
2f1a1faf2988cd675c0cfd7d9ed1bd256d2a3617 — Erik Schoster 5 months ago 298f72c
First pass add Soundpipe butterworth filters, misc littlefield instrument updates, dsp.scalef, fix SoundBuffer regression
M astrid/Makefile => astrid/Makefile +2 -0
@@ 111,7 111,9 @@ littlefield:

	#$(CC) $(LPFLAGS) -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=leak -fno-omit-frame-pointer $(LPINCLUDES) $(LPSOURCES) src/astrid.c orc/littlefield.c $(LPLIBS) -o build/littlefield
	$(CC) $(LPFLAGS) $(LPINCLUDES) $(LPSOURCES) src/astrid.c orc/littlefield.c $(LPLIBS) -o build/littlefield
	#$(CC) $(LPFLAGS) $(LPINCLUDES) $(LPSOURCES) src/astrid.c orc/b4wego.c $(LPLIBS) -o build/b4wego
	sudo cp build/littlefield /usr/local/bin/
	#sudo cp build/b4wego /usr/local/bin/


M astrid/orc/littlefield.c => astrid/orc/littlefield.c +81 -72
@@ 6,7 6,7 @@
#define CHANNELS 2
#define ADC_LENGTH 30
#define MIC_ATTENUATION 0.2f
#define MIC_ATTENUATION 0.9f

#define NUMOSCS 10
#define WTSIZE 4096

@@ 54,6 54,7 @@ enum DistortionTypes {
enum InstrumentParams {

@@ 66,9 67,10 @@ enum InstrumentParams {


@@ 81,20 83,15 @@ enum InstrumentParams {





@@ 192,29 189,26 @@ int param_map_callback(void * arg, char * keystr, char * valstr) {
    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "freqs") == 0) {
        num_freqs = extract_floatlist_from_token(valstr, val_floatlist, MAXNUMFREQS);
        astrid_instrument_set_param_float_list(instrument, PARAM_OSC_FREQS, val_floatlist, num_freqs);
    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "oo1") == 0) {
    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "opan") == 0) {
        extract_float_from_token(valstr, &val_f);
        astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_TO_OUT1, val_f);
    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "oo2") == 0) {
        extract_float_from_token(valstr, &val_f);
        astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_TO_OUT2, val_f);
        astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_PAN, val_f);

    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "g1amp") == 0) {
        extract_float_from_token(valstr, &val_f);
        astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE1_AMP, val_f);
    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "g1speed") == 0) {
    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "g1mult") == 0) {
        extract_float_from_token(valstr, &val_f);
        astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE2_SPEED, val_f);
        astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE1_SPEED_MULTIPLIER, val_f);
    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "g2amp") == 0) {
        extract_float_from_token(valstr, &val_f);
        astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE2_AMP, val_f);
    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "g2speed") == 0) {
    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "gspeed") == 0) {
        extract_float_from_token(valstr, &val_f);
        astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE2_SPEED, val_f);

    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "gmult") == 0) {
        astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE_SPEED, val_f);
    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "g2mult") == 0) {
        extract_float_from_token(valstr, &val_f);
        astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE_SPEED_MULTIPLIER, val_f);
        astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE2_SPEED_MULTIPLIER, val_f);

    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "gpw") == 0) {
        extract_float_from_token(valstr, &val_f);
        astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE_PULSEWIDTH, val_f);

@@ 239,13 233,9 @@ int param_map_callback(void * arg, char * keystr, char * valstr) {
   } else if(strcmp(keystr, "gdper") == 0) {
        extract_float_from_token(valstr, &val_f);
        astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE_DRIFT_PERIODICITY, val_f);

    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "go1") == 0) {
        extract_float_from_token(valstr, &val_f);
        astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE_TO_OUT1, val_f);
    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "go2") == 0) {
    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "gpan") == 0) {
        extract_float_from_token(valstr, &val_f);
        astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE_TO_OUT2, val_f);
        astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE_PAN, val_f);

    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "pat") == 0) {
        extract_patternbuf_from_token(valstr, val_pattern.pattern, &val_pattern.length);

