
4d585c51d5701b4d43c02db78c7032658cae47fd — Jakob L. Kreuze 2 years ago bd83688
Only handle `:haunt-metadata' when present
1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M ox-haunt.el
M ox-haunt.el => ox-haunt.el +6 -2
@@ 60,6 60,7 @@
This can be specified on a per-file basis with the 'HAUNT_BASE_DIR' keyword."
  :type 'string)

;; Notably, this excludes :haunt-metadata, which we handle separately.
(defcustom ox-haunt-recognized-metadata '(:title :date :tags)
  "A list of keywords to include in the Haunt metadata section."
  :type '(list symbol))

@@ 149,8 150,11 @@ INFO is the current state of the export process, as a plist."
         (insert (format "%s: %s\n"
                         (substring (symbol-name keyword) 1)
                         (ox-haunt--keyword-as-string info keyword)))))
     (dolist (p (read (ox-haunt--keyword-as-string info :haunt-metadata)))
       (insert (format "%s: %s\n" (car p) (cdr p))))
     ;; Handle :haunt-metadata, which we deliberately exclude from
     ;; `ox-haunt-recognized-metadata'.
     (when (plist-get info :haunt-metadata)
       (dolist (p (read (ox-haunt--keyword-as-string info :haunt-metadata)))
         (insert (format "%s: %s\n" (car p) (cdr p)))))
   ;; Output the article contents.