@@ 76,7 76,7 @@ gwit defines a URI format (described further below) that allows to refer (link)
## Site requirements
-The site branch associated with a gwit site MUST be named `gwit-0x........`, where the dots represent the lower case short ID of the PGP site key, i.e. the last 8 hexadecimal digits of the site identifier in lower case. Example: `gwit-0xfedcba98`.
+The site branch associated with a gwit site MUST be named `gwit-0x........`, where the dots represent the lower case short ID of the PGP site key, i.e. the last 8 hexadecimal digits of the site identifier in lower case. Example: `gwit-0x76543210`.
This means that the same Git repository may hold different but related gwit sites, each one with its own branch and key. For instance, while the `master` or `main` branch may contain common sources for a static site generator, generated Gemini and Web files may go to separate gwit site branches.