Enable using abbreviations that end with another
Add Tracker section to README
Add access to Debian based CI to upload the site
Your little expandable text snippet helper.
Check out the website for information about what Snippet Expander is, and how to use it.
git clone https://git.sr.ht/~ianmjones/snippetexpander
cd snippetexpander
If you're using a Debian derivative, you might be interested in reviewing .builds/debian-testing.yml
Snippet Expander is considered relatively stable, with ongoing development to add features and fix issues.
Snippet Expander is a rewrite from scratch of Snippet Pixie, which no longer receives further development.
As the rewrite is partly a vehicle for learning the Go programming language, this project is currently not accepting code contributions.
To follow along with its development please subscribe to my ianmjones YouTube channel and watch some Always Developing videos.
In particular, the Snippet Expander playlist might be of interest.
If you spot something that you think could be improved, please comment on the YouTube video, or post to the mailing list.
To discuss Snippet Expander please post to the snippetexpander-discuss mailing list.
There is also a low-volume mailing list for announcements related to the Snippet Expander project. This is a read-only list.
Is there some awesome feature you'd love to see in Snippet Expander?
Have a verifiable bug with steps to reproduce?
Check the Snippet Expander Tracker to see if the feature request or bug report has already been submitted, and if not, please submit it.
This project uses the GNU General Public License Version 2 Plus (GPLv2+). Please see the LICENSE file for details.