@@ 13,6 13,7 @@
int num_freqs = MAXNUMFREQS;
+float ** pre;
lpfloat_t terry[] = {
1.f, // P1 C
@@ 30,20 31,8 @@ lpfloat_t terry[] = {
// this is just used as the default freq list on startup
-lpfloat_t scale[] = {
- 55.000f,
- 110.000f,
- 122.222f,
- 137.500f,
- 146.667f,
- 165.000f,
- 185.625f,
- 206.250f,
- 220.000f,
- 244.444f,
- 275.000f,
- 293.333f
+lpfloat_t scale[12] = {234.666f};
enum DistortionTypes {
@@ 86,9 75,16 @@ enum InstrumentParams {
@@ 106,17 102,19 @@ typedef struct localctx_t {
lpfloat_t freqsmooth;
lpenvelopefollower_t * envf;
+ lpbfilter_t * osc_hp;
+ lpbfilter_t * osc_lp;
+ lpbfilter_t * mic_hp;
+ lpbfilter_t * mic_lp;
lpfloat_t ampmodsmooth;
lpfloat_t oscampsmooth;
lpfloat_t gateampsmooth;
- lpfloat_t fold1prev;
- lpfloat_t fold2prev;
+ lpfloat_t foldprev;
- lpfloat_t limit1prev;
- lpfloat_t limit2prev;
- lpbuffer_t * limit1buf;
- lpbuffer_t * limit2buf;
+ lpfloat_t limitprev;
+ lpbuffer_t * limitbuf;
lppulsarosc_t * gate1;
lppulsarosc_t * gate2;
@@ 134,8 132,14 @@ typedef struct localctx_t {
char samplebank1name[PATH_MAX];
char samplebank2name[PATH_MAX];
+ char samplebank3name[PATH_MAX];
+ char samplebank4name[PATH_MAX];
lpbuffer_t * samplebank1buf;
lpbuffer_t * samplebank2buf;
+ lpbuffer_t * samplebank3buf;
+ lpbuffer_t * samplebank4buf;
} localctx_t;
lpfloat_t osc_mix(lpfloat_t pos, int chan) {
@@ 278,6 282,21 @@ int param_map_callback(void * arg, char * keystr, char * valstr) {
extract_float_from_token(valstr, &val_f);
astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_DISTORTION_AMOUNT, val_f);
+ } else if(strcmp(keystr, "ohp") == 0) {
+ extract_float_from_token(valstr, &val_f);
+ astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_FILTER_HIGHPASS, val_f);
+ } else if(strcmp(keystr, "olp") == 0) {
+ extract_float_from_token(valstr, &val_f);
+ astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_FILTER_LOWPASS, val_f);
+ } else if(strcmp(keystr, "mhp") == 0) {
+ extract_float_from_token(valstr, &val_f);
+ astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_MIC_FILTER_HIGHPASS, val_f);
+ } else if(strcmp(keystr, "mlp") == 0) {
+ extract_float_from_token(valstr, &val_f);
+ astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_MIC_FILTER_LOWPASS, val_f);
} else if(strcmp(keystr, "mtrak") == 0) {
extract_int32_from_token(valstr, &val_i32);
astrid_instrument_set_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_MIC_PITCH_TRACKING_ENABLED, val_i32);
@@ 294,6 313,12 @@ int param_map_callback(void * arg, char * keystr, char * valstr) {
} else if(strcmp(keystr, "rec2") == 0) {
extract_int32_from_token(valstr, &val_i32);
astrid_instrument_set_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_SAMPLEBANK2_REC_ENABLED, val_i32);
+ } else if(strcmp(keystr, "rec3") == 0) {
+ extract_int32_from_token(valstr, &val_i32);
+ astrid_instrument_set_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_SAMPLEBANK3_REC_ENABLED, val_i32);
+ } else if(strcmp(keystr, "rec4") == 0) {
+ extract_int32_from_token(valstr, &val_i32);
+ astrid_instrument_set_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_SAMPLEBANK4_REC_ENABLED, val_i32);
} else if(strcmp(keystr, "save") == 0) {
extract_int32_from_token(valstr, &val_i32);
@@ 328,22 353,27 @@ int audio_callback(size_t blocksize, float ** input, float ** output, void * arg
size_t i;
int j;
lpfloat_t freqs[MAXNUMFREQS];
- lpfloat_t osc_sample, osc_sample_group1, osc_sample_group2,
- osc_amp, osc_pan, env1, env2, in1, in2, d1, d2, p, last_p=-1,
- osc_left, osc_right, gate_left, gate_right, mic1_left, mic1_right, mic2_left, mic2_right,
- distortion_amount, distortion_mix,
