
dac324a63bc0e1645fb01ab56dc2dc0d1c98c9de — Jakob L. Kreuze 1 year, 3 months ago 802859a
[api] Identify comments based on clearnet/darknet
M README.md => README.md +6 -0
@@ 223,3 223,9 @@ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of 
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


## Static Assets

| Tor Logo   | haunt/static/tor.svg | The Tor Project, Inc. | [CC BY 3.0 US](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/deed.en) |
| I2P Logo   | haunt/static/i2p.svg | I2P Project           | [CC BY 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)              |

M haunt/api.scm => haunt/api.scm +4 -6
@@ 25,6 25,7 @@
             (jakob dynamic errors)
             (jakob dynamic logging)
             (jakob dynamic rate-limiter)
             (jakob dynamic util)
             (rnrs conditions)
             (rnrs exceptions)

@@ 54,12 55,9 @@

(define (clearnet-only handler)
  (lambda (request body)
    (let ((originating-ip (assoc-ref (request-headers request) 'x-forwarded-for)))
      (if (and (or (string-prefix? "127." originating-ip)
                   (string-suffix? ":1"   originating-ip))
               (not (%debug-enabled)))
          (panic "This API is only available on the clearnet." #:code 403)
          (handler request body)))))
    (if (and (from-darknet? request) (not (%debug-enabled)))
        (panic "This API is only available on the clearnet." #:code 403)
        (handler request body))))

(define (handle-api-request request body endpoint)
  "Route handler for the API server."

M haunt/jakob/dynamic/capabilities/comments.scm => haunt/jakob/dynamic/capabilities/comments.scm +18 -9
@@ 42,17 42,21 @@

This interface exists for dynamically generating the comment view from Haunt."
  (define (make-internal-comment~ . args)
    (let* ((args-needing-processing (take-right args 3))
    (let* ((args-needing-processing (take-right args 4))
           (approved (list-ref args-needing-processing 0))
           (approved (string->date approved "~Y~m~d ~H~M~S.~N"))
           (reactions (list-ref args-needing-processing 1))
           (reactions (if reactions
                          (with-input-from-string reactions read)
           (replies (list-ref args-needing-processing 2)))

           (originating-network (list-ref args-needing-processing 2))
           (replies (list-ref args-needing-processing 3)))
      (apply make-internal-comment
             (append (drop-right args 3) (list approved reactions replies)))))
             `(,@(drop-right args 4)
  (define (order-comments comments)
    (define seen (make-hash-table))
    (define (id comment) (first comment))

@@ 78,7 82,7 @@ This interface exists for dynamically generating the comment view from Haunt."
                   (hash-append! seen 'terminal parsed))
               (pass (cdr cur) initial-comments remaining)))))
    (pass comments comments '()))
  (let* ((query "SELECT id, name, subject, email, comment, url, approved, reactions, reply_to
  (let* ((query "SELECT id, name, subject, email, comment, url, approved, reactions, originating_network, reply_to
                 FROM comments WHERE slug = $1 and approved IS NOT NULL")
         (result (exec-query conn query (list slug))))
    (if (positive? (length result))

@@ 106,6 110,10 @@ This is a wrapper around `get-comments-by-slug'."

(define (put-comment request body)
  "API endpoint handler for submitting a comment"
  (define (request-originating-network request)
    (cond ((from-tor? request) "tor")
          ((from-i2p? request) "i2p")
          (else                "clearnet")))
  (define (valid-comment? form-data)
    (and (assoc "slug" form-data)
         (assoc "name" form-data)

@@ 124,9 132,9 @@ This is a wrapper around `get-comments-by-slug'."
              (string->number (assoc-value form-data "captcha-id"))))))
  (define (insert-comment form-data)
    (exec-query conn
                "INSERT INTO comments (submitted, slug, name, subject,
                                       email, url, comment, reply_to)
                 VALUES (now(), $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7);"
                "INSERT INTO comments (submitted, slug, name, subject, email,
                                       url, comment, reply_to, originating_network)
                 VALUES (now(), $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8);"
                (list (assoc-value form-data "slug")
                      (assoc-value form-data "name")
                      (assoc-value form-data "subject")

@@ 136,7 144,8 @@ This is a wrapper around `get-comments-by-slug'."
                      (if (and (assoc-value form-data "reply-to")
                               (positive? (string-length (assoc-value form-data "reply-to"))))
                          (assoc-value form-data "reply-to")
                      (request-originating-network request)))
    (values (build-response
             #:code 307
             #:headers '((Location . "https://jakob.space")))

M haunt/jakob/dynamic/capabilities/common.scm => haunt/jakob/dynamic/capabilities/common.scm +3 -1
@@ 31,6 31,7 @@

(define-json-mapping <internal-comment>

@@ 57,7 58,8 @@
               (vector->list x)))
   (lambda (x) (list->vector (map (lambda (y)
                               (json-string->scm (internal-comment->json y)))
  (originating-network internal-comment-originating-network))

(define (sort-comments comments)
  "Sort COMMENTS, a list of `<internal-comment>' chronologically"

M haunt/jakob/dynamic/schema-comments.sql => haunt/jakob/dynamic/schema-comments.sql +2 -1
@@ 9,7 9,8 @@ CREATE TABLE comments(
    url VARCHAR(100),
    comment VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL,
    reactions VARCHAR(1024),
    reply_to INT
    reply_to INT,
    originating_network VARCHAR(100)

-- Use `now' for `submitted'.

M haunt/jakob/dynamic/util.scm => haunt/jakob/dynamic/util.scm +22 -1
@@ 20,6 20,7 @@
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
  #:use-module (web request)
  #:use-module (web uri)
  #:export (assoc-value

@@ 27,7 28,10 @@

(define (assoc-value alist key)
  "Return the `car' of `(assoc alist key)' if truthy"

@@ 110,3 114,20 @@ to express my God-given constitutional rights!"
             (<= #x270A codepoint #x270D)
             (= codepoint #x1F37B)
             (= codepoint #x1F440)))))

(define (from-tor? request)
  "Return whether or not REQUEST was sent by the Tor daemon"
  (let ((originating-ip (assoc-ref (request-headers request) 'x-forwarded-for)))
    (or (string=? "" originating-ip)
        (string=? "::1" originating-ip))))

(define (from-i2p? request)
  "Return whether or not REQUEST was sent by i2pd"
  (let ((originating-ip (assoc-ref (request-headers request) 'x-forwarded-for)))
    (and (or (string-prefix? "127." originating-ip)
             (string-suffix? ":1" originating-ip))
         (not (from-tor? request)))))

(define (from-darknet? request)
  "Return whether or not REQUEST was sent by a darknet tunnel"
  (or (from-tor? request) (from-i2p? request)))

M haunt/jakob/utils/comments.scm => haunt/jakob/utils/comments.scm +12 -3
@@ 110,9 110,18 @@
            `(img (@ (class "comment-source-identifier")
                     (alt "Icon for comments posted externally and syndicated by Webmention")
                     (src "/static/image/webmention-logo.png")))
            `(img (@ (class "comment-source-identifier")
                     (alt "Icon for comments posted on jakob.space")
                     (src "/static/image/lambda.svg"))))
            (match (internal-comment-originating-network comment)
              ("tor" `(img (@ (class "comment-source-identifier")
                              (alt "Icon for comments posted on jakob.space via Tor;
The Tor logo belongs to The Tor Project, Inc. and is licensed under the CC BY 3.0 US")
                              (src "/static/image/lambda.svg"))))
              ("i2p" `(img (@ (class "comment-source-identifier")
                              (alt "Icon for comments posted on jakob.space via I2P;
The I2P logo belongs to The I2P Project, and is licensed under the CC BY 4.0")
                              (src "/static/image/lambda.svg"))))
              (_     `(img (@ (class "comment-source-identifier")
                              (alt "Icon for comments posted on jakob.space")
                              (src "/static/image/lambda.svg"))))))
       (div (@ (class "p-author h-card author"))
            (img (@ (class "u-photo") (src ,(comment-photo comment)))))
       (div (@ (class "metaline"))

A haunt/static/image/i2p.svg => haunt/static/image/i2p.svg +1 -0
@@ 0,0 1,1 @@
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="512" height="512"><path fill="#fff" d="M0 0v512h512V0H0z"/><path fill="#010101" d="M153 239c-19.3 10-36 24.8-54.3 36.5-9.8 8.3-25.3 12.6-28.7 26 10.3 23 37.5 34 53.6 53 23.2 14.8 12.4 37.4 10.8 58.5-.6 19.8 8 38.2 19.5 53.8 0 14-32 35-4 41 32-.2 63 1.3 95 0 19-6.4 41 2.6 61-2.3 23-1.2 47-.3 70-2.6 23-16-28-31-1.6-47 14-18 10.7-42 5.5-62 18-15 18.3-37 20-58 5-20 14-39 19-59-4-24-39-42-46-57 18-29 27-64 20-98-6.6-55-51-101-105-113-60-15-128 17-155.5 72.5-16 31-18 68.4-9.4 102 5.6 20.4 17 38 29.6 54.4z"/><path fill="#576e57" d="M328 25l1 1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M267 26l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#ffff01" d="M180 329l18 8c9.2-17.5 14.8-38.4 21.6-57 2.3-6.3 3.5-17 9.5-21.2 5-3.3 15-.5 20 0 11 1 24 .7 34-1.7 53-11 90-57 92-111 3-73-69-132-141-117-44 10-76 44-88 86-10 38 2 79 28 107 7 8 15 14 24 20 3.8 3 10 5 11 10 1.4 6-4.3 14-6 19-6 20-16.4 39-21.2 59z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M275 27l1 1-1-1m-39 1l1 1-1-1m-8 2l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M291 31l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M207 38l1 1-1-1zm105 2l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M313 40l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M320 44l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M321 45l1 1-1-1m-130 2l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M192 47l1 1-1-1zm-2 1l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M326 48l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M327 49l1 1-1-1"/><path fill="#9fc79f" d="M359 50l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M186 51l1 1-1-1m-1 1l1 1-1-1m-1 1l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M182 54l1 1-1-1m-1 1l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#9fc79f" d="M334 55l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M180 56l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M179 57l1 1-1-1m-1 1l1 1-1-1m-1 1l1 1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M176 60l1 1-1-1m-1 1l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M341 61l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M174 62l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M342 62l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M173 63l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M343 63l1 1-1-1m-171 1l1 1-1-1m172 0l1 1-1-1m-173 1l1 1-1-1m-1 1l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#010101" d="M299 75.5c-52.4 11-36.2 92.8 16 81.7 52.7-11.2 36.3-92.8-16-81.7z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M354 77l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M161 78l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#010101" d="M203 78.4c-42 5.6-52.3 62.7-12 80 7.5 3 18 2.6 26 1.4 48.6-7.5 34.8-87.8-14-81.4z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M289 78l1 1-1-1m35 0l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M355 78l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M221 80l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#9fc79f" d="M328 80l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M356 80l1 1-1-1zm-74 2l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M185 83l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M281 83l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M358 83l1 1-1-1m-174 1l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M228 84l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M280 84l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M359 84l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M182 85l1 1-1-1m48 0l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M334 85l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M359 85l1 1-1-1m-203 1l1 1-1-1m25 0l1 1-1-1m50 0l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M277 86l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M305 86l1 1-1-1zm30 0l1 1-1-1zm-103 1l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M276 87l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M283 134c3-6.3 4.8-9.4 10.2-11.7 15.7-7 24.5 8.4 22.8 21.7 38.8-11.2 14-72-22-54-4.3 2.3-8.2 6-11 10-3 4.5-5.2 9.5-5.7 15-.6 7 2.6 13 5.7 19z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M360 87l1 1-1-1m-205 1l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M178 88l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M276 88l1 1z"/><path fill="#576e57" d="M297 88l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M235 89l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M275 89l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#779375" d="M319 89l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#9fc79f" d="M201 90l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#FFF" d="M196 147c-2-8-3-15 3.4-21.8 10.5-11 28.7-3.6 30.6 10.8 9.5-9.4 6-29.2-3.2-37.7-12.5-11.8-32-10.4-43 2.7-3.6 4.5-5.2 9.2-6 15-.8 5.6.2 12 2.5 17 3.2 6.8 9 11.2 15.7 14z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M274 90l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#576e57" d="M320 90l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M175 91l1 1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M197 91l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#576e57" d="M215 91l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M273 91l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#9fc79f" d="M291 91l1 1-1-1zm-1 1l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M324 92l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M238 93l1 1-1-1m34 0l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#576e57" d="M288 93l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#95bb95" d="M289 93l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M325 93l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M173 94l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#9fc79f" d="M191 94l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#779375" d="M221 94l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M222 94l1 1-1-1"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M271 94l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#95bb95" d="M287 94l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#779375" d="M326 94l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M240 95l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#9fc79f" d="M286 95l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M364 95l1 1z"/><path fill="#9fc79f" d="M285 96l1 1-1-1zm-1 1l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#576e57" d="M126 99l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#9fc79f" d="M185 99l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M366 99l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M169 100l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#9fc79f" d="M184 100l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M345 100l1 1-1-1m21 0l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M149 101l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#9fc79f" d="M182 102l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M230 102l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M244 102l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M346 103l1 1-1-1zm-113 4l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M166 108l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M246 108l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#576e57" d="M278 108l1 1-1-1"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M369 108l1 1-1-1m-223 1l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#576e57" d="M178 109l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#95bb95" d="M234 110l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M372 117l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#576e57" d="M213 119l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#779375" d="M206 120l1 1-1-1"/><path fill="#9fc79f" d="M295 121l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#576e57" d="M304 121l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M221 122l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M143 123l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#9fc79f" d="M200 123l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#576e57" d="M223 123l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#9fc79f" d="M199 124l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#576e57" d="M224 124l1 1-1-1m54 0l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#9fc79f" d="M289 124l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#926a61" d="M310 124l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#95bb95" d="M311 124l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#9fc79f" d="M198 125l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M225 125l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M247 125l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M266 125l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#9fc79f" d="M312 125l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M166 130l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#9fc79f" d="M195 130l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#95bb95" d="M315 130l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#926a61" d="M179 131l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#9fc79f" d="M229 131l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#779375" d="M233 131l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#576e57" d="M281 131l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#95bb95" d="M284 131l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#9fc79f" d="M282 132l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M345 132l1 1-1-1m-178 1l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M180 133l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#576e57" d="M194 133l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M232 133l1 1-1-1zm-1 2l1 1-1-1"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M169 138l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M243 138l1 1-1-1m28 0l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M342 138l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#9fc79f" d="M169 139l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M243 139l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M272 139l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M325 139l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#9fc79f" d="M342 139l1 1-1-1m-100 1l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M273 141l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M274 142l1 1-1-1zm1 1l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M190 144l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M276 144l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#576e57" d="M192 145l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M237 146l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M175 147l1 1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M237 147l1 1-1-1m42 0l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M176 148l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M236 148l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M280 148l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M177 149l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M281 149l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M178 150l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M282 150l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M328 152l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M182 153l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M325 153l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M326 153l1 1-1-1"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M184 154l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M229 154l1 1-1-1"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M320 155l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M223 157l1 1-1-1m-32 1l1 1z"/><path fill="#9fc79f" d="M215 160l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M143 162l1 1zm226 15l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M367 183l1 1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M149 184l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M366 185l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M366 186l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#576e57" d="M390 187l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M364 190l1 1-1-1m-212 1l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M364 191l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M153 193l1 1-1-1m207 5l1 1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M156 199l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M157 200l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M359 200l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M359 201l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M161 207l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M355 207l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M162.3 208.7c-108.2 202.2-54 101 0 0z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M354 208l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M163 210l1 1-1-1m3 4l1 1-1-1m1 1l1 1-1-1m182 0l1 1-1-1m-181 1l1 1-1-1zm2 3l1 1-1-1m1 1l1 1-1-1m1 1l1 1-1-1m172 0l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M173 222l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M343 222l1 1-1-1m-1 1l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M175 224l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M341 224l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M176 225l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M177 226l1 1-1-1m1 1l1 1-1-1m1 1l1 1-1-1m158 0l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M180 229l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M336 229l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M181 230l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M334 230l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M335 230l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M182 231l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M184 232l1 1-1-1m1 1l1 1-1-1m1 1l1 1-1-1m1 1l1 1-1-1m3 2l1 1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M326 237l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M191 238l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M192 238l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M320 241l1 1-1-1m-1 1l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#5a081a" d="M334 248c-222.7 176-111.3 88 0 0z"/><path fill="#ff013d" d="M237 270c-8.5 16-15.4 36.6-20 54-1.4 5-6.3 11.7-5 17 3.2 12.8 17.2 22.5 29 25.6 22.3 5.8 48.2 7.5 70-1 4-1.6 9.7-3 12-6.8 2-3.6.8-9 1.2-12.8 1-10.2 6.5-18.5 16.8-21 0-9 1.7-18.7 8.5-25.5 4-4 10.2-6 14-1.2 9.8 12.3-3.6 27.7 12.5 36.7 13.8-29.4 26.3-75-15-88.7-5.2-1.8-11.4-4.7-17-4-10.3 1-22.7 14-32.4 18.6-22.3 10-50.6 14-74.6 9z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M199 243l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M315 244l1 1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M202 245l1 1-1-1z"/><path 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1-1-1z"/><path fill="#5a081a" d="M318 257l1 1-1-1zm-154.7 1.7c-109 169-54.4 84.4 0 0z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M205 258l1 1-1-1m23 0l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#5a081a" d="M161 259l1 1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M227 259l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#a30127" d="M160.3 260.7c-107 167.5-53.4 83.7 0 0z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M226 260l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#a30127" d="M154 263l1 1-1-1"/><path fill="#989801" d="M223 267l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#5a081a" d="M386 267l1 1-1-1m-198 1l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M201 268l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M223.3 268.7c-149 162.2-74.4 81 0 0z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M222 270c-148 161.3-74 80.7 0 0z"/><path fill="#5a081a" d="M236 270l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M200 271c-133.3 160.7-66.7 80.3 0 0z"/><path fill="#5a081a" d="M245 271l1 1-1-1"/><path fill="#a30127" d="M139 273l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#5a081a" d="M186.3 273.7c-124.2 159-62 79.4 0 0z"/><path fill="#a30127" d="M137 274l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M199 274l1 1-1-1z"/><path 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72 0 0z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M191.3 295.7c-127.5 144.2-63.7 72 0 0z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M213 295l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#a30127" d="M108 296l1 1-1-1m46.7.3c-103 143.8-51.6 72 0 0z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M213 296l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#a30127" d="M107 297l1 1z"/><path fill="#5a081a" d="M171.3 297.7c-114.2 143-57 71.4 0 0z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M191 297l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#a30127" d="M226 297l1 1-1-1m-119.7 1.7c-71 142.2-35.4 71 0 0z"/><path fill="#5a081a" d="M177 298l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M190.3 298.7c-127 142.2-63.4 71 0 0z"/><path fill="#5a081a" d="M173.7 299.3c-115.8 141.8-58 71 0 0z"/><path fill="#a30127" d="M176 299l1 1-1-1m-74 3c-68 140-34 70 0 0z"/><path fill="#5a081a" d="M147 302c1 1 1 1 0 0"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M188 304l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#989801" d="M210 304l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#6c6c02" d="M209 306l1 1-1-1z"/><path fill="#444b19" d="M208 312c-138.7 133.3-69.3 66.7 0 0z"/><path fill="#a30127" d="M106 312l1 1z"/><path 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