@@ 256,18 246,18 @@ int param_map_callback(void * arg, char * keystr, char * valstr) {
        extract_int32_from_token(valstr, &val_i32);
        astrid_instrument_set_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_GATE_REPEAT, val_i32);

    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "i1o1") == 0) {
    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "m1amp") == 0) {
        extract_float_from_token(valstr, &val_f);
        astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_IN1_TO_OUT1, val_f);
    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "i1o2") == 0) {
        astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_MIC1_AMP, val_f);
    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "m2amp") == 0) {
        extract_float_from_token(valstr, &val_f);
        astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_IN1_TO_OUT2, val_f);
    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "i2o1") == 0) {
        astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_MIC2_AMP, val_f);
    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "m1pan") == 0) {
        extract_float_from_token(valstr, &val_f);
        astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_IN2_TO_OUT1, val_f);
    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "i2o2") == 0) {
        astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_MIC1_PAN, val_f);
    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "m2pan") == 0) {
        extract_float_from_token(valstr, &val_f);
        astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_IN2_TO_OUT2, val_f);
        astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_MIC2_PAN, val_f);

    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "disttype") == 0) {
        extract_int32_from_token(valstr, &val_i32);

@@ 286,7 276,9 @@ int param_map_callback(void * arg, char * keystr, char * valstr) {
    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "pthresh") == 0) {
        extract_float_from_token(valstr, &val_f);
        astrid_instrument_set_param_float(instrument, PARAM_MIC_PITCH_TRACKING_THRESHOLD, val_f);

    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "etrak") == 0) {
        extract_int32_from_token(valstr, &val_i32);
        astrid_instrument_set_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_MIC_ENVELOPE_TRACKING_ENABLED, val_i32);

    } else if(strcmp(keystr, "save") == 0) {
        extract_int32_from_token(valstr, &val_i32);

@@ 322,19 314,20 @@ int audio_callback(size_t blocksize, float ** input, float ** output, void * arg
    int j;
    lpfloat_t freqs[MAXNUMFREQS];
    lpfloat_t osc_sample, osc_sample_group1, osc_sample_group2, 
              osc_amp, env1, env2, in1, in2, d1, d2, p, last_p=-1,
              osc_amp, osc_pan, env1, env2, in1, in2, d1, d2, p, last_p=-1,
              osc_left, osc_right, gate_left, gate_right, mic1_left, mic1_right, mic2_left, mic2_right,
              distortion_amount, distortion_mix,
              osc_pw, osc_saturation, osc_env_speed, 
              osc_drift_amount, drift, osc_drift_speed,
              osc_out1_mix, osc_out2_mix, gate_out1_mix, gate_out2_mix,
              gate1_sample, gate2_sample, gate1_amp, gate2_amp, amp_mod,
              in1_out1_mix, in1_out2_mix, in2_out1_mix, in2_out2_mix,
              gate_shape, gate1_speed, gate2_speed, gate_speed_multiplier, 
              gate1_sample, gate2_sample, gate1_amp, gate2_amp, gate_pan, amp_mod,
              mic1_amp, mic2_amp, mic1_pan, mic2_pan,
              gate_shape, gate_speed, gate1_speed_multiplier, gate2_speed_multiplier, 
              gate_pw, gate_drift_amount, gate_drift_speed,
              gate_drift_stability, gate_drift_density, gate_drift_periodicity,
              gate_drift, gate_saturation, tracked_freq=220.f;
    int32_t octave_spread, octave_offset, gate_reset, gate_repeat, 
            freq_snap, pitch_tracking_is_enabled, distortion_type;
            freq_snap, pitch_tracking_is_enabled, distortion_type,
    lppatternbuf_t gate_pattern;
    lpinstrument_t * instrument = (lpinstrument_t *)arg;
    localctx_t * ctx = (localctx_t *)instrument->context;

