
1ab94a766a36061cc7d521ac72fef5f30ec55e23 — Jan Baudisch 4 years ago 29b9f1a
add git-mirror-auto
M README.md => README.md +39 -7
@@ 33,15 33,18 @@ Move it to the bindir:
sudo mv git-mirror /usr/bin/git-mirror

If you also want to use the `git-mirror-auto` script and Systemd timer, you also have to install these files using the same method.
Check your systems documentation on how to install Systemd files.

### Packages

I maintain a [copr repo][copr-url] for Fedora and EPEL.
I maintain a [copr repo][copr-url] for Fedora and CentOS.

## Usage

For details, see the manual page for `git-mirror(1)` or `git-mirror help`
For details, see the manual page for `git-mirror(1)` (and `git-mirror-auto(1)`) or `git-mirror help`.

There are two commands `setup` and `update`.
There are two commands - `setup` and `update` - as well as a batch-update script along with a Systemd timer.

### `setup`

@@ 61,6 64,19 @@ Fetches everything from the primary repository and then pushes it to the mirror.
git-mirror update path/to/directory

### `git-mirror-auto` and systemd

The `git-mirror-auto` script takes one directory to batch update all subdirectories using `git-mirror update`.
The directory to check is provided as a commandline argument or via the `UPDATE_DIRECTORY` environment variable.

There is also a Systemd timer provided: `git-mirror-auto.timer` (with the according service file).
It will run the `git-mirror-auto` script every 5 minutes.
To use this timer, set the directory to update in `/etc/git-mirror/git-mirror-auto.env` (default is `/var/git-mirror`) and enable the timer:

systemctl enable git-mirror-auto.timer

## Example Usage

### 1. Setup

@@ 68,18 84,34 @@ git-mirror update path/to/directory
Set up a new mirror directory.

git-mirror setup /var/data/some-mirror https://someserver.domain/user/tomirror git@someserver.domain/user/mirror
git-mirror setup /var/git-mirror/some-mirror https://someserver.domain/user/tomirror git@someserver.domain/user/mirror

### 2. Cronjob
### 2. (a) Systemd

Enable the timer:

systemctl enable git-mirror-auto.timer

### 2. (b) One cronjob for everything

Add a cronjob (e.g. with `crontab -e`) containing the following:

*/5 * * * * git-mirror update /var/data/some-mirror
*/5 * * * * git-mirror-auto /var/git-mirror

### 2. (c) One cronjob for each mirror

Add a cronjob (e.g. with `crontab -e`) containing the following for every mirror to update:

*/5 * * * * git-mirror update /var/git-mirror/some-mirror

This will update the mirror every 5 minutes.
This will update the mirror(s) every 5 minutes.

## In Action

A git-mirror-auto => git-mirror-auto +16 -0
@@ 0,0 1,16 @@

[ ! -z "$1" ] && UPDATE_DIRECTORY="$1"

[ -z "$UPDATE_DIRECTORY" ] && echo >&2 "No update path given." && exit 1

for directory in $(find "$UPDATE_DIRECTORY" -maxdepth 1 -type d)
    [ "$directory" = "$UPDATE_DIRECTORY" ] && continue

    echo "Updating $directory ..."

    git-mirror update "$directory"

    echo "Updated $directory."

A git-mirror-auto.1 => git-mirror-auto.1 +14 -0
@@ 0,0 1,14 @@
.TH man 1 "16 May 2020" "0.3.0" "git-mirror-auto man page"
git-mirror-auto \- automatic updater for git-mirror
.B git-mirror-auto
Batch updates all subdirectories.
.B path
\- path to check for batch updating subdirectories
Jan Baudisch (jan@baudisch.xyz)

A git-mirror-auto.env => git-mirror-auto.env +1 -0
@@ 0,0 1,1 @@

A git-mirror-auto.service => git-mirror-auto.service +8 -0
@@ 0,0 1,8 @@
Description=Automatic updater for git-mirror


A git-mirror-auto.timer => git-mirror-auto.timer +8 -0
@@ 0,0 1,8 @@
Description=Run git-mirror-auto every five minutes

