@@ 8,7 8,8 @@ Authors@R: c(
person("Andy", "Hine", email = "andyyhine@gmail.com", role = "ctb"),
person("Scott", "Came", email = "scottcame10@gmail.com", role = "ctb"),
person("David", "Severski", email = "davidski@deadheaven.com", role = "ctb",
- comment = c(ORCID = "https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7867-0459"))
+ comment = c(ORCID = "https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7867-0459")),
+ person("James", "Lamb", email = "jaylamb20@gmail.com", role = "ctb")
Description: Apache Drill is a low-latency distributed query engine designed to enable
data exploration and analytics on both relational and non-relational datastores,
M R/dbi.r => R/dbi.r +13 -7
@@ 1,4 1,4 @@
-s_head <- purrr::safely(httr::HEAD)
+s_head <- purrr::safely(function(...){httr::RETRY(verb = "HEAD", ...)})
#' Driver for Drill database.
@@ 165,7 165,8 @@ setMethod(
if (.progress) {
- httr::POST(
+ httr::RETRY(
+ verb = "POST",
url = res@drill_server,
path = "/query.json",
encode = "json",
@@ 173,19 174,22 @@ setMethod(
body = list(
queryType = "SQL",
query = res@statement
- )
+ ),
+ terminate_on = c(403, 404)
) -> resp
} else {
- httr::POST(
+ httr::RETRY(
+ verb = "POST",
url = res@drill_server,
path = "/query.json",
encode = "json",
body = list(
queryType = "SQL",
query = res@statement
- )
+ ),
+ terminate_on = c(403, 404)
) -> resp
@@ 426,11 430,13 @@ setMethod(
signature(conn='DrillResult', name='missing'),
function(conn, name) {
- httr::POST(
+ httr::RETRY(
+ verb = "POST",
sprintf("%s/query.json", conn@drill_server),
encode = "json",
body = list(queryType="SQL", query=conn@statement
- )
+ ),
+ terminate_on = c(403, 404)
) -> res
# fatal query error on the Drill side so return no fields
M R/query.r => R/query.r +8 -5
@@ 13,7 13,7 @@
#' ignored if \code{drill_con} is a \code{JDBCConnection} created by
#' \code{drill_jdbc()})
#' @param .progress if \code{TRUE} (default if in an interactive session) then ask
-#' \code{httr::POST} to display a progress bar
+#' \code{httr::RETRY} to display a progress bar
#' @references \href{https://drill.apache.org/docs/}{Drill documentation}
#' @family Drill direct REST API Interface
#' @export
@@ 40,23 40,26 @@ drill_query <- function(drill_con, query, uplift=TRUE, .progress=interactive())
drill_server <- make_server(drill_con)
if (.progress) {
- httr::POST(
+ httr::RETRY(
+ "POST",
url = sprintf("%s/query.json", drill_server),
encode = "json",
body = list(
queryType = "SQL",
query = query
- )
+ ),
+ terminate_on = c(403, 404)
) -> res
} else {
- httr::POST(
+ httr::RETRY(
url = sprintf("%s/query.json", drill_server),
encode = "json",
body = list(
queryType = "SQL",
query = query
- )
+ ),
+ terminate_on = c(403, 404)
) -> res
M R/rest-api.r => R/rest-api.r +19 -15
@@ 1,4 1,4 @@
-s_head <- purrr::safely(httr::HEAD)
+s_head <- purrr::safely(function(...){httr::RETRY(verb = "HEAD", ...)})
#' Setup a Drill connection
@@ 61,7 61,7 @@ drill_active <- function(drill_con) {
#' }
drill_status <- function(drill_con) {
drill_server <- make_server(drill_con)
- res <- httr::GET(sprintf("%s/status", drill_server))
+ res <- httr::RETRY("GET", sprintf("%s/status", drill_server), terminate_on = c(403, 404))
cnt <- httr::content(res, as="text", encoding="UTF-8")
cnt <- htmltools::HTML(cnt)
@@ 78,7 78,7 @@ drill_status <- function(drill_con) {
#' }
drill_metrics <- function(drill_con) {
drill_server <- make_server(drill_con)
- res <- httr::GET(sprintf("%s/status/metrics", drill_server))
+ res <- httr::RETRY("GET", sprintf("%s/status/metrics", drill_server), terminate_on = c(403, 404))
cnt <- httr::content(res, as="text", encoding="UTF-8")
jsonlite::fromJSON(cnt, flatten=TRUE)
@@ 95,7 95,7 @@ drill_metrics <- function(drill_con) {
#' }
drill_threads <- function(drill_con) {
drill_server <- make_server(drill_con)
- res <- httr::GET(sprintf("%s/status/threads", drill_server))
+ res <- httr::RETRY("GET", sprintf("%s/status/threads", drill_server), terminate_on = c(403, 404))
cnt <- httr::content(res, as="text", encoding="UTF-8")
cnt <- htmltools::HTML(sprintf("<pre>%s</pre>", cnt))
@@ 113,7 113,7 @@ drill_threads <- function(drill_con) {
#' }
drill_profiles <- function(drill_con) {
drill_server <- make_server(drill_con)
- res <- httr::GET(sprintf("%s/profiles.json", drill_server))
+ res <- httr::RETRY("GET", sprintf("%s/profiles.json", drill_server), terminate_on = c(403, 404))
cnt <- httr::content(res, as="text", encoding="UTF-8")
@@ 128,7 128,7 @@ drill_profiles <- function(drill_con) {
#' @export
drill_profile <- function(drill_con, query_id) {
drill_server <- make_server(drill_con)
- res <- httr::GET(sprintf("%s/profiles/%s.json", drill_server, query_id))
+ res <- httr::RETRY("GET", sprintf("%s/profiles/%s.json", drill_server, query_id), terminate_on = c(403, 404))
cnt <- httr::content(res, as="text", encoding="UTF-8")
@@ 143,7 143,7 @@ drill_profile <- function(drill_con, query_id) {
#' @export
drill_cancel <- function(drill_con, query_id) {
drill_server <- make_server(drill_con)
- res <- httr::GET(sprintf("%s/profiles/cancel/%s", drill_server, query_id))
+ res <- httr::RETRY("GET", sprintf("%s/profiles/cancel/%s", drill_server, query_id), terminate_on = c(403, 404))
message(httr::content(res, as="text", encoding="UTF-8"))
@@ 195,9 195,9 @@ drill_storage <- function(drill_con, plugin=NULL, as=c("tbl", "list", "raw")) {
drill_server <- make_server(drill_con)
if (is.null(plugin)) {
- res <- httr::GET(sprintf("%s/storage.json", drill_server))
+ res <- httr::RETRY("GET", sprintf("%s/storage.json", drill_server), terminate_on = c(403, 404))
} else {
- res <- httr::GET(sprintf("%s/storage/%s.json", drill_server, plugin))
+ res <- httr::RETRY("GET", sprintf("%s/storage/%s.json", drill_server, plugin), terminate_on = c(403, 404))
@@ 225,11 225,13 @@ drill_mod_storage <- function(drill_con, name, config) {
drill_server <- make_server(drill_con)
- httr::POST(
+ httr::RETRY(
+ verb = "POST",
url = sprintf("%s/storage/%s.json", drill_server, name),
body = config,
- encode = "raw"
+ encode = "raw",
+ terminate_on = c(403, 404)
) -> res
@@ 247,9 249,11 @@ drill_rm_storage <- function(drill_con, name) {
drill_server <- make_server(drill_con)
- httr::DELETE(
+ httr::RETRY(
+ verb = "DELETE",
url = sprintf("%s/storage/%s.json", drill_server, name),
- httr::content_type_json()
+ httr::content_type_json(),
+ terminate_on = c(403, 404)
) -> res
@@ 271,7 275,7 @@ drill_rm_storage <- function(drill_con, name) {
#' }
drill_options <- function(drill_con, pattern=NULL) {
drill_server <- make_server(drill_con)
- res <- httr::GET(sprintf("%s/options.json", drill_server))
+ res <- httr::RETRY("GET", sprintf("%s/options.json", drill_server), terminate_on = c(403, 404))
cnt <- httr::content(res, as="text", encoding="UTF-8")
jsonlite::fromJSON(cnt) %>%
@@ 291,7 295,7 @@ drill_options <- function(drill_con, pattern=NULL) {
#' }
drill_stats <- function(drill_con) {
drill_server <- make_server(drill_con)
- res <- httr::GET(sprintf("%s/cluster.json", drill_server))
+ res <- httr::RETRY("GET", sprintf("%s/cluster.json", drill_server), terminate_on = c(403, 404))
cnt <- httr::content(res, as="text", encoding="UTF-8")
M R/schemas.R => R/schemas.R +3 -3
@@ 2,7 2,7 @@
#' @param drill_con drill server connection object setup by \code{drill_connection()}
#' @param .progress if \code{TRUE} (default if in an interactive session) then ask
-#' \code{httr::POST} to display a progress bar
+#' \code{httr::RETRY} to display a progress bar
#' @references \href{https://drill.apache.org/docs/}{Drill documentation}
#' @family Dill direct REST API Interface
#' @export
@@ 16,7 16,7 @@ drill_show_schemas <- function(drill_con, .progress=interactive()) {
#' @param schema_name A unique name for a Drill schema. A schema in Drill is a configured
#' storage plugin, such as hive, or a storage plugin and workspace.
