@@ 63,8 63,6 @@ def normalised_N_fixed(Dst, Dmax, ERmax, N, check=True):
# Number of points for uniform spacing at Dst
Nunif = np.ceil(1./Dst)
- print(N1a, N1b, N, L1a)
if N > Nunif:
raise ClusteringException(
f'Too many points N={N} for a uniform spacing of Dst={Dst}.'
@@ 156,6 154,34 @@ def normalised_N_fixed(Dst, Dmax, ERmax, N, check=True):
return x
+def normalised_N_free(Dst, Dmax, ERmax, mult=8, check=True):
+ # Find high and low guesses for n, N = mult*n + 1
+ nlow = np.round(1./Dmax/mult).astype(int)
+ nhigh = np.round(1./Dst/mult).astype(int)
+ # Loop until converged
+ while nhigh-nlow > 1:
+ # Bisect high and low guesses
+ nnew = (nhigh+nlow)//2
+ Nnew = nnew * mult + 1
+ # Attempt to cluster
+ try:
+ x = normalised_N_fixed(Dst, Dmax, ERmax, Nnew, check=False)
+ # new n is valid, use as high limiit
+ nhigh = nnew
+ except ClusteringException:
+ # new n is not valid, use as low limiit
+ nlow = nnew
+ if check:
+ check_normalised(x, Dst, Dmax, ERmax)
+ return x
def cumsum0(x, axis=None):
return np.insert(np.cumsum(x, axis=axis), 0, 0.0, axis=axis)
@@ 169,19 195,21 @@ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Dst = 0.001
Dmax = 0.08
ER = 1.1
-N = 56
+N = 57
-xx = normalised_N_fixed(Dst, Dmax, ER, N)
+x1 = normalised_N_fixed(Dst, Dmax, ER, N)
+x2 = normalised_N_free(Dst, Dmax, ER)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
-fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+# fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+# ax.set_title('dx')
+# ax.plot(np.diff(xx),'k-x')
+# plt.show()
# fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# ax.plot(dx,'k-x')