@@ 15,6 15,10 @@ SystemRequirements: perl
Copyright: file inst/COPYRIGHTS
rstudioapi (>= 0.5),
+ rprojroot,
+ DT,
+ knitr,
+ htmltools,
@@ 7,12 7,19 @@ export(cloc_cran)
M R/cloc-package.r => R/cloc-package.r +4 -0
@@ 54,6 54,10 @@
#' @name cloc-package
#' @docType package
#' @author Bob Rudis (bob@@rud.is)
+#' @importFrom DT datatable formatPercentage
+#' @importFrom htmltools html_print HTML
+#' @importFrom knitr purl
+#' @importFrom rprojroot find_package_root_file
#' @import rstudioapi
#' @importFrom git2r clone
#' @importFrom processx run
A R/cloc-pkg.R => R/cloc-pkg.R +39 -0
@@ 0,0 1,39 @@
+#' @keywords internal
+cloc_pkg_addin <- function() {
+ ctx <- rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()
+ if (!is.null(ctx)) {
+ pkg_root <- rprojroot::find_package_root_file(path = ".")
+ res <- cloc::cloc_pkg(pkg_root)
+ res <- res[,-1] # we know what pkg we're in
+ DT::datatable(
+ data = res,
+ options = list(pageLength = 20),
+ colnames = c(
+ "Lang",
+ "# Files", "(%)",
+ "LoC", "(%)",
+ "Blank lines", "(%)",
+ "# Lines", "(%)"
+ ),
+ caption = sprintf("Code Metrics For %s", basename(pkg_root)),
+ style = "default"
+ ) -> cloc_dt
+ cloc_dt <- DT::formatPercentage(cloc_dt, 'file_count_pct', 2)
+ cloc_dt <- DT::formatPercentage(cloc_dt, 'loc_pct', 2)
+ cloc_dt <- DT::formatPercentage(cloc_dt, 'blank_line_pct', 2)
+ cloc_dt <- DT::formatPercentage(cloc_dt, 'comment_line_pct', 2)
+ htmltools::html_print(cloc_dt)
+ print(res)
+ }
A R/clock-pkg-src.R => R/clock-pkg-src.R +103 -0
@@ 0,0 1,103 @@
+#' Count lines of code, comments and whitespace in a package
+#' Think of this as [cloc()] with saner defaults for packages. Skips common
+#' IDE tempdirs, `.git`, `inst`, `man`.
+#' @md
+#' @param source file, directory or archive to read from (can be a valid URL)
+#' @param extract_with passed into `cloc` command line. This option is only
+#' needed if cloc is unable to figure out how to extract the contents of
+#' the input file(s) by itself.
+#' @return tibble
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' # by dir
+#' cloc(system.file("extdata", package="cloc"))
+#' # by file
+#' cloc(system.file("extdata", "App.java", package="cloc"))
+#' # requires a network connection therefore is set for you to run it manually
+#' \dontrun{
+#' # from a url
+#' cloc("https://rud.is/dl/cloc-1.74.tar.gz")
+#' }
+cloc_pkg <- function(source = ".", extract_with = NULL) {
+ perl <- find_perl()
+ tis_url <- is_url(source)
+ if (tis_url) { # download the source if a URL was specified
+ tdir <- tempdir()
+ utils::download.file(source, file.path(tdir, basename(source)), method = "curl", quiet = TRUE)
+ source <- file.path(tdir, basename(source))
+ on.exit(unlink(source), add = TRUE)
+ }
+ source <- path.expand(source)
+ stopifnot(file.exists(source))
+ # make the command line
+ sprintf(
+ "%s %s --exclude-ext=yml,md,Rproj --exclude-dir=.Rproj,.Rproj.user,.git,inst,man,docs,tools --quiet --csv %s",
+ perl,
+ system.file("bin/cloc.pl", package = "cloc"),
+ source
+ ) -> cmd
+ # tack on the "--extract-with" value (if specified)
+ if (!is.null(extract_with)) cmd <- sprintf('%s --extract-with="%s"', cmd, extract_with)
+ # run the perl script
+ dat <- system(cmd, intern = TRUE)
+ # nothing to count
+ if (length(dat) == 0) {
+ return(
+ data.frame(
+ source = basename(source),
+ language = NA_character_,
+ file_count = 0,
+ file_count_pct = 0,
+ loc = 0,
+ loc_pct = 0,
