
5352a68b68a313ab3ef5139d3eb556836e21af2d — handlerug 4 years ago 74c14c0
Replace NSVisualEffectView with custom toolbar

Because theming will require custom coloring and some other stuff,
I've decided to replace NSVisualEffectView in navigation bar with
custom NSToolbar-lookalike implementation. Currently it's themed only
for white theme, because we hadn't settled on themes yet.

NSToolbar is not enough for our needs because we need to be able to
arrange items in a custom manner (like aligning with split view),
but I think we can embed NSToolbar (or many toolbars) inside this bar.
M Telegram-Mac/Appearance.swift => Telegram-Mac/Appearance.swift +2 -2
@@ 1679,7 1679,7 @@ private func generateIcons(from palette: ColorPalette, bubbled: Bool) -> Telegra
                                               chatSearch: { #imageLiteral(resourceName: "Icon_SearchChatMessages").precomposed(palette.accentIcon) },
                                               chatSearchActive: { #imageLiteral(resourceName: "Icon_SearchChatMessages").precomposed(palette.accentIcon) },
                                               chatCall: { #imageLiteral(resourceName: "Icon_callNavigationHeader").precomposed(palette.accentIcon) },
                                               chatActions: { generateChatAction(#imageLiteral(resourceName: "Icon_ChatActionsActive").precomposed(palette.accentIcon), background: palette.background) },
                                               chatActions: { #imageLiteral(resourceName: "Icon_ChatActionsActive").precomposed(palette.toolbarIconColor) },
                                               chatFailedCall_incoming: { #imageLiteral(resourceName: "Icon_MessageCallIncoming").precomposed(palette.redUI) },
                                               chatFailedCall_outgoing:  { #imageLiteral(resourceName: "Icon_MessageCallOutgoing").precomposed(palette.redUI) },
                                               chatCall_incoming:  { #imageLiteral(resourceName: "Icon_MessageCallIncoming").precomposed(palette.greenUI) },

@@ 1865,7 1865,7 @@ private func generateIcons(from palette: ColorPalette, bubbled: Bool) -> Telegra
                                               chatActionClearHistory: { #imageLiteral(resourceName: "Icon_ClearChat").precomposed(palette.accentIcon) },
                                               chatActionDeleteChat: { #imageLiteral(resourceName: "Icon_MessageActionPanelDelete").precomposed(palette.accentIcon) },
                                               dismissPinned: { #imageLiteral(resourceName: "Icon_ChatSearchCancel").precomposed(palette.accentIcon) },
                                               chatActionsActive: { generateChatAction(#imageLiteral(resourceName: "Icon_ChatActionsActive").precomposed(palette.accentIcon), background: palette.grayIcon.withAlphaComponent(0.1)) },
                                               chatActionsActive: { #imageLiteral(resourceName: "Icon_ChatActionsActive").precomposed(palette.toolbarIconActiveColor) },
                                               chatEntertainmentSticker: { #imageLiteral(resourceName: "Icon_ChatEntertainmentSticker").precomposed(palette.grayIcon) },
                                               chatEmpty: { #imageLiteral(resourceName: "Icon_EmptyChat").precomposed(palette.grayForeground) },
                                               stickerPackClose: { #imageLiteral(resourceName: "Icon_ChatSearchCancel").precomposed(palette.accentIcon) },

M Telegram-Mac/ParseAppearanceColors.swift => Telegram-Mac/ParseAppearanceColors.swift +7 -1
@@ 535,7 535,13 @@ func importPalette(_ path: String) -> ColorPalette? {
                                listBackground: colors["listBackground"] ?? parent.palette.listBackground,
                                listGrayText: colors["listGrayText"] ?? parent.palette.listGrayText,
                                grayHighlight: colors["grayHighlight"] ?? parent.palette.grayHighlight,
                                focusAnimationColor: colors["focusAnimationColor"] ?? parent.palette.focusAnimationColor)
                                focusAnimationColor: colors["focusAnimationColor"] ?? parent.palette.focusAnimationColor,
                                toolbarBackgroundTop: colors["toolbarBackgroundTop"] ?? parent.palette.toolbarBackgroundTop,
                                toolbarBackgroundBottom: colors["toolbarBackgroundBottom"] ?? parent.palette.toolbarBackgroundBottom,
                                toolbarInactiveBackground: colors["toolbarInactiveBackground"] ?? parent.palette.toolbarInactiveBackground,
                                separatorColor: colors["separatorColor"] ?? parent.palette.separatorColor,
                                separatorInactiveColor: colors["separatorInactiveColor"] ?? parent.palette.separatorInactiveColor,
                                toolbarIconColor: colors["toolbarIconColor"] ?? parent.palette.toolbarIconColor)

