
6f95b4a607da4038ae5a70da8f30d90f422c8975 — James Brind 11 months ago b7056ff
2 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

M clusterfunc.py
M test_clusterfunc.py
M clusterfunc.py => clusterfunc.py +31 -6
@@ 55,6 55,9 @@ def unit_fixed_N(Dmin, Dmax, ERmax, N, check=True):
        4) Not enough points to reach unit length at full stretch

    if N < 2:
        raise ClusteringException(f'Need at least two points to cluster, N={N}')

    if Dmax <= Dmin:
        raise ClusteringException(f'Dmax={Dmax} should be > Dmin={Dmin}')

@@ 76,25 79,29 @@ def unit_fixed_N(Dmin, Dmax, ERmax, N, check=True):
        f'Not enough points N={N} to reach unit length for ERmax={ERmax}, Dmin={Dmin}, regardless of Dmax., L={Lfull}, Nfull={Nfull}'

    # Assume we do not need to cap the spacing
    # What expansion ratio is needed, and what is the max spacing?
    Nm1, Nm2, Nm3 = N-1, N-2, N-3
    Np1 = N+1
    Nm1Nm2 = Nm1*Nm2
    def _iter_ER(ERi):
        y = ERi - 1. + Dmin*(1.-ERi**Nm1)
        dy = 1. - Dmin*Nm1*ERi**Nm2
        d2y = -Dmin*Nm1Nm2*ERi**Nm3
        return y, dy, d2y
        # y = ERi - 1. + Dmin*(1.-ERi**Nm1)
        # dy = 1. - Dmin*Nm1*ERi**Nm2
        # d2y = -Dmin*Nm1Nm2*ERi**Nm3
        y = Dmin*(1.-ERi**Nm1)/(1.-ERi) - 1.
        dy = Dmin*(Nm2*ERi**Np1 - Nm1*ERi**N + ERi**2)/(1.-ERi)**2/ERi**2
        return y, dy#, d2y

    # If we cannot reach irregardless of capping, give up
    # print(N,_iter_ER(ERmax)[0])
    # quit()
    if _iter_ER(ERmax)[0] > 0.:
        raise ClusteringException(
        f'Insufficient points N={N} to reach unit length with Dmin={Dmin}, ERmax={ERmax}, no capping to Dmax needed.'

    # Find root 
    soln = root_scalar(_iter_ER, x0=ERmax, fprime2=True, maxiter=200)
    soln = root_scalar(_iter_ER, x0=ERmax, fprime=True, maxiter=200)
    assert soln.converged
    ERnocap = soln.root
    Dnocap = Dmin*ERnocap**Nm2

@@ 194,7 201,25 @@ def unit_free_N(Dmin, Dmax, ERmax, mult=8, check=True):
    return x

def fixed_N(x0, x1, Dmin, Dmax, ERmax, N, check=True):
    """Single-sided clustering between two values with with fixed number of points."""
    return x0 + (x1-x0) * unit_fixed_N(Dmin, Dmax, ERmax, N, check)

def free_N(x0, x1, Dmin, Dmax, ERmax, mult=8, check=True):
    """Single-sided clustering between two values with with free number of points."""
    dx = x1-x0
    return x0 + (x1-x0) * unit_free_N(Dmin/dx, Dmax/dx, ERmax, mult, check)

def symmetric_unit_fixed_N(Dmin, Dmax, ERmax, N, check=True):
    Na = N//2
    Nb = N - Na + 1
    xa = fixed_N(0., 0.5, Dmin, Dmax, ERmax, Na, check)
    xb = np.flip(fixed_N(1., 0.5, Dmin, Dmax, ERmax, Na, check))
    x = np.concatenate((xa, xb[1:]))
    assert len(x) == N

def cumsum0(x, axis=None):
    return np.insert(np.cumsum(x, axis=axis), 0, 0.0, axis=axis)

# symmetric_unit_fixed_N(1e-3,1e-2, 1.2, 1000)

M test_clusterfunc.py => test_clusterfunc.py +9 -0
@@ 21,6 21,15 @@ def test_cluster():
                for N in range(Nmin,Nmax+1):
                    clusterfunc.unit_fixed_N(Dmin, Dmax, ER, N)

def test_unif():

    N = np.arange(2, 101).astype(int)
    Dmax = 2.
    ER = 1.2
    for n in N:
        Dmin = 1./(n-1)
        clusterfunc.unit_fixed_N(Dmin, Dmax, ER, n)

if __name__=='__main__':
    # test_unif()