UTC+02:00, EU DST applied
I do things on the computer.
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGx0AdLyJEwH3mVLqpo6r9wztgseynCKW2sgzhCCV1jO
some dotfiles i use. WTFPL v2/CC0-1.0 but may use stackoverflow answers. https://jacksonchen666.com/posts/2023-09-01/21-01-59/
My personal Gentoo overlay
fork of https://github.com/nims11/IPod-Shuffle-4g
An argon pro skin with way too much information (for osu!lazer)
An argon pro skin with way too much information, version 2 (for osu!lazer)
Generate QuickStatments commands to fill in big software version gaps in Wikidata (QSGSVI)
uacme hook for deSEC.io
certbot-ocsp-fetcher (https://github.com/tomwassenberg/certbot-ocsp-fetcher) but with uacme compatibility
Mastodon compose box, but dark themed
some brainfuck programs i made
some project left in my projects folder. use at your own risk of sanity!