#' @param .progress if \code{TRUE} (default if in an interactive session) then ask
-#' \code{httr::POST} to display a progress bar
+#' \code{httr::RETRY} to display a progress bar
#' @references \href{https://drill.apache.org/docs/}{Drill documentation}
#' @family Dill direct REST API Interface
#' @export
@@ 32,7 32,7 @@ drill_use <- function(drill_con, schema_name, .progress=interactive()) {
#' @param drill_con drill server connection object setup by \code{drill_connection()}
#' @param schema_spec properly quoted "filesystem.directory_name" reference path
#' @param .progress if \code{TRUE} (default if in an interactive session) then ask
-#' \code{httr::POST} to display a progress bar
+#' \code{httr::RETRY} to display a progress bar
#' @export
#' @references \href{https://drill.apache.org/docs/}{Drill documentation}
#' @family Dill direct REST API Interface
M R/utils.r => R/utils.r +4 -2
@@ 14,14 14,16 @@ auth_drill <- function(ssl, host, port, username, password) {
httr::set_config(config(ssl_verifypeer = 0L))
- httr::POST(
+ httr::RETRY(
+ "POST",
url = sprintf("%s://%s:%s", ifelse(ssl[1], "https", "http"), host, port),
path = "/j_security_check",
encode = "form",
body = list(
j_username = username,
j_password = password
- )
+ ),
+ terminate_on = c(403, 404)
) -> res
M README.md => README.md +1 -1
@@ 87,7 87,7 @@ function mappings.
- `drill_options`: List the name, default, and data type of the system
and session options
- `drill_popts`: Show all the available Drill options (1.15.0+)
- - `drill_rofile`: Get the profile of the query that has the given
+ - `drill_profile`: Get the profile of the query that has the given
query id
- `drill_profiles`: Get the profiles of running and completed queries
- `drill_query`: Submit a query and return results
M man/drill_query.Rd => man/drill_query.Rd +1 -1
@@ 17,7 17,7 @@ ignored if \code{drill_con} is a \code{JDBCConnection} created by
\item{.progress}{if \code{TRUE} (default if in an interactive session) then ask
-\code{httr::POST} to display a progress bar}
+\code{httr::RETRY} to display a progress bar}
This function can handle REST API connections or JDBC connections. There is a benefit to
M man/drill_show_files.Rd => man/drill_show_files.Rd +1 -1
@@ 12,7 12,7 @@ drill_show_files(drill_con, schema_spec, .progress = interactive())
\item{schema_spec}{properly quoted "filesystem.directory_name" reference path}
\item{.progress}{if \code{TRUE} (default if in an interactive session) then ask
-\code{httr::POST} to display a progress bar}
+\code{httr::RETRY} to display a progress bar}
Show files in a file system schema.
M man/drill_show_schemas.Rd => man/drill_show_schemas.Rd +1 -1
@@ 10,7 10,7 @@ drill_show_schemas(drill_con, .progress = interactive())
\item{drill_con}{drill server connection object setup by \code{drill_connection()}}
\item{.progress}{if \code{TRUE} (default if in an interactive session) then ask
-\code{httr::POST} to display a progress bar}
+\code{httr::RETRY} to display a progress bar}
Returns a list of available schemas.
M man/drill_use.Rd => man/drill_use.Rd +1 -1
@@ 13,7 13,7 @@ drill_use(drill_con, schema_name, .progress = interactive())
storage plugin, such as hive, or a storage plugin and workspace.}
\item{.progress}{if \code{TRUE} (default if in an interactive session) then ask
-\code{httr::POST} to display a progress bar}
+\code{httr::RETRY} to display a progress bar}
Change to a particular schema.