fix: Use `vim.fn.tolower` to support UTF-8
chore: Don't include last changed in vimdoc
Auto generate vim doc
Generate and update table of contents list (with links) for markdown.
Almost fully replaces vim-markdown-toc, written in 100% lua.
and ------
Table of contents
Dog-fooding ;)
Example for Lazy.nvim:
url = ""
ft = "markdown", -- Lazy load on markdown filetype
cmd = { "Mtoc" }, -- Or, lazy load on "Mtoc" command
opts = {
-- Your configuration here (optional)
Making use of lazy-loading with ft
means that Mtoc
commands won't be
available until a markdown file is opened.
Note that the repo is called markdown-toc.nvim
, but the lua module and
commands are prefixed with mtoc
rather than markdown-toc
To be explicit or if you run into problems, you can set main = "mtoc"
in the
plugin spec for Lazy.nvim.
A call to the setup function is not required for the plugin to work. Default configuration will be used.
However, the setup call is required if you want to enable the auto-update feature (because autocmds have to be set up).
Pass this table with your config options to the setup function, or put this
table in the opts
key if you're using Lazy.nvim.
headings = {
-- Include headings before the ToC (or current line for `:Mtoc insert`).
-- Setting to true will include headings that are defined before the ToC
-- position to be included in the ToC.
before_toc = false,
-- Table or boolean. Set to true to use these defaults, set to false to disable completely.
-- Fences are needed for the update/remove commands, otherwise you can
-- manually select ToC and run update.
fences = {
enabled = true,
-- These fence texts are wrapped within "<!-- % -->", where the '%' is
-- substituted with the text.
start_text = "mtoc-start",
end_text = "mtoc-end"
-- An empty line is inserted on top and below the ToC list before the being
-- wrapped with the fence texts, same as vim-markdown-toc.
-- Enable auto-update of the ToC (if fences found) on buffer save
auto_update = true,
toc_list = {
-- string or list of strings (for cycling)
-- If cycle_markers = false and markers is a list, only the first is used.
-- You can set to '1.' to use a automatically numbered list for ToC (if
-- your markdown render supports it).
markers = '*',
cycle_markers = false,
-- Example config for cycling markers:
----- markers = {'*', '+', '-'},
----- cycle_markers = true,
These are the common config options. For a full list including advanced customizations including indent size and list item format, please see Full Configuration.
Note that whenever you change your fence text, you must either edit all existing
fences by hand if you wish to retain auto-update feature, or you can remove +
insert, or visual select the whole range including fence, and use :'<,'>Mtoc u!
See commands.
Disable fences (update/remove ToC will not work, unless you run update with manually selected ToC range):
fences = false,
Cycle markers:
toc_list = {
markers = {'*', '+', '-'},
cycle_markers = true,
Use numbered list for TOC
toc_list = {
markers = '1.',
Cycling of markers produces a ToC list like this:
* [First heading](#first-heading)
+ [Sub heading](#sub-heading)
+ [Sub heading 2](#sub-heading-2)
- [Sub-sub heading](#sub-sub-heading)
- [Sub-sub heading 2](#sub-sub-heading-2)
* [Sub-sub-sub heading](#sub-sub-sub-heading)
* [Second heading](#second-heading)
+ [Second sub heading](#second-sub-heading)
To customize the indent size please see full configurations.
Advanced configuration patterns
Subcommands do not have to be typed in full so long as they are not ambiguous.
These shortcuts are shown in [square brackets]
If range not provided, update ToC if fences are found. If not, insert ToC at cursor position.
If range provided, replace the range with newly generated ToC. If fences are enabled and bang provided, also inserts fences.
:Mtoc i[nsert]
Insert ToC at cursor position.
If there are no headings found:
:[range]Mtoc u[pdate][!]
If range not provided, update ToC if fences are found.
If range provided, replace the range with newly generated ToC. If fences are enabled and bang provided, also inserts fences.
It may print errors when no fences are found, start-end fences are not matched, or end found before start.
:Mtoc r[emove]
Remove ToC if fences are found.
It may print errors when no fences are found, start-end fences are not matched, or end found before start.
-- Config relating to fetching of headings to be included in ToC
headings = {
-- Include headings before the ToC (or current line for `:Mtoc insert`)
before_toc = false,
-- Either list of lua patterns (regex),
-- or a function that takes a heading title and returns boolean (true means
-- to EXCLUDE heading).
exclude = {},
-- The first capture is for heading level ('###') and second is for the heading
-- title.
pattern = "^(#+)%s+(.+)$",
-- Config relating to the style and format of the ToC
toc_list = {
-- string or list of strings (for cycling)
-- If cycle_markers = false and markers is a list, only the first is used.