+ lpfloat_t osc_sample, osc_sample_group1, osc_sample_group2, out_sample,
+ osc_amp, env1, env2, in1, in2, dist_sample, p, last_p=-1,
+ osc_pan, osc_left=0.f, osc_right=0.f,
+ mic_pan, mic_left=0.f, mic_right=0.f,
+ mic_sample, distortion_amount, distortion_mix,
osc_pw, osc_saturation, osc_env_speed,
osc_drift_amount, drift, osc_drift_speed,
- gate1_sample, gate2_sample, gate1_amp, gate2_amp, gate_pan, amp_mod,
- mic1_amp, mic2_amp, mic1_pan, mic2_pan,
+ gate1_sample, gate2_sample, gate1_amp, gate2_amp, amp_mod,
+ gate_sample, mic1_amp, mic2_amp,
gate_shape, gate_speed, gate1_speed_multiplier, gate2_speed_multiplier,
gate_pw, gate_drift_amount, gate_drift_speed,
+ mic_highpass, mic_lowpass, osc_highpass, osc_lowpass,
+ mic_highpass_cutoff, mic_lowpass_cutoff,
+ osc_highpass_cutoff, osc_lowpass_cutoff,
gate_drift_stability, gate_drift_density, gate_drift_periodicity,
gate_drift, gate_saturation, tracked_freq=220.f;
int32_t octave_spread, octave_offset, gate_reset, gate_repeat,
freq_snap, pitch_tracking_is_enabled, distortion_type,
- samplebank1_rec_enabled, samplebank2_rec_enabled;
+ samplebank1_rec_enabled, samplebank2_rec_enabled,
+ samplebank3_rec_enabled, samplebank4_rec_enabled;
lppatternbuf_t gate_pattern;
lpinstrument_t * instrument = (lpinstrument_t *)arg;
localctx_t * ctx = (localctx_t *)instrument->context;
@@ 354,17 384,27 @@ int audio_callback(size_t blocksize, float ** input, float ** output, void * arg
distortion_mix = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_DISTORTION_MIX, 0.f);
distortion_type = astrid_instrument_get_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_DISTORTION_TYPE, 0);
- osc_amp = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_AMP, 1.f);
+ mic_lowpass = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_MIC_FILTER_LOWPASS, 0.f);
+ mic_highpass = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_MIC_FILTER_HIGHPASS, 0.f);
+ mic_highpass_cutoff = lpsv(mic_highpass, 10.f, 19990.f);
+ mic_lowpass_cutoff = lpsv(1.f-mic_lowpass, 10.f, 10000.f);
+ osc_lowpass = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_FILTER_LOWPASS, 0.f);
+ osc_highpass = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_FILTER_HIGHPASS, 0.8f);
+ osc_highpass_cutoff = lpsv(osc_highpass, 10.f, 19990.f);
+ osc_lowpass_cutoff = lpsv(1.f-osc_lowpass, 10.f, 10000.f);
+ osc_amp = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_AMP, 0.f);
osc_amp = LPFX.lpf1(osc_amp, &ctx->oscampsmooth, 1000.f, SR);
- osc_pan = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_PAN, 0.5f);
+ osc_pan = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_PAN, 0.f);
osc_pw = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_PULSEWIDTH, 1.f);
osc_saturation = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_SATURATION, 1.f);
osc_env_speed = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_ENVELOPE_SPEED, 0.01f) * 100.f + 1.f;
osc_drift_amount = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_DRIFT_DEPTH, 0.f);
osc_drift_speed = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_DRIFT_SPEED, 0.5f);
- octave_spread = astrid_instrument_get_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_OSC_OCTAVE_SPREAD, 6);
- octave_offset = astrid_instrument_get_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_OSC_OCTAVE_OFFSET, -2);
- freq_snap = astrid_instrument_get_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_OSC_FREQ_UPDATE_ON_ENV_RESET, 0);
+ octave_spread = astrid_instrument_get_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_OSC_OCTAVE_SPREAD, 1);
+ octave_offset = astrid_instrument_get_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_OSC_OCTAVE_OFFSET, 0);
