
Easy way to transfer my tmux configuration across multiple machines.
Add padding to status-left and status-right
Add neomutt to resurrect-processes
Relicense to MIT


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You can also use your local clone with git send-email.


Easy way to transfer my tmux configuration across multiple machines.


Make sure that your machine satisfies the following:

  • Is using GNU/Linux (scripts are untested on other UNIX systems and will flat-out fail on Windows)
  • Has tmux 1.9 or later (version required by Tmux Plugin Manager)
  • Has no pre-existing .tmux.conf (backup and remove if existing)
  • Has bash and git (required by install scripts)
  • Has a working internet connection (will be downloading plugins)


Just run ./install. This will automatically do the following:

  • Symlink .tmux.conf into your home directory (install-tmux-conf)
  • Clone Tmux Plugin Manager into ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm (install-tpm)

Once you run Tmux, press C-b I to install the plugins from .tmux.conf.


If anyone else sees this and wants to use it, go ahead.

This project is open source, licensed under MIT.

Do you remember this project being Unlicensed? Read more about the license change here.