-- You can set to '1.' to use a automatically numbered list for ToC (if
-- your markdown render supports it).
markers = '*',
cycle_markers = false,
-- Example config for cycling markers:
----- markers = {'*', '+', '-'},
----- cycle_markers = true,
-- Integer or a function that returns an integer.
-- If function, it is called every time the ToC is regenerated. This allows the use
-- of retrieving buffer-local settings like shiftwidth.
indent_size = 2,
-- Remove the ${indent} below, or set indent_size=0 to have the whole ToC
-- be a flattened list.
item_format_string = "${indent}${marker} [${name}](#${link})",
---Formatter for a single ToC list item.
-- `item_info` has fields `name`, `link`, `marker`, `indent`, To change the
-- format of each heading item but keep the same field substitution syntax,
-- simply change `item_format_string`.
---@param item_info table Information for current heading item.
---@param fmtstr string from `item_format_string` config
---@return string formatted_item
item_formatter = function(item_info, fmtstr)
local s = fmtstr:gsub([[${(%w-)}]], function(key)
return item_info[key] or ('${'..key..'}')
return s
-- Table or boolean. Set to true to use these defaults, set to false to disable completely.
-- Fences are needed for the update/remove commands.
fences = {
enabled = true,
-- These fence texts are wrapped within "<!-- % -->", where the '%' is
-- substituted with the text.
start_text = "mtoc start",
end_text = "mtoc end"
-- An empty line is inserted on top and below the ToC list before the being
-- wrapped with the fence texts, same as vim-markdown-toc.
-- Set auto_update=true to use the following defaults.
-- Set to false to disable completely.
-- Fields events and pattern are used unprocessed for creating autocmds.
auto_update = {
enabled = true,
-- This allows the ToC to be refreshed silently on save for any markdown file.
-- The refresh operation uses `Mtoc update` and does NOT create the ToC if
-- it does not exist.
events = { "BufWritePre" },
pattern = "*.{md,mdown,mkd,mkdn,markdown,mdwn}",
Custom link formatter:
toc_list = {
item_formatter = function(item, fmtstr)
local default_formatter = require('mtoc.config').defaults.toc_list.item_formatter =" ", "_")
return default_formatter(item, fmtstr)
In the above example a link for a heading is generated simply by converting all spaces to underscores.
You can also wrap the existing formatter like so:
toc_list = {
item_formatter = function(item, fmtstr)
local default_formatter = require('mtoc.config').defaults.toc_list.item_formatter ='-custom-link-ending'
return default_formatter(item, fmtstr)
Exclude headings named "CHANGELOG" or "License":
headings = {
exclude = {"CHANGELOG", "License"},
Exclude headings that begin with "TODO":
headings = {
exclude = "^TODO",
Exclude all capitalized headings:
headings = {
exclude = function(title)
-- Return true means, to exclude it from the ToC
return title:upper() == title
Set indent size for ToC list based on shiftwidth opt:
toc_list = {
indent_size = function()
Flattened ToC list without links:
toc_list = {
item_format_string = "${marker} ${name}",
This produces something like this:
* Heading 1
* Sub heading
* Sub sub heading
* Heading 2
Ensure all heading names are in Title Case when listed in ToC:
toc_list = {
item_formatter = function(item, fmtstr)
local default_formatter = require('mtoc.config').defaults.toc_list.item_formatter
-- NOTE: Consider using `vim.fn.tolower/toupper` to support letters other than ASCII. ="(%a)([%w_']*)", function(a,b) return a:upper()..b:lower() end)
return default_formatter(item, fmtstr)
Remove :lower()
to avoid decapitalizing already capitalized rest of words
(like the case for acronyms).
Include only 2nd-level headings
headings = {
pattern = "^(##)%s+(.+)$",
From nvim-0.9, secure loading of per-directory nvim configs are now supported.
You can include this in your neovim config:
if vim.fn.has("nvim-0.9") == 1 then
vim.o.exrc = true
Then in your project root, create a file named .nvim.lua
, with the following contents:
local ok, mtoc = pcall(require, 'mtoc')
if ok then
-- new opts to override
Here's an example .nvim.lua
in the wild that makes use of