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Identify the Crux of an Article


Methods are provided to retrieve HTML content and return extracted metadata and summarised plain text. Further methods are provided to classify URLs with or without making network calls. Based on https://github.com/chimbori/crux.

#What’s Inside The Tin

The following functions are implemented:

  • classify_url: Classify a URL with or without making network calls
  • is_ad_image: Classify a URL with or without making network calls
  • is_likely_archive: Classify a URL with or without making network calls
  • is_likely_article: Classify a URL with or without making network calls
  • is_likely_audio: Classify a URL with or without making network calls
  • is_likely_binary_doc: Classify a URL with or without making network calls
  • is_likely_executable: Classify a URL with or without making network calls
  • is_likely_image: Classify a URL with or without making network calls
  • is_likely_video: Classify a URL with or without making network calls
  • is_web_scheme: Classify a URL with or without making network calls
  • summarise_url: Summarise the contents at a URL to essential bits


install.packages(c("cruxjars", "crux"), repos = "https://cinc.rud.is/")



# current version
## [1] '0.1.0'
  summarise_url("http://time.com/5541738/joe-biden-backtracks-pence-praise-criticism/"), 1
## List of 14
##  $ url          : chr "http://time.com/5541738/joe-biden-backtracks-pence-praise-criticism/"
##  $ original_url : chr NA
##  $ title        : chr "Joe Biden Backtracks After Calling Pence 'a Decent Guy'"
##  $ description  : chr "The former Vice President took back his comment that Pence is \"a decent guy\" after fellow Democrats denounced his remarks"
##  $ site_name    : chr "Time"
##  $ theme_color  : chr NA
##  $ amp_url      : chr "http://amp.timeinc.net/time/5541738/joe-biden-backtracks-pence-praise-criticism"
##  $ canonical_url: chr "http://time.com/5541738/joe-biden-backtracks-pence-praise-criticism/"
##  $ image_url    : chr "http://timedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2019/03/ap19059832629402.jpg?quality=85&crop=0px%2C111px%2C6000px%2C3000p"| __truncated__
##  $ video_url    : chr NA
##  $ feed_url     : chr NA
##  $ favicon_url  : chr "http://time.com/img/favicons/favicon-192.png"
##  $ reading_time : int 2
##  $ text         : chr "(OMAHA, Neb.) — Former Vice President Joe Biden’s tendency to talk about his good relationships with Republican"| __truncated__
## Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame':    1 obs. of  10 variables:
##  $ url                 : chr "https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/house-democrats-explode-in-recriminations-as-liberals-lash-out-at-mode"| __truncated__
##  $ is_ad_image         : logi FALSE
##  $ is_web_scheme       : logi TRUE
##  $ is_likely_article   : logi TRUE
##  $ is_likely_video     : logi FALSE
##  $ is_likely_audio     : logi FALSE
##  $ is_likely_binary_doc: logi FALSE
##  $ is_likely_archive   : logi FALSE
##  $ is_likely_executable: logi FALSE
##  $ is_likely_image     : logi FALSE

#crux Metrics

Lang # Files (%) LoC (%) Blank lines (%) # Lines (%)
R 5 0.71 104 0.76 28 0.49 71 0.61
make 1 0.14 20 0.15 9 0.16 0 0.00
Rmd 1 0.14 12 0.09 20 0.35 46 0.39

#Code of Conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.