
2e5749d908fd097ac6bbdca7165a3c4eb0675a62 — Jakob L. Kreuze 4 years ago f3c8fda
Add 'Users' section to README.md
1 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M README.md => README.md +7 -0
@@ 16,3 16,10 @@ set by adding `#+HAUNT_BASE_DIR`, followed by the path, to your document, or by
setting `ox-haunt-base-dir`. When the base directory is set, `C-c C-e s h` will
export the Org buffer to a file in the 'posts/' subdirectory of the haunt base

## Users

- [Jakob's Personal Webpage](http://jakob.space/)
- [bendersteed.tech](https://bendersteed.tech/posts/migrating-from-hugo-to-haunt.html) (thanks for the kind comments!)

Would you like your blog listed here? Send a patch!