
Nixos configuration, sway and home-manager.
fix(qutebrowser): search engine change to opnxng.com
feat(network): merged configuration
fix(readme): partition.nix path


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You can also use your local clone with git send-email.


This is the NixOS configuration repository for my machines. Include Sway WM and Home Manager configuration.

image image

Uniform look for GTK2/3/4 and QT5/6 applications with Dark Mode (Breeze-Dark theme from KDE).

image image

#๐Ÿ’  File structure

  • home : Home-manager configuration.
    • config : List of user config directory (~/.config).
    • dconf : List of user dconf settings.
    • fonts : List of user fonts config.
    • packages : List of user packages without configuration.
    • programs : List of user packages with configuration.
    • services : List of user services.
    • theme : List of user themes.
    • wayland : Window manager configuration (sway).
    • xdg : Manage mimeapps and user-dirs.
  • nixos : System configuration.
    • hardware : List of hardware configuration.
    • programs : List of programs installed through the system.
    • services : List of system services.
    • system : List of system settings.
    • theme : List of system themes.
    • virtual : Isolation environments and virtual machines.
  • asset : List of screenshots, wallpapers, video, etc.

#๐Ÿ’Ž List of apps

Category Name Alternative Description
Window manager sway Tiling wayland compositor.
Panel Bar waybar Customizable wayland bar for sway.
Terminal foot Minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator.
Audio player ncmpcpp+mpd Ncurses based mpd client.
Backlight light swayosd Application to control backlights.
Battery daemon batsignal Lightweight battery daemon written in C.
Bluetooth rofi+bluetoothctl Interface to connect to bluetooth devices.
Browser qutebrowser firefox Keyboard-focused browser.
Display settings wdisplay Configuring displays in Wayland compositor.
Dynamic wallpaper wpaperd Minimal wallpaper daemon for Wayland.
File manager joshuto Ranger-like terminal file manager.
Fonts fira-sans:10 Minimalist sans font.
GTK2/3/4 theme breeze-dark Design language of the kde plasma desktop environment.
QT5/6 theme breeze-dark Style to bend Qt applications to look like kde plasma.
Icons papirus-icon-theme Pixel perfect icon theme for linux.
Image viewer imv krita Command line image viewer.
Login manager greetd Minimal and flexible login manager daemon (autologin).
Menu rofi wofi Window switcher, run dialog and dmenu replacement.
Notification mako Lightweight wayland notification daemon.
Password store rofi+pass Stores, retrieves, generates, & synchronizes passwords.
Pick color wl-color-picker Wayland color picker that also works on wlroots.
PDF viewer zathura Highly customizable and functional pdf viewer.
Screen lock swaylock Screen locker for wayland.
Screen recorder wl-screenrec obs-studio Screen recording of wlroots-based.
Shell fish bash Smart and user-friendly command line shell.
System monitor bottom htop Graphical process/system monitor.
Terminal session zellij tmux Terminal workspace with batteries included.
Text editor helix neovim Post-modern modal text editor.
Video player mpv General-purpose media player.
Volume control pamixer pulsemixer Command line mixer.

#๐Ÿณ Sway usage

Keybinding Next key Description
Mod Meta key with logo (mod4).
Mod + Number Move to workspace (num=1-9).
Mod + Enter Terminal (foot).
Mod + h / j / k / l Focus to window.
Mod + d Application launcher (rofi).
Mod + y Bluetooth launcher (rofi).
Mod + c Clipboard manager (rofi).
Mod + e Password store (rofi).
Mod + m Pick emoji for wayland.
Mod + n Pick color for wayland.
Mod + o Simple Wayland output mirror client.
Mod + f Fullscreen window.
Mod + u i / o Set sink (input) and source (output) audio.
Mod + p 1-3 / 4-6 / 7-9 Simple configuring monitor screen with wlr-randr.
Mod + r h / j / k / l Resize window apps.
Mod + x h / p / r / s / l / o Hibernate, poweroff, reboot, suspend, lockscreen & logout.
Print 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 Printscreen area, all, area (copy) & all (copy).
Shift + Print 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 0 Recording area, all, area (no audio), all (no audio) & stop record.

#๐Ÿซ Installation

#Cloning repository

Repository Command
Sourcehut git clone https://git.sr.ht/~hervyqa/swayhome
Repository Command
Sourcehut git clone git@git.sr.ht:~hervyqa/swayhome
cd swayhome
sudo mv /etc/nixos/configuration.nix /etc/nixos/configuration.nix.backup
sudo ln -s $PWD/configuration.nix /etc/nixos/

#Install home manager

I am using 24.05 stable version, home-manager is also using the same version. Make sure the system and home-manager also use the same version.

Channel Command
24.05 sudo nix-channel --add https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager/archive/release-24.05.tar.gz home-manager
24.11 (unstable) sudo nix-channel --add https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager/archive/master.tar.gz home-manager

Then, update channel.

sudo nix-channel --update

If using a different version, please replace stateVersion variables from nixos and home.

#๐Ÿงข User variable

Some variables were found in the .nix files. You need to replace it with another name and value. For example:

}: let
  name = "hervyqa";
  fullname = "Hervy Qurrotul Ainur Rozi";
  email = "hervyqa@proton.me";
  timezone = "Asia/Jakarta";
  defaultlocale = "en_US.UTF-8";
  extralocale = "id_ID.UTF-8";
  layout = "us";
  signingkey = "D7B52C04D9B40738";
  hostname = "nixos";
  version = "24.05";
in {

#๐Ÿ’™ Configure hardware

If you are installing NixOS for the first time, there is a hardware-configuration.nix file, you can change variables and include each existing module in dotfile settings. You don't need to take all the settings like these dotfiles, just take the part you need.


My machine uses intel machine. You can change it if you use another processor like amd. Nix file: nixos/hardware/processor.nix.

hardware = {
  cpu = {
    # amd or intel
    amd = {
      updateMicrocode =
       lib.mkDefault config.hardware.enableRedistributableFirmware;

#File systems

Change UUID of /, /home and /boot partition. Nix file: nixos/hardware/partition.nix.

fileSystems = {
  "/" = {
    device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/56f0a8d0-7c8b-4849-9d18-def00c2a7b47";
    fsType = "ext4";
  "/home" = {
    device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/7403caac-87c5-46c4-896e-bc74a3ba8b95";
    fsType = "ext4";
  "/boot" = {
    device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/ABD9-665E";
    fsType = "vfat";

#Swap partition

If you have a swap linux partition (optional). Nix file: nixos/hardware/swapdevices.nix.

swapDevices = [];

#๐Ÿ—ณ How to build

This dotfile is installed with the nixos module. There is no need to run home-manager switch because the system and user configuration are built together.

sudo nixos-rebuild switch

For next build, i prefer using doas as an alternative to sudo.

doas nixos-rebuild switch

Or using dnrs from fish abbreviation.

Nix file: home/programs/fish.nix.


#๐ŸŒŠ Check system

nix-shell -p nix-info --run 'nix-info -m'

Sample output.

  • system: "x86_64-linux"
  • host os: Linux 6.6.52-rt43, NixOS, 24.05 (Uakari), 24.05.5630.c505ebf77752
  • multi-user?: yes
  • sandbox: yes
  • version: nix-env (Nix) 2.18.8
  • channels(root): "home-manager-24.05.tar.gz, nixos-24.05"
  • nixpkgs: /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos

#๐Ÿ“˜ License

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2024 Hervy Qurrotul Ainur Rozi