@@ 347,8 340,7 @@ int audio_callback(size_t blocksize, float ** input, float ** output, void * arg

    osc_amp = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_AMP, 1.f);
    osc_amp = LPFX.lpf1(osc_amp, &ctx->oscampsmooth, 1000.f, SR);
    osc_out1_mix = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_TO_OUT1, 0.5f);
    osc_out2_mix = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_TO_OUT2, 0.5f);
    osc_pan = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_PAN, 0.5f);
    osc_pw = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_PULSEWIDTH, 1.f);
    osc_saturation = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_SATURATION, 1.f);
    osc_env_speed = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_ENVELOPE_SPEED, 0.001f) * 100.f + 1.f;

@@ 365,14 357,13 @@ int audio_callback(size_t blocksize, float ** input, float ** output, void * arg
    gate2_amp = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE2_AMP, 0.f);
    gate2_amp = LPFX.lpf1(gate2_amp, &ctx->gateampsmooth, 1000.f, SR);

    gate_out1_mix = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE_TO_OUT1, 0.5f);
    gate_out2_mix = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE_TO_OUT2, 0.5f);
    gate_pan = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE_PAN, 0.5f);
    gate_reset = astrid_instrument_get_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_GATE_PHASE_RESET, 0);
    gate_repeat = astrid_instrument_get_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_GATE_REPEAT, 1);
    gate_shape = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE_SHAPE, 0.f);
    gate1_speed = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE1_SPEED, 2.f);
    gate2_speed = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE2_SPEED, 2.f);
    gate_speed_multiplier = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE_SPEED_MULTIPLIER, 1.f);
    gate_speed = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE_SPEED, 2.f);
    gate1_speed_multiplier = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE1_SPEED_MULTIPLIER, 1.f);
    gate2_speed_multiplier = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE2_SPEED_MULTIPLIER, 1.f);
    gate_drift_amount = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE_DRIFT_DEPTH, 0.f);
    gate_drift_speed = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE_DRIFT_SPEED, 1.f) * 100.f;
    gate_drift_stability = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE_DRIFT_STABILITY, 0.1f) * 0.5f;

@@ 382,12 373,13 @@ int audio_callback(size_t blocksize, float ** input, float ** output, void * arg
    gate_pw = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_GATE_PULSEWIDTH, 1.f);
    gate_pattern = astrid_instrument_get_param_patternbuf(instrument, PARAM_GATE_PATTERN);

    in1_out1_mix = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_IN1_TO_OUT1, 0.f);
    in1_out2_mix = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_IN1_TO_OUT2, 0.f);
    in2_out1_mix = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_IN2_TO_OUT1, 0.f);
    in2_out2_mix = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_IN2_TO_OUT2, 0.f);
    mic1_amp = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_MIC1_AMP, 0.f);
    mic1_pan = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_MIC1_PAN, 0.5f);
    mic2_amp = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_MIC2_AMP, 0.f);
    mic2_pan = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_MIC2_PAN, 0.5f);

    pitch_tracking_is_enabled = astrid_instrument_get_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_MIC_PITCH_TRACKING_ENABLED, 0);
    envelope_tracking_is_enabled = astrid_instrument_get_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_MIC_ENVELOPE_TRACKING_ENABLED, 0);
    //ctx->yin->threshold = astrid_instrument_get_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_MIC_PITCH_TRACKING_THRESHOLD, 0.8f);

    // set gate osc params

@@ 400,14 392,14 @@ int audio_callback(size_t blocksize, float ** input, float ** output, void * arg
    gate_drift = LPShapeOsc.process(ctx->gate_drifter) * gate_drift_amount;

    ctx->gate1->window_morph = fmin(gate_shape, 0.999f);
    ctx->gate1->freq = (gate1_speed * gate_speed_multiplier) + gate_drift;
    ctx->gate1->freq = (gate_speed * gate1_speed_multiplier) + gate_drift;
    ctx->gate1->pulsewidth = gate_pw;
    ctx->gate1->saturation = gate_saturation;
    LPPulsarOsc.burst_bytes(ctx->gate1, gate_pattern.pattern, gate_pattern.length);
    ctx->gate1->once = !gate_repeat;

    ctx->gate2->window_morph = fmin(gate_shape, 0.999f);
    ctx->gate2->freq = (gate2_speed * gate_speed_multiplier) + gate_drift;
    ctx->gate2->freq = (gate_speed * gate2_speed_multiplier) + gate_drift;
    ctx->gate2->pulsewidth = gate_pw;
    ctx->gate2->saturation = gate_saturation;
    LPPulsarOsc.burst_bytes(ctx->gate2, gate_pattern.pattern, gate_pattern.length);

