@@ 87,6 87,9 @@ enum InstrumentParams {
@@ 128,6 131,11 @@ typedef struct localctx_t {
lpfloat_t env_phaseincs[NUMOSCS];
lpfloat_t octave_offsets[NUMOSCS];
lpfloat_t octave_spreads[NUMOSCS];
+ char samplebank1name[PATH_MAX];
+ char samplebank2name[PATH_MAX];
+ lpbuffer_t * samplebank1buf;
+ lpbuffer_t * samplebank2buf;
} localctx_t;
lpfloat_t osc_mix(lpfloat_t pos, int chan) {
@@ 280,6 288,13 @@ int param_map_callback(void * arg, char * keystr, char * valstr) {
extract_int32_from_token(valstr, &val_i32);
astrid_instrument_set_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_MIC_ENVELOPE_TRACKING_ENABLED, val_i32);
+ } else if(strcmp(keystr, "rec1") == 0) {
+ extract_int32_from_token(valstr, &val_i32);
+ astrid_instrument_set_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_SAMPLEBANK1_REC_ENABLED, val_i32);
+ } else if(strcmp(keystr, "rec2") == 0) {
+ extract_int32_from_token(valstr, &val_i32);
+ astrid_instrument_set_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_SAMPLEBANK2_REC_ENABLED, val_i32);
} else if(strcmp(keystr, "save") == 0) {
extract_int32_from_token(valstr, &val_i32);
astrid_instrument_save_param_session_snapshot(instrument, NUMPARAMS, val_i32);
@@ 327,7 342,8 @@ int audio_callback(size_t blocksize, float ** input, float ** output, void * arg
gate_drift, gate_saturation, tracked_freq=220.f;
int32_t octave_spread, octave_offset, gate_reset, gate_repeat,
freq_snap, pitch_tracking_is_enabled, distortion_type,
- envelope_tracking_is_enabled;
+ envelope_tracking_is_enabled,
+ samplebank1_rec_enabled, samplebank2_rec_enabled;
lppatternbuf_t gate_pattern;
lpinstrument_t * instrument = (lpinstrument_t *)arg;
localctx_t * ctx = (localctx_t *)instrument->context;
@@ 343,7 359,7 @@ int audio_callback(size_t blocksize, float ** input, float ** output, void * arg
osc_pan = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_PAN, 0.5f);
osc_pw = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_PULSEWIDTH, 1.f);
osc_saturation = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_SATURATION, 1.f);
- osc_env_speed = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_ENVELOPE_SPEED, 0.001f) * 100.f + 1.f;
+ osc_env_speed = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_ENVELOPE_SPEED, 0.01f) * 100.f + 1.f;
osc_drift_amount = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_DRIFT_DEPTH, 0.f);
osc_drift_speed = astrid_instrument_get_param_float(instrument, PARAM_OSC_DRIFT_SPEED, 0.5f);
octave_spread = astrid_instrument_get_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_OSC_OCTAVE_SPREAD, 6);
@@ 382,6 398,9 @@ int audio_callback(size_t blocksize, float ** input, float ** output, void * arg
envelope_tracking_is_enabled = astrid_instrument_get_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_MIC_ENVELOPE_TRACKING_ENABLED, 0);
//ctx->yin->threshold = astrid_instrument_get_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_MIC_PITCH_TRACKING_THRESHOLD, 0.8f);
+ samplebank1_rec_enabled = astrid_instrument_get_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_SAMPLEBANK1_REC_ENABLED, 1);
+ samplebank2_rec_enabled = astrid_instrument_get_param_int32(instrument, PARAM_SAMPLEBANK2_REC_ENABLED, 1);
// set gate osc params
ctx->gate_drifter->freq = gate_drift_speed;
ctx->gate_drifter->minfreq = gate_drift_speed * 0.1f;
@@ 413,6 432,19 @@ int audio_callback(size_t blocksize, float ** input, float ** output, void * arg
amp_mod = 1.f;
+ /* record into sample banks 1 and 2 */
+ if(samplebank1_rec_enabled) {
+ if(lpsampler_write_ringbuffer_block(ctx->samplebank1name, ctx->samplebank1buf, input, instrument->channels, blocksize) < 0) {
+ syslog(LOG_ERR, "Error writing into samplebank 1 ringbuf\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if(samplebank2_rec_enabled) {
