
Add bindsym for sr --rofi

I now have a search script that brings up rofi and displays search
results in a tmux window. Very convenient to have accessible anywhere.

I've used Super+s (search), since I don't honestly use stacking at all.
I've bumped that to Super+Meta+s.
Use group-chat-reply for r in mutt

So much easier to just retain To: and Cc: with replies.
Add URLs to newsboat feed

The Firefox Nightly changelog is handy in lieu of a changelog for the
stable browser, Vivaldi-style.

The other one is yet another personal blog.
Use single quotes for imap-notify-cmd

Dollar amounts were getting expanded as shell parameters! Gulp...
Use "upxrates 7" for qalc

This stops qalc from asking me if I want to update exchange rates -- it
automatically does so if the current rates are more than 7 days old.
Add newsboat URL: unplannedobsolescence.com
Rename mbsync SSLType to TLSType

Simple rename due to a deprecation in 1.5.0.
Tweak i3 focused_inactive color

Specifically for when I have containers within containers, so I can
differentiate the current active container versus its parent (it used to
show up as yellow even when I didn't have it selected with Super+a).
Update newsboat config

I went through newsboat documentation and found reload-threads, which
should mean updating feeds should be much faster now in parallel!

I'm also happy to have found a way to format the date into DD MMM.

Additionally, just a bunch of new URLs, plus some categorizing tags on
some old ones.
Add keybind for Compose

I use my right modifiers way too much to be happy with an asymmetrical
Compose key, so I bind it to Super+Alt+u instead. This is a bit more
cumbersome (e.g. I have to do Super+Alt+u, e, " as opposed to just
doing RightAlt+e, "), so this is still something that may change as I
test it out.

Honestly been testing it out for a few months already; I'm only just now
checking it in.
Add keybind for pausing dunst notifications

Useful for when sharing screen.
Check in misc i3 config

Just a few misc additions. escape-toggle is something I use so I can
play Doom without worrying about tapping the Ctrl button (which is Fire)
accidentally sending an Esc (which brings up the quit menu).

The others are just auto-assigns for workspaces.
Fix mutt archive macro

Started failing, so I just completed the folder name to make sure.
Update newsboat URLs

Been a while since I've checked in newsboat URL updates.

- I've added a LOT more personal blog URLs. I've come to realize all
  those great personal blogs I come across Lobsters and HN, I could
  actually just subscribe to so I build a network of blogs I love to
  read from
- I've removed Slashdot and TechCrunch for now. ArsTechnica gives me the
  "business"-side pulse of the tech and startup industry atm without
  having too much fluff
- Added a couple of experimental link aggregator sites I came across
  thanks to Lobsters (whether on IRC or shared as a link themselves).
  Not sure if I'll keep them, but am trying them out for now
- Added the LineageOS feed so I can get notified of changelogs
- Rearranged Youtube URLs and added a couple, notably xkcd's new What If
  video series (taking from the What If blog I used to love) and
Use locktoggle state to initialize DPMS

locktoggle uses a simple lockfile to tell whether DPMS is toggled on or
off -- I've had my xinitrc read this for years, but only on my work
machine. I'm checking it in even though I think it's a bit brittle
because I haven't thought of a better solution in the years since, and
it's never broken on me tbh.
Start dunst in xinitrc

I've previously been running into an issue where dunst takes a long time
to start after boot (with error messages of DISPLAY not being

After some fiddling with automatic udev starting and a systemd unit,
only to be foiled in both attempts by a race condition with DISPLAY not
being set by Xorg starting (which is neither signaled on udev nor on
systemd!), I realized the straightforward solution: start it in xinitrc!

Makes sense: I start programs there that I want started when Xorg
starts. Felt like a facepalm moment.
Refactor mutt config

I've finally taken the time to read up on mutt documentation to get a
grasp of the fundamentals of configuring it. On that note, I've
refactored and rearranged my config so everything is easier for me to
follow. Some notable changes:

- All files apart from ~/.muttrc now have filetype modelines, for proper
  syntax highlighting
- Settings in muttrc are now standardized (e.g. unset foo vs set nofoo),
  logically grouped, and heavily commented, to make it easier to
  understand at a glance (and easier to realize what to search for in
  the docs)
- Account settings are refactored: folders and mailboxes are set up
  up-front just once in muttrc. Only the settings that actually change
  between accounts are changed with folder-hooks
- gpg.rc is now removed from the repo, opting instead for the version
  shipped with neomutt itself (to be symlinked manually into ~/.mutt for
Add newsboat URLs

A few additions, the most notable of which is tildes.net: a lovely site
with long-form, thoughtful discussions!
Update himalaya's {imap,smtp}-passwd

Breaking change in 0.8.0 to use imap-passwd instead of imap-passwd-cmd.

See: https://github.com/soywod/himalaya/releases/tag/v0.8.0
Revamp nethackrc

Biggest additions would be the colors:

- menucolors: I've added color niceties to quickly see important BUC
  status in the inventory screen.
- statushilites: I've added colors for important conditions as well as
  newly changed stats, especially stuff like HP and power/mana.

While I've added a lot more color than is default, I've made sure to
still only stick to my "highlight only when exceptional" mantra, so as
not to overload the UI with color for me and defeat the whole purpose.

Because of the huge additions, I've added some sectioning and nice
comments to the file.
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