@@ 419,11 411,16 @@ int audio_callback(size_t blocksize, float ** input, float ** output, void * arg
        astrid_instrument_set_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_GATE_PHASE_RESET, 0);

    amp_mod = 1.f;

    for(i=0; i < blocksize; i++) {
        osc_sample_group1 = osc_sample_group2 = d1 = d2 = 0.f;

        amp_mod = LPEnvelopeFollower.process(ctx->envf, input[0][i]);
        amp_mod = LPFX.lpf1(amp_mod, &ctx->ampmodsmooth, 100.f, SR);
        // attenuate the signal with the envelope follower if enabled
        if(envelope_tracking_is_enabled) {
            amp_mod = LPEnvelopeFollower.process(ctx->envf, input[0][i]);
            amp_mod = LPFX.lpf1(amp_mod, &ctx->ampmodsmooth, 100.f, SR);

        // track the pitch if it's enabled
        if(pitch_tracking_is_enabled) {

@@ 457,9 454,9 @@ int audio_callback(size_t blocksize, float ** input, float ** output, void * arg

            // mix in the enveloped osc voice
            if(j % 2 == 0) {
                osc_sample_group1 += LPPulsarOsc.process(ctx->oscs[j]) * LPInterpolation.linear_pos(ctx->env, ctx->env_phases[j]) * ((1.f/NUMOSCS)*3.f);
                osc_sample_group1 += LPPulsarOsc.process(ctx->oscs[j]) * LPInterpolation.linear_pos(ctx->env, ctx->env_phases[j]) * ((1.f/NUMOSCS)*3.f) + 0.03f;
            } else {
                osc_sample_group2 += LPPulsarOsc.process(ctx->oscs[j]) * LPInterpolation.linear_pos(ctx->env, ctx->env_phases[j]) * ((1.f/NUMOSCS)*3.f);
                osc_sample_group2 += LPPulsarOsc.process(ctx->oscs[j]) * LPInterpolation.linear_pos(ctx->env, ctx->env_phases[j]) * ((1.f/NUMOSCS)*3.f) + 0.03f;

            // advance the voice envelope phase

@@ 497,12 494,21 @@ int audio_callback(size_t blocksize, float ** input, float ** output, void * arg
        osc_sample *= osc_amp * amp_mod;

        // mic feedback
        in1 = input[0][i] * MIC_ATTENUATION;
        in2 = input[1][i] * MIC_ATTENUATION;
        in1 = input[0][i] * MIC_ATTENUATION * mic1_amp;
        in2 = input[1][i] * MIC_ATTENUATION * mic2_amp;

        osc_left = osc_right = gate_left = gate_right = mic1_left = mic1_right = mic2_left = mic2_right = 0.f;
        pan_stereo_constant(osc_pan, osc_sample, osc_sample, &osc_left, &osc_right);
        pan_stereo_constant(gate_pan, gate1_sample+gate2_sample, gate1_sample+gate2_sample, &gate_left, &gate_right);
        pan_stereo_constant(mic1_pan, in1, in1, &mic1_left, &mic1_right);
        pan_stereo_constant(mic2_pan, in2, in2, &mic2_left, &mic2_right);

        // mix everything
        output[0][i] += (osc_sample * osc_out1_mix) + ((gate1_sample + gate2_sample) * gate_out1_mix) + (in1 * in1_out1_mix) + (in2 * in2_out1_mix);
        output[1][i] += (osc_sample * osc_out2_mix) + ((gate1_sample + gate2_sample) * gate_out2_mix) + (in2 * in1_out2_mix) + (in2 * in2_out2_mix);
        //output[0][i] += (osc_sample * osc_out1_mix) + ((gate1_sample + gate2_sample) * gate_out1_mix) + (in1 * in1_out1_mix) + (in2 * in2_out1_mix);
        //output[1][i] += (osc_sample * osc_out2_mix) + ((gate1_sample + gate2_sample) * gate_out2_mix) + (in2 * in1_out2_mix) + (in2 * in2_out2_mix);

        output[0][i] += osc_left + gate_left + mic1_left + mic2_left;
        output[1][i] += osc_right + gate_right + mic1_right + mic2_right;

