
df0095f9791f486803c0fc7ba03f74825bf57ba1 — Ivan Habunek 2 years ago 9fd7af4
Day 18, has a bug
3 files changed, 222 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

A resources/day18.example.in
A resources/day18.in
A src/aoc2021/day18.clj
A resources/day18.example.in => resources/day18.example.in +10 -0
@@ 0,0 1,10 @@
\ No newline at end of file

A resources/day18.in => resources/day18.in +100 -0
@@ 0,0 1,100 @@
\ No newline at end of file

A src/aoc2021/day18.clj => src/aoc2021/day18.clj +112 -0
@@ 0,0 1,112 @@
; --- Day 18: Snailfish ---
; https://adventofcode.com/2021/day/18

(ns aoc2021.day18
  (:require [clojure.java.io :as io]
            [clojure.string :as str]
            [clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]
            [clojure.edn :as edn]
            [clojure.zip :as zip]))

(def input-file (-> "day18.example.in" io/resource io/file))
; (def input-file (-> "day18.in" io/resource io/file))

(defn get-input []
  (map (fn [line] (edn/read-string (str/replace line #"," " ")))
    (-> input-file slurp str/split-lines)))

(defn depth
  ([loc] (depth loc 0))
  ([loc depth]
   (if (nil? (zip/up loc))
     (recur (zip/up loc) (inc depth)))))

(defn explodable? [loc]
  (and (vector? (zip/node loc))
       (= (depth loc) 4)))

(defn splittable? [loc]
  (let [node (zip/node loc)]
    (and (integer? node)
         (>= node 10))))

(defn number? [loc]
  (integer? (zip/node loc)))

(defn add-left [start-loc n]
  (loop [loc start-loc]
    (let [loc (zip/prev loc)]
        (nil? loc) start-loc
        (number? loc) (zip/edit loc + n)
        true (recur loc)))))

(defn add-right [start-loc n]
  (loop [loc start-loc]
    (let [loc (zip/next loc)]
        (zip/end? loc) start-loc
        (number? loc) (zip/edit loc + n)
        true (recur loc)))))

(defn move-right [loc]
  (let [loc (zip/next loc)]
    (if (number? loc)
      (move-right loc))))

; if add-left finds a left element, it will increment it by left value and
; return the zipper at that position. if there is no left element, it will
; return the zipper at starting position. in the former case we need to move
; one step right before running add-right. not very elegant.
(defn maybe-move-right [loc prev-loc]
  (if (= loc prev-loc)
    (move-right loc)))

(defn rewind [loc]
  (zip/vector-zip (zip/root loc)))

(defn explode [loc]
  (println "explode" (zip/node loc))
  (let [[left right] (zip/node loc)
        loc (zip/replace loc 0)]
    (-> loc
        (add-left left)
        (maybe-move-right loc)
        (add-right right))))

(defn split [loc]
  (println "split" (zip/node loc))
  (let [n (zip/node loc)
        l (quot n 2)
        r (+ l (rem n 2))]
    (zip/replace loc [l r])))

(defn step [loc]
  (if (zip/end? loc)
    (let [loc (zip/next loc)]
        (explodable? loc) (rewind (explode loc))
        (splittable? loc) (rewind (split loc))
        true (recur loc)))))

(defn reduce' [numbers]
  (let [loc (zip/vector-zip numbers)]
    (loop [loc loc]
      (println (zip/root loc))
      (let [next (step loc)]
        (if (nil? next)
          (zip/root loc)
          (recur next))))))

(defn add [left right]
  (println "add" [left right])
  (reduce' [left right]))

(defn main []
  (let [numbers (get-input)]
    (println "\nactual:  " (reduce add (take 2 numbers)))
    (println "expected: [[[[4 0] [5 4]] [[7 7] [6 0]]] [[8 [7 7]] [[7 9] [5 0]]]]")))