+ freq_snap = astrid_instrument_get_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_OSC_FREQ_UPDATE_ON_ENV_RESET, 1);
astrid_instrument_get_param_float_list(instrument, PARAM_OSC_FREQS, num_freqs, freqs);
gate1_amp = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE1_AMP, 0.f);
@@ 373,7 413,6 @@ int audio_callback(size_t blocksize, float ** input, float ** output, void * arg
gate2_amp = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE2_AMP, 0.f);
gate2_amp = LPFX.lpf1(gate2_amp, &ctx->gateampsmooth, 1000.f, SR);
- gate_pan = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE_PAN, 0.5f);
gate_reset = astrid_instrument_get_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_GATE_PHASE_RESET, 0);
gate_repeat = astrid_instrument_get_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_GATE_REPEAT, 1);
gate_shape = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE_SHAPE, 0.f);
@@ 390,16 429,22 @@ int audio_callback(size_t blocksize, float ** input, float ** output, void * arg
gate_pattern = astrid_instrument_get_param_patternbuf(instrument, PARAM_GATE_PATTERN);
mic1_amp = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_MIC1_AMP, 0.f);
- mic1_pan = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_MIC1_PAN, 0.5f);
mic2_amp = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_MIC2_AMP, 0.f);
- mic2_pan = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_MIC2_PAN, 0.5f);
+ mic_pan = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_MIC1_PAN, 0.f);
pitch_tracking_is_enabled = astrid_instrument_get_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_MIC_PITCH_TRACKING_ENABLED, 0);
envelope_tracking_is_enabled = astrid_instrument_get_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_MIC_ENVELOPE_TRACKING_ENABLED, 0);
//ctx->yin->threshold = astrid_instrument_get_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_MIC_PITCH_TRACKING_THRESHOLD, 0.8f);
+ ctx->mic_hp->freq = mic_highpass_cutoff;
+ ctx->mic_lp->freq = mic_lowpass_cutoff;
+ ctx->osc_hp->freq = osc_highpass_cutoff;
+ ctx->osc_lp->freq = osc_lowpass_cutoff;
samplebank1_rec_enabled = astrid_instrument_get_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_SAMPLEBANK1_REC_ENABLED, 1);
samplebank2_rec_enabled = astrid_instrument_get_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_SAMPLEBANK2_REC_ENABLED, 1);
+ samplebank3_rec_enabled = astrid_instrument_get_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_SAMPLEBANK3_REC_ENABLED, 1);
+ samplebank4_rec_enabled = astrid_instrument_get_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_SAMPLEBANK4_REC_ENABLED, 1);
// set gate osc params
ctx->gate_drifter->freq = gate_drift_speed;
@@ 446,7 491,7 @@ int audio_callback(size_t blocksize, float ** input, float ** output, void * arg
for(i=0; i < blocksize; i++) {
- osc_sample_group1 = osc_sample_group2 = d1 = d2 = 0.f;
+ osc_sample_group1 = osc_sample_group2 = dist_sample = mic_sample = 0.f;
// attenuate the signal with the envelope follower if enabled
if(envelope_tracking_is_enabled) {
@@ 500,6 545,10 @@ int audio_callback(size_t blocksize, float ** input, float ** output, void * arg
ctx->octave_spreads[j] = pow(2, octave_spread);
ctx->octave_offsets[j] = pow(2, octave_offset);
+ //syslog(LOG_ERR, "FILTERPOS=%f\n", filter_position);
+ //syslog(LOG_ERR, "HPCUTOFF=%f\n", highpass_cutoff);
+ //syslog(LOG_ERR, "LPCUTOFF=%f\n", lowpass_cutoff);
gate_drift, gate_drift_speed, gate_drift_amount);
@@ 523,52 572,60 @@ int audio_callback(size_t blocksize, float ** input, float ** output, void * arg
// osc output
