ox-haunt 0.2 This is long overdue. A new stable release for `ox-haunt'! This release brings some awesome new features that I wasn't personally responsible for; you can thank bendersteed[1] for sending in a patch. Here's the changelog from that commit: - When using the subtree only flag in org-export, export the current subtree after checking if it or any of it's parents have the "EXPORT_FILE_NAME" property and that it is marked as DONE. Then parse title from heading, date from CLOSED or SCHEDULED state and tags from org-mode tags. - Add "A" binding in org-export UI to try and export all valid subtrees in current buffer. - Expose HAUNT_IMAGES_DIR as variable that handles where link images are to be saved. As always, cheers, and don't hesitate to shoot me an email if you run into any issues. [1]: https://bendersteed.tech/