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My solutions to Advent of Code 2022!
Solve Day 9: Rope Bridge - Part 2
Solve Day 9: Rope Bridge - Part 1
Solve Day 8: Treetop Tree House - Part 2


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#Advent of Code 2022

This is my solutions repo for Advent of Code 2022.

#File Structure

Structure is simple enough: I go into src/day-XX and write my solutions there.

You may be wondering why I don't use package.json scripts at the moment. That's because the repo structure is still in flux -- I want to entertain the possibility of writing solutions for each day in different languages (for practice): notably JS, Rust, and possibly Haskell.


This project is free and open source software, licensed under the MIT license. You are free to study, use, modify, and redistribute this software.

As these are toy programs at best (and not full software I intend to distribute), I chose MIT instead of my preferred GPL to be more permissive.

See LICENSE for the full text. Also, take a look at Github's Choose a License page for a nice, short explanation.

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