osc_sample = osc_sample_group1 + osc_sample_group2;
+ //osc_sample = LPFilter.process_blp(ctx->osc_lp, osc_sample);
+ //osc_sample = lpzapgremlins(osc_sample);
+ //osc_sample = LPFilter.process_bhp(ctx->osc_hp, osc_sample);
+ //osc_sample = lpzapgremlins(osc_sample);
+ pre[0][i] = pre[1][i] = osc_sample * 0.1f;
osc_sample *= osc_amp * amp_mod;
+ gate_sample = gate1_sample + gate2_sample;
// mic feedback
in1 = input[0][i] * MIC_ATTENUATION * mic1_amp;
in2 = input[1][i] * MIC_ATTENUATION * mic2_amp;
+ mic_sample = in1 + in2;
+ mic_sample = LPFilter.process_blp(ctx->mic_lp, mic_sample);
+ mic_sample = LPFilter.process_bhp(ctx->mic_hp, mic_sample);
- osc_left = osc_right = gate_left = gate_right = mic1_left = mic1_right = mic2_left = mic2_right = 0.f;
- pan_stereo_constant(osc_pan, osc_sample, osc_sample, &osc_left, &osc_right);
- pan_stereo_constant(gate_pan, gate1_sample+gate2_sample, gate1_sample+gate2_sample, &gate_left, &gate_right);
- pan_stereo_constant(mic1_pan, in1, in1, &mic1_left, &mic1_right);
- pan_stereo_constant(mic2_pan, in2, in2, &mic2_left, &mic2_right);
- // mix everything
- //output[0][i] += (osc_sample * osc_out1_mix) + ((gate1_sample + gate2_sample) * gate_out1_mix) + (in1 * in1_out1_mix) + (in2 * in2_out1_mix);
- //output[1][i] += (osc_sample * osc_out2_mix) + ((gate1_sample + gate2_sample) * gate_out2_mix) + (in2 * in1_out2_mix) + (in2 * in2_out2_mix);
- output[0][i] += osc_left + gate_left + mic1_left + mic2_left;
- output[1][i] += osc_right + gate_right + mic1_right + mic2_right;
+ //out_sample = gate_sample;
// apply distortion
if(distortion_amount > 0) {
switch(distortion_type) {
- d1 = LPFX.fold(output[0][i] * (distortion_amount+1), &ctx->fold1prev, instrument->samplerate);
- d2 = LPFX.fold(output[1][i] * (distortion_amount+1), &ctx->fold2prev, instrument->samplerate);
+ dist_sample = LPFX.fold(out_sample * (distortion_amount+1), &ctx->foldprev, instrument->samplerate);
- d1 = LPFX.crush(output[0][i], (1.f-distortion_amount) * 10.f + 1.f);
- d2 = LPFX.crush(output[1][i], (1.f-distortion_amount) * 10.f + 1.f);
+ dist_sample = LPFX.crush(out_sample, (1.f-distortion_amount) * 10.f + 1.f);
- d1 *= distortion_mix;
- d2 *= distortion_mix;
- output[0][i] = (output[0][i] * (1-distortion_mix)) + d1;
- output[1][i] = (output[1][i] * (1-distortion_mix)) + d2;
+ dist_sample *= distortion_mix;
+ out_sample = (out_sample * (1-distortion_mix)) + dist_sample;
// limit
- output[0][i] = LPFX.limit(output[0][i], &ctx->limit1prev, 1.f, 0.2f, ctx->limit1buf);
- output[1][i] = LPFX.limit(output[1][i], &ctx->limit2prev, 1.f, 0.2f, ctx->limit2buf);
+ osc_sample = LPFX.limit(osc_sample+gate_sample, &ctx->limitprev, 1.f, 0.2f, ctx->limitbuf);
+ pan_stereo_constant(osc_pan, osc_sample, osc_sample, &osc_left, &osc_right);
+ pan_stereo_constant(mic_pan, mic_sample, mic_sample, &mic_left, &mic_right);
+ output[1][i] = mic_left + osc_left;
+ output[0][i] = mic_right + osc_right;
+ }
+ if(samplebank3_rec_enabled) {
+ if(lpsampler_write_ringbuffer_block(ctx->samplebank3name, ctx->samplebank3buf, pre, instrument->channels, blocksize) < 0) {
+ syslog(LOG_ERR, "Error writing into samplebank 3 ringbuf\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if(samplebank4_rec_enabled) {
+ if(lpsampler_write_ringbuffer_block(ctx->samplebank4name, ctx->samplebank4buf, pre, instrument->channels, blocksize) < 0) {
+ syslog(LOG_ERR, "Error writing into samplebank 4 ringbuf\n");
+ }
return 0;
@@ 584,14 641,21 @@ int main() {
+ pre = (float**)LPMemoryPool.alloc(CHANNELS * 40960, sizeof(float *));
+ for(int i=0; i < CHANNELS; i++) {
+ pre[i] = (float*)LPMemoryPool.alloc(40960, sizeof(float));
+ }
