
Make sure Go is installed on your machine, clone this repo, and run "go build". Alternatively:
go install git.sr.ht/~jboverfelt/exp2pat@latest
This is a work in progress and something I made because I wanted it. You can submit patches to the mailing list and I'll most likely review them.
You can also report issues and ask questions on the mailing list.