        // apply distortion
        if(distortion_amount > 0) {

@@ 513,16 519,19 @@ int audio_callback(size_t blocksize, float ** input, float ** output, void * arg

                case DISTORTION_BITCRUSH:
                    d1 = LPFX.crush(output[0][i], (1.f-distortion_amount) * 15 + 1);
                    d2 = LPFX.crush(output[1][i], (1.f-distortion_amount) * 15 + 1);
                    d1 = LPFX.crush(output[0][i], (1.f-distortion_amount) * 10.f + 1.f);
                    d2 = LPFX.crush(output[1][i], (1.f-distortion_amount) * 10.f + 1.f);


            output[0][i] += d1 * distortion_mix;
            output[1][i] += d2 * distortion_mix;
            d1 *= distortion_mix;
            d2 *= distortion_mix;

            output[0][i] = (output[0][i] * (1-distortion_mix)) + d1;
            output[1][i] = (output[1][i] * (1-distortion_mix)) + d2;

        // limit

M banner.png => banner.png +0 -0
M libpippi/src/pippiconstants.h => libpippi/src/pippiconstants.h +4 -0
@@ 3,6 3,10 @@
#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062

#ifndef ROOT2
#define ROOT2 1.41421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667973799

#ifndef HALFPI
#define HALFPI (PI/2.0)

M libpippi/src/pippicore.c => libpippi/src/pippicore.c +96 -0
@@ 70,6 70,10 @@ void fx_norm(lpbuffer_t * buf, lpfloat_t ceiling);
lpfloat_t fx_fold(lpfloat_t val, lpfloat_t * prev, lpfloat_t samplerate);
lpfloat_t fx_limit(lpfloat_t val, lpfloat_t * prev, lpfloat_t threshold, lpfloat_t release, lpbuffer_t * del);
lpfloat_t fx_crush(lpfloat_t val, int bits);
lpbfilter_t * fx_butthp_create(lpfloat_t cutoff, lpfloat_t samplerate);
lpfloat_t fx_butthp(lpbfilter_t * filter, lpfloat_t in);
lpbfilter_t * fx_buttlp_create(lpfloat_t cutoff, lpfloat_t samplerate);
lpfloat_t fx_buttlp(lpbfilter_t * filter, lpfloat_t in);

lpbuffer_t * ringbuffer_create(size_t length, int channels, int samplerate);
void ringbuffer_fill(lpbuffer_t * ringbuf, lpbuffer_t * buf, int offset);

@@ 129,6 133,7 @@ const lpwavetable_factory_t LPWavetable = { create_wavetable, create_wavetable_s
const lpwindow_factory_t LPWindow = { create_window, create_window_stack, destroy_window };
const lpringbuffer_factory_t LPRingBuffer = { ringbuffer_create, ringbuffer_fill, ringbuffer_read, ringbuffer_readinto, ringbuffer_writefrom, ringbuffer_write, ringbuffer_readone, ringbuffer_writeone, ringbuffer_dub, ringbuffer_destroy };
const lpfx_factory_t LPFX = { read_skewed_buffer, fx_lpf1, fx_convolve, fx_norm, fx_fold, fx_limit, fx_crush };
const lpfilter_factory_t LPFilter = { fx_butthp_create, fx_butthp, fx_buttlp_create, fx_buttlp };

/* Platform-specific random seed, called 
 * on program init (and on process pool init) 

@@ 1254,6 1259,97 @@ lpfloat_t read_skewed_buffer(lpfloat_t freq, lpbuffer_t * buf, lpfloat_t phase, 
    return LPInterpolation.linear(buf, (phase + (warp * buf->length)) * freq);