// create env window for the footballs
ctx->env = LPWindow.create(WIN_HANNOUT, 4096);
- ctx->fold1prev = 0.f;
- ctx->fold2prev = 0.f;
- ctx->limit1prev = 1.f;
- ctx->limit2prev = 1.f;
- ctx->limit1buf = LPBuffer.create(1024, 1, (lpfloat_t)SR);
- ctx->limit2buf = LPBuffer.create(1024, 1, (lpfloat_t)SR);
+ ctx->foldprev = 0.f;
+ ctx->limitprev = 1.f;
+ ctx->limitbuf = LPBuffer.create(1024, 1, (lpfloat_t)SR);
+ ctx->mic_hp = LPFilter.create_bhp(1000, SR);
+ ctx->osc_hp = LPFilter.create_bhp(1000, SR);
+ ctx->mic_lp = LPFilter.create_blp(1000, SR);
+ ctx->osc_lp = LPFilter.create_blp(1000, SR);
// setup oscs
for(int i=0; i < NUMOSCS; i++) {
@@ 648,12 712,21 @@ int main() {
// set up the sampler circular buffers
snprintf(ctx->samplebank1name, PATH_MAX, "%s-bank1", NAME);
snprintf(ctx->samplebank2name, PATH_MAX, "%s-bank2", NAME);
+ snprintf(ctx->samplebank3name, PATH_MAX, "%s-bank3", NAME);
+ snprintf(ctx->samplebank4name, PATH_MAX, "%s-bank4", NAME);
if((ctx->samplebank1buf = lpsampler_create(ctx->samplebank1name, 30, CHANNELS, SR)) == NULL) {
syslog(LOG_ERR, "Could not create instrument samplebank1 buffer\n");
if((ctx->samplebank2buf = lpsampler_create(ctx->samplebank2name, 30, CHANNELS, SR)) == NULL) {
syslog(LOG_ERR, "Could not create instrument samplebank2 buffer\n");
+ if((ctx->samplebank3buf = lpsampler_create(ctx->samplebank3name, 30, CHANNELS, SR)) == NULL) {
+ syslog(LOG_ERR, "Could not create instrument samplebank3 buffer\n");
+ }
+ if((ctx->samplebank4buf = lpsampler_create(ctx->samplebank4name, 30, CHANNELS, SR)) == NULL) {
+ syslog(LOG_ERR, "Could not create instrument samplebank4 buffer\n");
+ }
// Set the callbacks for streaming, async renders and param updates
if((instrument = astrid_instrument_start(NAME, CHANNELS, 0, ADC_LENGTH, RESAMPLER_LENGTH, (void*)ctx,
@@ 687,10 760,11 @@ int main() {
- LPBuffer.destroy(ctx->limit1buf);
- LPBuffer.destroy(ctx->limit2buf);
+ LPBuffer.destroy(ctx->limitbuf);
+ lpsampler_destroy(ctx->samplebank3name);
+ lpsampler_destroy(ctx->samplebank4name);
@@ 2899,7 2899,7 @@ int relay_message_to_seq(lpinstrument_t * instrument, lpmsg_t msg) {
seq_delay = msg.scheduled - (msg.max_processing_time * 2);
d->timestamp = msg.initiated + seq_delay;
- syslog(LOG_ERR, "d->timestamp=%f msg.scheduled=%f msg.initiated=%f\n",
+ syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "d->timestamp=%f msg.scheduled=%f msg.initiated=%f\n",
d->timestamp, msg.scheduled, msg.initiated);
// Remove the scheduled flag before relaying the message
@@ 2946,12 2946,12 @@ void * instrument_message_thread(void * arg) {
is_scheduled = ((instrument->msg.flags & LPFLAG_IS_SCHEDULED) == LPFLAG_IS_SCHEDULED);
- syslog(LOG_ERR, "C MSG: name=%s\n", instrument->msg.instrument_name);
- syslog(LOG_ERR, "C MSG: scheduled=%f\n", instrument->msg.scheduled);
- syslog(LOG_ERR, "C MSG: voice_id=%d\n", (int)instrument->msg.voice_id);
- syslog(LOG_ERR, "C MSG: type=%d\n", (int)instrument->msg.type);
- syslog(LOG_ERR, "C MSG: flags=%d\n", (int)instrument->msg.flags);
- syslog(LOG_ERR, "C MSG: is_scheduled=%d\n", is_scheduled);
+ syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "C MSG: name=%s\n", instrument->msg.instrument_name);
+ syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "C MSG: scheduled=%f\n", instrument->msg.scheduled);
+ syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "C MSG: voice_id=%d\n", (int)instrument->msg.voice_id);
+ syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "C MSG: type=%d\n", (int)instrument->msg.type);
+ syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "C MSG: flags=%d\n", (int)instrument->msg.flags);
+ syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "C MSG: is_scheduled=%d\n", is_scheduled);
// Handle shutdown early
if(instrument->msg.type == LPMSG_SHUTDOWN) {
@@ 2977,7 2977,7 @@ void * instrument_message_thread(void * arg) {
if(is_scheduled) {
// Scheduled messages get sent to the sequencer for handling later
- syslog(LOG_ERR, "C IS SCHEDULED msg.scheduled %f\n", instrument->msg.scheduled);
+ syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "C IS SCHEDULED msg.scheduled %f\n", instrument->msg.scheduled);
if(relay_message_to_seq(instrument, instrument->msg) < 0) {
syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s renderer: Could not read relay message to seq. Error: (%d) %s\n", instrument->name, errno, strerror(errno));
@@ 3267,13 3267,13 @@ void * instrument_serial_listener_thread(void * arg) {
bytes_read = read(tty, &c, 1);
- syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s serial listener: got %d byte: %c. ready for messages.\n", instrument->name, bytes_read, c);
+ syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s serial listener: got %d byte: %c. ready for messages.\n", instrument->name, bytes_read, c);
if(bytes_read < 0) {
syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s serial listener: Could not read header from the tty. Error: (%d) %s\n", instrument->name, errno, strerror(errno));
return NULL;
if(c == 'c') {
- syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s serial listener: got ready byte %c\n", instrument->name, c);
+ syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s serial listener: got ready byte %c\n", instrument->name, c);
tty_is_ready = 1;
@@ 4084,6 4084,51 @@ int astrid_instrument_tick(lpinstrument_t * instrument) {
return astrid_instrument_process_command_tick(instrument);
+lpparamset_t astrid_instrument_create_paramset(char * paramset_defs) {
+ lpparamset_t paramset;
+ char * savea, * saveb, * token, * param_name, * param_type;
+ char defs_copy[LPMAXMSG] = {0};
+ int param_index = 0;
+ memcpy(defs_copy, paramset_defs, LPMAXMSG);
+ token = strtok_r(defs_copy, " ", &savea);
+ while(token != NULL) {
+ param_name = strtok_r(token, ":", &saveb);
+ param_type = strtok_r(NULL, ":", &saveb);
+ if(param_name == NULL || param_type == NULL) {
+ syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Malformed param given: %s\n", token);
+ continue;
+ }
+ paramset.keys[param_index] = lphashstr(param_name);
+ if(strcmp(param_type, "i") == 0) {
+ paramset.types[param_index] = LPPARAM_INT32;
+ } else if(strcmp(param_type, "i32") == 0) {
+ paramset.types[param_index] = LPPARAM_INT32;
+ } else if(strcmp(param_type, "f") == 0) {
+ paramset.types[param_index] = LPPARAM_FLOAT;
+ } else if(strcmp(param_type, "d") == 0) {
+ paramset.types[param_index] = LPPARAM_DOUBLE;
+ } else if(strcmp(param_type, "fl") == 0) {
+ paramset.types[param_index] = LPPARAM_FLOATLIST;
+ } else if(strcmp(param_type, "pb") == 0) {
+ paramset.types[param_index] = LPPARAM_PATTERNBUF;
+ } else {
+ paramset.types[param_index] = LPPARAM_NONE;
+ syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Unknown param type given: %s\n", param_type);
+ }
+ token = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &savea);
+ param_index += 1;
+ }
+ paramset.num_params = param_index;
+ return paramset;
int astrid_instrument_save_param_session_snapshot(lpinstrument_t * instrument, int num_params, int snapshot_id) {
int shmfd;
@@ 4373,7 4418,6 @@ void astrid_instrument_set_param_float(lpinstrument_t * instrument, int param_in
void astrid_instrument_set_param_patternbuf(lpinstrument_t * instrument, int param_index, lppatternbuf_t * patternbuf) {
int rc;
MDB_val key, data;