
81dcbc29cc43b12700c0aee922ddc071579cbb59 — Husayn Haras 1 year, 7 days ago 3fa4eef master
better way of saying 'or'
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M pkgfile-manual.md
M pkgfile-manual.md => pkgfile-manual.md +1 -1
@@ 25,7 25,7 @@ Well, those commands currently are:
The PKGFILE also recognises a few global variables, which are currently limited to:
- `$bin_dir`: directory for binary executables, that is `.aati/bin` under the user's home directory.
- `$lib_dir`: directory for DLLs, that is `.aati/lib` under the user's home directory.
- `$home_dir`: user home directory, `~`/`$HOME` for UNIX and `%HOMEPATH%` for Windows.
- `$home_dir`: user home directory, `~` or `$HOME` for UNIX and `%HOMEPATH%` for Windows.

An Example of a PKGFILE summing up all of what we said above can be: