
Posters where each shape are unicode characters. They're distributed evenly on a grid then noise is applied to its rotation and size.
1b7c2e74 — Jag Talon 3 years ago
README: Add information on contributing
6c802a9b — Jag Talon 4 years ago
Use minified versions of the libraries.
7accef5d — Jag Talon 4 years ago
Move to cute-colors for now


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#Unicode Noise

Each shape in these posters are unicode characters. They're distributed evenly on a grid then noise is applied to its rotation and size.

#How to run:

  • Start a local web server: python3 -m http.server
  • Open http://localhost:8000/
  • Save the artwork by clicking on the 'Save' button.

#If you'd like to modify the code:

  • Set the correct node version: nvm install
  • Install CoffeeScript: npm install -g coffeescript
  • Install any dependencies: npm install
  • Run: coffee -w -c *.coffee
  • Refresh the browser


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