
5de93337784905c62ed21200db7e3193a2389164 — Jasper den Ouden 4 years ago 09d9d85
Every other program has the method as first argument. Changed knockoff to do the same
3 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

M Makefile
M src/inbuild.lua
M Makefile => Makefile +16 -16
@@ 34,33 34,33 @@ test/%: test/%.lua
	lua $<

test_argv_empty: test/argv/empty.lua knockoff
	./knockoff $< > /dev/null
	./knockoff watch $< > /dev/null

test_argv_ab: test/argv/ab.lua knockoff
	./knockoff $< -a yes -b 2 > /dev/null
	./knockoff -a yes $< -b 2 > /dev/null
	./knockoff -a yes -b 2 $< > /dev/null
	./knockoff -a -b 2 $< > /dev/null
	./knockoff watch $< -a yes -b 2 > /dev/null
	./knockoff watch -a yes $< -b 2 > /dev/null
	./knockoff watch -a yes -b 2 $< > /dev/null
	./knockoff watch -a -b 2 $< > /dev/null

KO_PORTS_A != ./knockoff examples/simple_choose ports A
KO_PORTS_B != ./knockoff examples/simple_choose ports B
KO_PORTS_A != ./knockoff ports examples/simple_choose A
KO_PORTS_B != ./knockoff ports examples/simple_choose B
test_examples/simple_choose_A: knockoff
	./knockoff examples/simple_choose simulate $(KO_PORTS_A) -args
	./knockoff simulate examples/simple_choose $(KO_PORTS_A) -args
test_examples/simple_choose_B: knockoff
	./knockoff examples/simple_choose simulate $(KO_PORTS_B) -args
	./knockoff simulate examples/simple_choose $(KO_PORTS_B) -args

KO_PORTS_SIMPLE != ./knockoff examples/simple ports
KO_PORTS_SIMPLE != ./knockoff ports examples/simple
test_examples/simple: knockoff
	./knockoff examples/simple simulate $(KO_PORTS_SIMPLE) -args
	./knockoff simulate examples/simple $(KO_PORTS_SIMPLE) -args

KO_PORTS_SHA2 != ./knockoff examples/sha2 ports
KO_PORTS_SHA2 != ./knockoff ports examples/sha2
test_examples/sha2: knockoff
	./knockoff examples/sha2 simulate $(KO_PORTS_SHA2) -args
	./knockoff simulate examples/sha2 $(KO_PORTS_SHA2) -args

	./knockoff examples/sha2 script test.address -args > /dev/null
	./knockoff examples/simple script test.address -args > /dev/null
	./knockoff examples/simple_choose script test.address A -args > /dev/null
	./knockoff script examples/sha2 test.address -args > /dev/null
	./knockoff script examples/simple test.address -args > /dev/null
	./knockoff script examples/simple_choose test.address A -args > /dev/null

test_examples: test_examples/simple_choose_A test_examples/simple_choose_A \
	test_examples/simple test_examples/sha2

M README.md => README.md +5 -5
@@ 34,7 34,7 @@ On *both* the server and knocker side,

    cp /etc/knockoff/examples/sha2.lua /etc/knockoff/$SERVERNAME.lua

Change `local secret` value to the secret you agreed on.
Change `local secret = ..` value to the secret you agreed on.

Change the element in the
`interfaces` list to the interface you want to sniff of the current device.

@@ 46,11 46,11 @@ Change the element in the
(in `$SERVERNAME.lua`)Change the `local port` value  to the port you need open,
or just change the `success` function directly.

To run the knocking-sniffer, as root, `knockoff $SERVERNAME -v 2`
To run the knocking-sniffer, as root, `knockoff watch $SERVERNAME -v 2`
(`-v` just increases verbosity somewhat)

## Client side
To knock the server: `knockoff $SERVERNAME knock $IP`, and then within ten
To knock the server: `knockoff knock $SERVERNAME $IP`, and then within ten
seconds connect.

# Other options

@@ 61,8 61,8 @@ There is support for different events after a knock. The above assumes the
end-event is simply `success`. For instance `example/simple_choose.lua` has
multiple outcomes, `A` and `B`, i.e.

    ./knockoff example/simple_choose knock $ip A  # Trigger A
    ./knockoff example/simple_choose ports B  # Show port sequence for B.
    ./knockoff knock example/simple_choose $ip A  # Trigger A
    ./knockoff ports example/simple_choose B  # Show port sequence for B.

See `doc/features.md` for more other options. (todo list of some which don't
exist yet)

M src/inbuild.lua => src/inbuild.lua +12 -10
@@ 104,19 104,20 @@ elseif args[1] == 'version' or args.version then

if args[1] and string.match(args[1], "^.+[.]lua$") then
    args.config_file = args[1]
    args.config_file = include_file(args[1])
if args[2] and string.match(args[2], "^.+[.]lua$") then
    -- .lua indicates local file!
    args.config_file = args[2]
else  -- Otherwise, figure out the file.
    args.config_file = include_file(args[2])
    if not args.config_file then
        log(0, "Configuration %s doesnt exist.", args[1])
        log(0, "Configuration %s doesnt exist.", args[2])
        env.dont_run = true

env.include = include
env.include_file  = include_file
env.include_file = include_file

function env.seq(name)
    local got = include("seqs/" .. name)

@@ 169,6 170,7 @@ function  env.mk_watcher(definitions)
        if rawget(own_ips_dict, dst) then  -- Some `rawget`/`rawset` for speed.
            log(2, "%s" .. string.rep("\t%s", 6),
                t, proto, src, sport, dst, dport, dlen)

            local cur = rawget(active, src)
            if not cur then
                cur = initial_maybe_new(start,

@@ 373,17 375,17 @@ local commands = {

local fun = commands[args[2]]
if fun then
local fun = commands[args[1]]
if fun then  -- Various functions other than the listener loop.
    local success, err_msg = pcall(fun)
    if not success then
        log(0, "ERR: %s", err_msg)
elseif args[2]=='watch' or args[2]==nil then
elseif args[1]=='watch' then  -- The listening loop.
    watcher = type(watcher)=='table' and watcher.watcher or watcher
else  -- TODO suggest what it could be?
    log(0, "%s is not any of the commands. (try `knockoff help`)", args[2])
    log(0, "%s is not any of the commands. (try `knockoff help`)", args[1])