


Easy way to transfer my Firefox configuration across multiple machines.


Easy way to transfer my Emacs configuration across multiple machines.


My solutions to Advent of Code 2024! https://adventofcode.com/2024


Easy way to transfer my zsh configuration across multiple machines.


Miscellaneous dotfiles for my setup.


A collection of scripts for personal use.


Easy way to transfer my tmux configuration across multiple machines.


The Treble Discord bot, responsible for communicating with a running Project Zomboid server.


Easy way to transfer my Vim configuration across multiple machines.


My solutions to Advent of Code 2022! https://adventofcode.com/2022


A REST API for the perennial TodoMVC, for education and demonstration purposes.


A React app for the perennial TodoMVC, for education and demonstration purposes.


A Vue application for the perennial TodoMVC, for education and demonstration purposes.


A set of convenience scripts for dealing with AUR packages.