
f6fa6d75b85e5bfa70c84292b9a9194e3fb2d686 — Jakob L. Kreuze 5 years ago 34a29d7
Remove `html-tidy' support.
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

M ox-haunt.el
M ox-haunt.el => ox-haunt.el +1 -29
@@ 57,17 57,6 @@
specified on a per-file basis with the 'HAUNT_BASE_DIR' keyword."
  :type 'string)

(defcustom ox-haunt-tidy-html nil
  "Whether or not to format the HTML output with the external
HTML Tidy tool. Requires that `ox-haunt-tidy-executable' names a
valid executable."
  :type 'boolean)

(defcustom ox-haunt-tidy-executable "tidy"
  "The name of the HTML Tidy executable. Will not be run unless
`ox-haunt-tidy-html' is non-nil."
  :type 'string)

(defcustom ox-haunt-recognized-metadata '(:title :date :tags)
  "A list of keywords to include in the Haunt metadata section."
  :type '(list symbol))

@@ 93,21 82,6 @@ valid executable."
  "Obtain the value of KEYWORD as a plaintext string."
  (org-export-data-with-backend (plist-get info keyword) 'ascii info))

(defun ox-haunt--tidy-html (html)
  "Return the result of running HTML tidy on the given markup."
  (let ((command (format "%s -q -w 0 --show-body-only yes"
      (insert html)
      (cl-flet ((silence (&rest args1) (ignore)))
        (advice-add 'message :around #'silence)
            (shell-command-on-region 1 (buffer-end +1)
          (advice-remove 'message #'silence)))

(defun ox-haunt-template (contents info)
  "Return complete document string after HTML conversion."

@@ 121,9 95,7 @@ valid executable."
   ;; Output the article contents.
   (if ox-haunt-tidy-html
       (ox-haunt--tidy-html contents)

(defun ox-haunt-export-as-html