
Personal website built in Django
c7c49f50 — Jesús 2 years ago
Remove check integrity for estilos.min.css
3e92b492 — Jesús 2 years ago
No use `make` for compile css
b25bb542 — Jesús 2 years ago
Add commands to CI/CD


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You can also use your local clone with git send-email.

#Personal-site README

To get a pretty version of this document, run

$ markdown README > README.html


See LICENSE file.


See AUTHORS file.


  • python
  • python-virtualenv

#Python dependencies

More detail in requirements.txt and requirements_prod.txt; it is best to use virtualenv and pip to handle these. But if you insist on (Arch GNU/Linux) packages, you will probably want the following:

  • django
  • python-markdown
  • python-memcached

#Testing Installation

  1. Clone personal-site

     $ git clone https://git.sr.ht/~heckyel/personal-site
  2. Run virtualenv.

     $ cd personal-site && virtualenv ./venv/
  3. Activate the virtualenv.

     $ source ./venv/bin/activate
  4. Install dependencies through pip.

     $ pip install -r django/requirements.txt
  5. Copy settings.py.example to settings.py and modify. Make sure to uncomment the appropriate database section (either sqlite or PostgreSQL).

     $ cp -v django/personalsite/settings.py.example django/personalsite/settings.py
  6. Check syntax.

     $ python django/manage.py check --deploy
  7. Migrate changes.

     $ python django/manage.py migrate
  8. Create superUSER

     $ python django/manage.py createsuperuser
  9. Use the following commands to start a service instance

     $ python django/manage.py runserver

#Production Installation

The HACKING.md file helps the deployment in production