
882b2d8d447a182bde24b5f1b9dc4da8821ce3b7 — Jack Kelly 2 years ago 3b58190
Revert "Avoid redundant dom node"

This reverts commit 3b58190deb146fb9c675567ace4cddce9aedd420.
1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

M Main.hs
M Main.hs => Main.hs +5 -3
@@ 86,15 86,17 @@ body =

    networkView $ do
      searchFuncM <- searchFuncD
      divClass "container" <$> case searchFuncM of
        Nothing -> pure $ dimText "Select something to search over."
      case searchFuncM of
        Nothing ->
          pure . divClass "container" $
            dimText "Select something to search over."
        Just searchFunc ->
          let searchResultsD =
                (fmap . fmap)
                  (\s -> searchFunc (T.unpack s) "" "" False)
           in searchResultsD
                <&> maybe blank searchResultsWidget
                <&> maybe blank (divClass "container" . searchResultsWidget)

    divClass "container" . el "details" $ do
      el "summary" $ text "Legal Stuff"