
bd83688c8d78f61e534a57874b41a2d4cd3a42e2 — Anastasios Manganaris 2 years ago 2e5749d
Add option for extra haunt metadata per file


Thank you for making ox-haunt.el. I use some extra metadata to control
how my haunt website is organized. I modified ox-haunt to let me add
extra metadata to each file. Like this:

#+haunt_metadata: ((recent . t) (status . "Completed") (purpose . "Make
development with GNU Guix easier."))

Do you consider this a worthwhile feature? Does this change look

Tassos Manganaris
1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M ox-haunt.el
M ox-haunt.el => ox-haunt.el +3 -0
@@ 46,6 46,7 @@
    (template . ox-haunt-template))
  '((:tags "TAGS" nil nil)
    (:haunt-metadata "HAUNT_METADATA" nil nil)
    (:haunt-base-dir "HAUNT_BASE_DIR" nil ox-haunt-base-dir)
    (:haunt-images-dir "HAUNT_IMAGES_DIR" nil ox-haunt-images-dir)))

@@ 148,6 149,8 @@ INFO is the current state of the export process, as a plist."
         (insert (format "%s: %s\n"
                         (substring (symbol-name keyword) 1)
                         (ox-haunt--keyword-as-string info keyword)))))
     (dolist (p (read (ox-haunt--keyword-as-string info :haunt-metadata)))
       (insert (format "%s: %s\n" (car p) (cdr p))))
   ;; Output the article contents.