ft: replace `forge` source with `http` source
fix: move pkg-config from buildInputs to nativeBuildInputs
fix: add OpenSSL dependency on Linux
No one gives a fuk… so you need to take it yourself.
Fetch User Keys - simple tool for fetching SSH keys from various sources.
In my case the reason was to be able to easily prepare set of SSH keys for use with [agenix][], tool for managing secrets while working with Nix deployments. However usage can be extended to other situations as well:
to check SSH signatures under commits and stuffauthorized_keys
to allow users to upload their keys without admin
manual interventionDefine configuration file, for example keys.toml
in form:
name = "hauleth"
keys = [
{ sourcehut = "~hauleth" },
{ github = "hauleth" }
name = "heimdall"
keys = [
{ host = [ "heimdall" ] }
Now you can run
fuk keys.toml > keys.json
And get JSON document containing all keys provided by these:
"hauleth": [
"ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIN7q0wm7C+EX0ORpRxeyhvWTT2BMPjSRQIZmbzPLIiHC"
"heimdall": [
"ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC36MGQHLsmS1aUtRYyC40lguLR4/sRXDxwT8ieSkGgLFc95xQ/7m8tIYmtCTwIMvN9gzJkW6ufbWfuX1iBYoWVVO/QdJz/5/Nl4ZofyfdFSk4ZYaWSOnMlY7vV9K0L0WsEEf1R3Erf42Ek051PcO8IeTtYTxkaugrBOPSVmzBOZu9osnJbatCsODe7uIWRU8jd5gmL7a9pmk9Q8nWDDXzu4bWd9Dg1M1d+rIY368J4LNOzknPZUkOcK1TpLkutB6bozvaeKSBNaqihA0un1VETArhiUmUY6a0y5e34PNLQjbl5UqHS5tmU5jmolDIJV2hF78+XrgaZf+CNoQ1Ac3QJ",
"ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIEZsoYDw74ez/2YLPZMDQgN/KxyGiXHZt+CowWMiyoyL"