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split app into modules

- main UI event loop
- async event loop for network io
- core application & shell logic
6951c6c6 — drbawb 4 years ago
(deps) add async helper crates

- smol: a very small runtime
- async_*: utility crates which allow suspension on otherwise
  blocking operations. (i.e: acquiring locks, writing channels, etc.)
a546c0b1 — drbawb 4 years ago
(lint) clean up warnings
558575a9 — drbawb 4 years ago
(ui) clean up cursor handling code

- add delete() operation
- combine cursor_left/right w/ advance/retreat
9239b6cd — drbawb 4 years ago
(ui) input buffer resizing logic

The input buffer consists of the line being edited as well
as the span of space available in the terminal to display the line.
This commit includes basic operations for manipulating the buffer,

- The ability to move the cursor forwards & backwards within
  the range of the edited text (`cursor_left` & `cursor_right`.)

- The ability to render the input buffer at a given position and
  console width with automatic resizing behavior.
4a1c17e2 — drbawb 4 years ago
implement basic buffer management

- ascii keys append to a buffer
- arrows (left/right) navigate around buffer
- terminal width controls a sliding span for displaying that buffer
c48bcbb7 — drbawb 4 years ago
(init) linefeed & crossterm test
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