+ blank_lines = 0,
+ blank_line_pct = 0,
+ comment_lines = 0,
+ comment_line_pct = 0,
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ # read in the output from the perl script
+ fil <- read.table(
+ text = paste(utils::tail(dat, -2), sep = "", collapse = "\n"),
+ col.names = c("file_count", "language", "blank_lines", "comment_lines", "loc"),
+ sep = ",", comment.char = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE
+ )
+ # calculate percentages
+ fil$source <- basename(source)
+ fil$file_count_pct <- fil$file_count / sum(fil$file_count)
+ fil$blank_line_pct <- fil$blank_lines / sum(fil$blank_lines)
+ fil$comment_line_pct <- fil$comment_lines / sum(fil$comment_lines)
+ fil$loc_pct <- fil$loc / sum(fil$loc)
+ # reorganize columns
+ fil <- fil[, c(
+ "source", "language",
+ "file_count", "file_count_pct",
+ "loc", "loc_pct",
+ "blank_lines", "blank_line_pct",
+ "comment_lines", "comment_line_pct"
+ )]
+ class(fil) <- c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")
+ fil
A R/purl-rmd.R => R/purl-rmd.R +37 -0
@@ 0,0 1,37 @@
+#' @keywords internal
+purl_rmd_addin <- function() {
+ ctx <- rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()
+ if (!is.null(ctx)) {
+ if (is_rmd_file(ctx$path)) {
+ x <- basename(ctx$path)
+ x <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(x)
+ tf1 <- tempfile(pattern = x, fileext = ".Rmd")
+ on.exit(unlink(tf1), add = TRUE)
+ tf2 <- tempfile(pattern = x, fileext = ".R")
+ cat(ctx$contents, file = tf1, sep = "\n")
+ knitr::purl(tf1, output = tf2)
+ navigateToFile(tf2, line = -1L, column = -1L)
+ message(
+ sprintf(
+ "Temporary file generated is in [%s]", tf2
+ )
+ )
+ } else {
+ stop("Can only style .R and .Rmd files.", call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ }
M R/strip-rmd.R => R/strip-rmd.R +1 -1
@@ 1,5 1,5 @@
#' @keywords internal
-strip_rmd <- function() {
+strip_rmd_addin <- function() {
ctx <- rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()
M inst/rstudio/addins.dcf => inst/rstudio/addins.dcf +12 -2
@@ 1,4 1,14 @@
Name: Strip Rmd
-Description: Removes everything but code blocks from the active Rmd file
-Binding: strip_rmd
+Description: Removes everything but code blocks from the active Rmd file (uses cloc)
+Binding: strip_rmd_addin
+Interactive: false
+Name: purl Rmd
+Description: Removes everything but code blocks from the active Rmd file (uses knitr::purl)
+Binding: purl_rmd_addin
+Interactive: false
+Name: cloc Package
+Description: Run cloc on current package and present results
+Binding: cloc_pkg_addin
Interactive: false
A man/cloc_pkg.Rd => man/cloc_pkg.Rd +35 -0
@@ 0,0 1,35 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/clock-pkg-src.R
+\title{Count lines of code, comments and whitespace in a package}
+cloc_pkg(source = ".", extract_with = NULL)
+\item{source}{file, directory or archive to read from (can be a valid URL)}
+\item{extract_with}{passed into \code{cloc} command line. This option is only
+needed if cloc is unable to figure out how to extract the contents of
+the input file(s) by itself.}
+Think of this as \code{\link[=cloc]{cloc()}} with saner defaults for packages. Skips common
+IDE tempdirs, \code{.git}, \code{inst}, \code{man}.
+# by dir
+cloc(system.file("extdata", package="cloc"))
+# by file
+cloc(system.file("extdata", "App.java", package="cloc"))
+# requires a network connection therefore is set for you to run it manually
+# from a url