Upgrade to tokio 1.0, with request update, un-breaking auth.
Upgrade to tokio 0.3. This breaks authentication because
Upgrade dependencies to latest major versions, except tokio.
A Minecraft protocol-compatible server written from scratch in Rust.
Supports Minecraft version 1.16.1 (protocol version 736), including protocol compression, encryption, and authentication.
Most of the protocol infrastructure is there, so complete protocol support is mostly a matter of defining Play state packets with my handy macros. The protocol infrastructure is actually written bi-directionally and in theory should work as a protocol client as well, although that is not currently actively persued or tested.
The server will use protocol compression by default.
You can disable it by disabling the crate's compression
although disabling it would probably be pointless.
The compression threshold is 64 bytes.
The server will also use protocol encryption by default.
You can disable it by disabling the crate's encryption
To use encryption, you will need to a 1024-bit RSA keypair
and store it in DER format as private/pub.der
and private/priv.der
You can do that with OpenSSL using these comamnds:
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -aes256 -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:1024 -outform DER -out priv.der
openssl rsa -pubout -inform DER -in priv.der -outform DER -out pub.der
The server will run in 'online mode' by default,
which means only players authenticated with Mojang can connect.
You can disable it by disabling the crate's authentication
This feature also depends on the encryption
If you wish to set your server to 'offline mode', you will have to disable encryption as well. Although disabling authentication means that the server will allow unauthenticated clients to connect, the official client will disconnect from an encrypted server if it fails to authenticate with Mojang. To be able to connect to a server with authentication off and encryption on, you would either need to be logged in (which defeats the point) or use a modified client. To my knowedge, no such modified client currently exists.