
84b452125d13f6ee5d6c42855b560da86f861dbe — Ian Kelling 10 years ago 8f01d2f
Improved documentation
1 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)

M visible-mark.el
M visible-mark.el => visible-mark.el +54 -47
@@ 20,30 20,29 @@

;;; Commentary:

;; Minor mode to display custom overlay faces on mark location(s).
;; Can display marks from the mark ring in the normal backward direction
;; in the forward direction.
;; Emacs minor mode to highlight mark(s).
;; Allows setting the number of marks to display, and the faces to display them.
;; Example installation:
;; 1. Put this file in Emacs's load-path
;; 2. add to init file
;; 2. add custom faces to init file
;; (require 'visible-mark)
;; (global-visible-mark-mode 1) ;; or add (visible-mark-mode) to specific hooks
;; 3. Add customizations. The defaults are very minimal. They could also be set
;; via customize.
;; ;; example of customizations.
;; ;; This could be set via M-x customize-group visible-mark
;; (defface visible-mark-active ;; put this before (require 'visible-mark)
;;   '((((type tty) (class mono)))
;;     (t (:background "magenta"))) "")
;; (setq visible-mark-max 2)
;; (defface my-visible-mark-face-2
;;   `((t (:background "orange" :foreground "black")))
;;   "Face for the mark."
;;   :group 'visible-mark)
;; (setq visible-mark-faces `(visible-mark-face1 my-visible-mark-face-2))
;; (setq visible-mark-faces `(visible-mark-face1 my-visible-mark-face2))
;; (global-visible-mark-mode +1)
;; Additional useful functions like unpoping the mark are listed
;; Additional useful functions like unpoping the mark are at
;; http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/MarkCommands
;; and http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/VisibleMark

@@ 90,43 89,21 @@
    (((class color) (background light))
     (:background "grey80"))
    (t (:background "gray")))
  "Face for the active mark."
  :group 'visible-mark)

(defface visible-mark-face1
  '((((type tty) (class mono)))
    (t (:background "light salmon")))
  "Example face which can be customized and added to subsequent face lists."
  :group 'visible-mark)
(defface visible-mark-face2
  '((((type tty) (class mono)))
    (t (:background "light goldenrod")))
  "Example face which can be customized and added to subsequent face lists."
  :group 'visible-mark)

(defface visible-mark-forward-face1
  '((((type tty) (class mono)))
    (t (:background "pale green")))
  "Example face which can be customized and added to subsequent face lists."
  "Face for the active mark. To redefine this in your init file,
do it before loading/requiring visible-mark."
  :group 'visible-mark)

(defface visible-mark-forward-face2
  "Placeholder face for customization and addition to subsequent face lists."
  :group 'visible-mark)

(defvar visible-mark-overlays nil
  "The overlays used in this buffer.")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'visible-mark-overlays)

(defcustom visible-mark-inhibit-trailing-overlay t
  "If non-nil, inhibit the extension of an overlay at the end of a line
to the window margin."
  :group 'visible-mark
  :type 'boolean)

(defcustom global-visible-mark-mode-exclude-alist nil
  "A list of buffer names to be excluded."
  :group 'visible-mark
  :type '(repeat regexp))

(defcustom visible-mark-max 1
  "The number of marks in the backward direction to be visible."

@@ 150,10 127,40 @@ the last defined face will be reused."
  :group 'visible-mark
  :type '(repeat face))

(defcustom global-visible-mark-mode-exclude-alist nil
  "A list of buffer names to be excluded."
  :group 'visible-mark
  :type '(repeat regexp))

;;; example faces

(defface visible-mark-face1
  '((((type tty) (class mono)))
    (t (:background "light salmon")))
  "Example face which can be customized and added to subsequent face lists."
  :group 'visible-mark)
(defface visible-mark-face2
  '((((type tty) (class mono)))
    (t (:background "light goldenrod")))
  "Example face which can be customized and added to subsequent face lists."
  :group 'visible-mark)

(defface visible-mark-forward-face1
  '((((type tty) (class mono)))
    (t (:background "pale green")))
  "Example face which can be customized and added to subsequent face lists."
  :group 'visible-mark)

(defface visible-mark-forward-face2
  "Placeholder face for customization and addition to subsequent face lists."
  :group 'visible-mark)

(defvar visible-mark-overlays nil
  "The overlays used for mark faces. Used internally by visible-mark-mode.")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'visible-mark-overlays)

(defun visible-mark-initialize-overlays ()