+ if(lpsampler_write_ringbuffer_block(ctx->samplebank2name, ctx->samplebank2buf, input, instrument->channels, blocksize) < 0) {
+ syslog(LOG_ERR, "Error writing into samplebank 1 ringbuf\n");
+ }
+ }
for(i=0; i < blocksize; i++) {
osc_sample_group1 = osc_sample_group2 = d1 = d2 = 0.f;
@@ 613,6 645,16 @@ int main() {
ctx->gate_drift_win = LPWavetable.create(WT_SINE, 4096);
ctx->gate_drifter = LPShapeOsc.create(ctx->gate_drift_win);
+ // set up the sampler circular buffers
+ snprintf(ctx->samplebank1name, PATH_MAX, "%s-bank1", NAME);
+ snprintf(ctx->samplebank2name, PATH_MAX, "%s-bank2", NAME);
+ if((ctx->samplebank1buf = lpsampler_create(ctx->samplebank1name, 30, CHANNELS, SR)) == NULL) {
+ syslog(LOG_ERR, "Could not create instrument samplebank1 buffer\n");
+ }
+ if((ctx->samplebank2buf = lpsampler_create(ctx->samplebank2name, 30, CHANNELS, SR)) == NULL) {
+ syslog(LOG_ERR, "Could not create instrument samplebank2 buffer\n");
+ }
// Set the callbacks for streaming, async renders and param updates
if((instrument = astrid_instrument_start(NAME, CHANNELS, 0, ADC_LENGTH, RESAMPLER_LENGTH, (void*)ctx,
NULL, NULL, audio_callback, renderer_callback, param_map_callback, NULL)) == NULL) {
@@ 647,6 689,8 @@ int main() {
+ lpsampler_destroy(ctx->samplebank1name);
+ lpsampler_destroy(ctx->samplebank2name);
@@ 248,6 248,7 @@ cdef class Instrument:
cpdef lpmsg_t get_message(Instrument self)
cdef SoundBuffer read_from_adc(Instrument self, double length, double offset=*, int channels=*, int samplerate=*)
cdef SoundBuffer read_from_resampler(Instrument self, double length, double offset=*, int channels=*, int samplerate=*, str instrument=*)
+ cdef SoundBuffer read_block_from_sampler(Instrument self, str name, double length, double offset=*, int channels=*, int samplerate=*)
cdef SoundBuffer read_from_sampler(Instrument self, str name)
cdef void save_to_sampler(Instrument self, str name, SoundBuffer snd)
@@ 361,9 361,14 @@ cdef class EventContext:
def adc(self, length=1, offset=0, channels=2):
return self.instrument.read_from_adc(length, offset=offset, channels=channels)
- def sample(self, str name, SoundBuffer snd=None):
- if snd is None:
+ def sample(self, str name, SoundBuffer snd=None, length=0, offset=0, channels=2):
+ if snd is None and length > 0:
+ # read a portion from the sample
+ return self.instrument.read_block_from_sampler(name, length, offset=offset, channels=channels)
+ elif snd is None:
+ # read the entire sample
return self.instrument.read_from_sampler(name)
+ # write to the samplebank FIXME, should be able to use this like dub()
self.instrument.save_to_sampler(name, snd)
def resample(self, length=1, offset=0, channels=2, samplerate=48000, instrument=None):
@@ 593,6 598,30 @@ cdef class Instrument:
return snd
+ cdef SoundBuffer read_block_from_sampler(Instrument self, str name, double length, double offset=0, int channels=2, int samplerate=48000):
+ cdef size_t i, start, bufidx
+ cdef int c
+ cdef lpbuffer_t * bank
+ name_bytes = name.encode('UTF-8')
+ cdef char * _name = name_bytes
+ cdef SoundBuffer snd = SoundBuffer(length=length, channels=channels, samplerate=samplerate)
+ cdef size_t length_in_frames = len(snd)
+ cdef size_t offset_in_frames = <size_t>(offset * samplerate)
+ bank = lpsampler_aquire_and_map(_name)
+ start = (bank.pos - offset_in_frames - length_in_frames) % bank.length
+ for i in range(length_in_frames):
+ bufidx = (start + i) % bank.length
+ for c in range(channels):
+ snd.frames[i,c] = lpfilternan(bank.data[bufidx * channels + c])
+ if lpsampler_release_and_unmap(_name, bank) < 0:
+ logger.error('Could not release %s sampler memory' % _name)
+ return snd
cdef void save_to_sampler(Instrument self, str name, SoundBuffer snd):
cdef size_t i
cdef int c