/* These butterworth filters were ported from the filters
 * included with Paul Batchelor's Soundpipe, in turn ported 
 * from csound.
 * The original Soundpipe annotation is preserved below.
 * Original Author(s): Paris Smaragdis, John ffitch
 * Year: 1994
 * Location: Opcodes/butter.c
lpbfilter_t * fx_butthp_create(lpfloat_t cutoff, lpfloat_t samplerate) {
    lpbfilter_t * filter = LPMemoryPool.alloc(1, sizeof(lpbfilter_t));
    memset(filter, 0, sizeof(lpbfilter_t));

    filter->sr = samplerate;
    filter->freq = cutoff;
    filter->pidsr = PI / samplerate;

    return filter;

lpfloat_t fx_butthp(lpbfilter_t * filter, lpfloat_t in) {
    lpfloat_t t, y, c, out = 0.f;

    if(filter->freq <= 0.f) return 0.f;

    if(filter->freq != filter->lkf) {
        filter->lkf = filter->freq;
        c = tan(filter->pidsr * filter->lkf);
        c = tanf(filter->pidsr * filter->lkf);
      filter->a[1] = 1.f / (1.f + ROOT2 * c + c * c);
      filter->a[2] = -(filter->a[1] + filter->a[1]);
      filter->a[3] = filter->a[1];
      filter->a[4] = 2.f * (c*c - 1.f) * filter->a[1];
      filter->a[5] = (1.f - ROOT2 * c + c * c) * filter->a[1];

    t = in - filter->a[4] * filter->a[6] - filter->a[5] * filter->a[7];
    y = t * filter->a[1] + filter->a[2] * filter->a[6] + filter->a[3] * filter->a[7];
    filter->a[7] = filter->a[6];
    filter->a[6] = t;
    out = y;

    return out;

lpbfilter_t * fx_buttlp_create(lpfloat_t cutoff, lpfloat_t samplerate) {
    lpbfilter_t * filter = LPMemoryPool.alloc(1, sizeof(lpbfilter_t));
    memset(filter, 0, sizeof(lpbfilter_t));

    filter->sr = samplerate;
    filter->freq = cutoff;
    filter->pidsr = PI / samplerate;

    return filter;

lpfloat_t fx_buttlp(lpbfilter_t * filter, lpfloat_t in) {
    lpfloat_t t, y, c, out = 0.f;

    if(filter->freq <= 0.f) return 0.f;

    if(filter->freq != filter->lkf) {
        filter->lkf = filter->freq;
        c = 1.f / tan(filter->pidsr * filter->lkf);
        c = 1.f / tanf(filter->pidsr * filter->lkf);
      filter->a[1] = 1.f / (1.f + ROOT2 * c + c * c);
      filter->a[2] = filter->a[1] + filter->a[1];
      filter->a[3] = filter->a[1];
      filter->a[4] = 2.f * (1.f - c*c) * filter->a[1];
      filter->a[5] = (1.f - ROOT2 * c + c * c) * filter->a[1];

    t = in - filter->a[4] * filter->a[6] - filter->a[5] * filter->a[7];
    y = t * filter->a[1] + filter->a[2] * filter->a[6] + filter->a[3] * filter->a[7];
    filter->a[7] = filter->a[6];
    filter->a[6] = t;
    out = y;

    return out;

lpfloat_t fx_lpf1(lpfloat_t x, lpfloat_t * y, lpfloat_t cutoff, lpfloat_t samplerate) {
    lpfloat_t gamma = 1.f - (lpfloat_t)exp(-(2.f * (lpfloat_t)PI) * (cutoff/samplerate));
    *y = (1.f - gamma) * (*y) + gamma * x;

M libpippi/src/pippicore.h => libpippi/src/pippicore.h +8 -0
@@ 191,6 191,13 @@ typedef struct lpfx_factory_t {
    lpfloat_t (*crush)(lpfloat_t val, int bits);
} lpfx_factory_t;

typedef struct lpfilter_factory_t {
    lpbfilter_t * (*create_bhp)(lpfloat_t cutoff, lpfloat_t samplerate);
    lpfloat_t (*process_bhp)(lpbfilter_t * filter, lpfloat_t in);
    lpbfilter_t * (*create_blp)(lpfloat_t cutoff, lpfloat_t samplerate);
    lpfloat_t (*process_blp)(lpbfilter_t * filter, lpfloat_t in);
} lpfilter_factory_t;

/* Interfaces */
extern const lparray_factory_t LPArray;
extern const lpbuffer_factory_t LPBuffer;

@@ 199,6 206,7 @@ extern const lpringbuffer_factory_t LPRingBuffer;
extern const lpwavetable_factory_t LPWavetable;
extern const lpwindow_factory_t LPWindow;
extern const lpfx_factory_t LPFX;
extern const lpfilter_factory_t LPFilter;

extern lprand_t LPRand;
extern const lpparam_factory_t LPParam;

M libpippi/src/pippitypes.h => libpippi/src/pippitypes.h +14 -0
@@ 104,3 104,17 @@ typedef struct lppatternbuf_t {
} lppatternbuf_t;

/* This filter type is shared among the butterworth 
 * filters ported from Paul Batchelor's Soundpipe.
 * The original Soundpipe annotation is preserved below.
 * Original Author(s): Paris Smaragdis, John ffitch
 * Year: 1994
 * Location: Opcodes/butter.c
typedef struct lpbfilter_t {
    lpfloat_t sr, freq, istor;
    lpfloat_t lkf;
    lpfloat_t a[8];
    lpfloat_t pidsr;
} lpbfilter_t;

M pippi/dsp.pxd => pippi/dsp.pxd +2 -0
@@ 7,8 7,10 @@ from pippi.wavetables cimport Wavetable
cdef double _mag(double[:,:] snd)
cpdef double mag(SoundBuffer snd)
cpdef list scale(list source, double fromlow=*, double fromhigh=*, double tolow=*, double tohigh=*, bint log=*)
cpdef double scalef(double source, double fromlow=*, double fromhigh=*, double tolow=*, double tohigh=*, bint log=*, bint exp=*)
cpdef list snap(list source, double mult=*, object pattern=*)
cpdef double tolog(double value, int base=*)
cpdef double toexp(double value, int base=*)
cpdef SoundBuffer mix(list sounds, align_end=*)
cpdef Wavetable randline(int numpoints, double lowvalue=*, double highvalue=*, int wtsize=*)
cpdef Wavetable wt(object values, object lowvalue=*, object highvalue=*, int wtsize=*)

M pippi/dsp.pyx => pippi/dsp.pyx +30 -0
@@ 61,10 61,40 @@ cpdef list scale(list source, double fromlow=-1, double fromhigh=1, double tolow
    cdef double[:] _source = np.array(source, dtype='d')
    return np.array(lists._scale(out, _source, fromlow, fromhigh, tolow, tohigh, log), dtype='d').tolist()

cpdef double scalef(double source, double fromlow=-1, double fromhigh=1, double tolow=0, double tohigh=1, bint log=False, bint exp=False):
    cdef double out
    cdef double _tolow = min(tolow, tohigh)
    cdef double _tohigh = max(tolow, tohigh)
    cdef double _fromlow = min(fromlow, fromhigh)
    cdef double _fromhigh = max(fromlow, fromhigh)

    cdef double todiff = _tohigh - _tolow
    cdef double fromdiff = _fromhigh - _fromlow

    if log:
        out = ((source - _fromlow) / fromdiff)
        out = math.log(out * (math.e-1) + 1)
        out = out * todiff + tolow

    elif exp:
        out = ((source - _fromlow) / fromdiff)
        out = math.exp(out * math.log(2)) - 1
        out = out * todiff + tolow

        out = ((source - _fromlow) / fromdiff) * todiff + tolow

    return out

cpdef list snap(list source, double mult=0, object pattern=None):
    return lists.snap(source, mult, pattern)

cpdef double tolog(double value, int base=10):
    if value <= 0: return 0
    return math.log(value * (base-1)+1) / math.log(base)

cpdef double toexp(double value, int base=10):
    return (pow(base, value) - 1) / (base - 1)

cpdef SoundBuffer mix(list sounds, align_end=False):

M pippi/soundbuffer.pyx => pippi/soundbuffer.pyx +2 -2
@@ 292,8 292,8 @@ cdef class SoundBuffer:
            framelength = <int>(length * self.samplerate)
        elif framelength >= 0:
            length = framelength * samplerate
            raise ValueError('Missing length param')
        elif filename is None and frames is None and buf is None:
            length = 0

        cdef double[:] tmplist