M Telegram-Mac/ThemeSettings.swift => Telegram-Mac/ThemeSettings.swift +7 -1
@@ 340,7 340,13 @@ extension ColorPalette  {
                                    listBackground: parseColor(decoder, "listBackground") ?? palette.listBackground,
                                    listGrayText: parseColor(decoder, "listGrayText") ?? palette.listGrayText,
                                    grayHighlight: parseColor(decoder, "grayHighlight") ?? palette.grayHighlight,
                                    focusAnimationColor: parseColor(decoder, "focusAnimationColor") ?? palette.focusAnimationColor
                                    focusAnimationColor: parseColor(decoder, "focusAnimationColor") ?? palette.focusAnimationColor,
                                    toolbarBackgroundTop: parseColor(decoder, "toolbarBackgroundTop") ?? palette.toolbarBackgroundTop,
                                    toolbarBackgroundBottom: parseColor(decoder, "toolbarBackgroundBottom") ?? palette.toolbarBackgroundBottom,
                                    toolbarInactiveBackground: parseColor(decoder, "toolbarInactiveBackground") ?? palette.toolbarInactiveBackground,
                                    separatorColor: parseColor(decoder, "separatorColor") ?? palette.separatorColor,
                                    separatorInactiveColor: parseColor(decoder, "separatorInactiveColor") ?? palette.separatorInactiveColor,
                                    toolbarIconColor: parseColor(decoder, "toolbarIconColor") ?? palette.toolbarIconColor

M submodules/TGUIKit/TGUIKit/ImageButton.swift => submodules/TGUIKit/TGUIKit/ImageButton.swift +2 -1
@@ 47,7 47,8 @@ open class ImageButton: Button {
    override func prepare() {
        imageView.animates = true
//        imageView.animates = true
        imageView.animates = false
        //imageView.isEventLess = true

M submodules/TGUIKit/TGUIKit/NavigationBarView.swift => submodules/TGUIKit/TGUIKit/NavigationBarView.swift +44 -452
@@ 21,23 21,26 @@ public struct NavigationBarStyle {

public class NavigationBarView: NSVisualEffectView {
    private var bottomBorder:View = View()
public class NavigationBarView: NSView {
    private var leftView:BarView = BarView(frame: NSZeroRect)
    private var centerView:BarView = BarView(frame: NSZeroRect)
    private var rightView:BarView = BarView(frame: NSZeroRect)
    private var isBorderHidden = false
    required override init(frame frameRect: NSRect) {
        super.init(frame: frameRect)
        self.bounds = bounds
        self.blendingMode = .withinWindow
        self.material = .titlebar
        self.wantsLayer = true
        self.layer?.masksToBounds = true
        updateLocalizationAndTheme(theme: presentation)
        // Add observers to redraw this view on focus or blur
        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.windowChangedFocus(_:)) , name: NSWindow.didBecomeKeyNotification, object: self.window)
        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.windowChangedFocus(_:)) , name: NSWindow.didResignKeyNotification, object: self.window)
    required init?(coder: NSCoder) {

@@ 45,14 48,6 @@ public class NavigationBarView: NSVisualEffectView {
    public func updateLocalizationAndTheme(theme: PresentationTheme) {
        if #available(OSX 10.14, *) {
            bottomBorder.backgroundColor = NSColor.separatorColor
        } else {
            // Fallback on earlier versions
            bottomBorder.backgroundColor = presentation.colors.border
        self.appearance = NSAppearance(named: presentation.colors.isDark ? .vibrantDark : .vibrantLight)
        for subview in subviews {
            if let subview = subview as? AppearanceViewProtocol {
                subview.updateLocalizationAndTheme(theme: theme)

@@ 60,13 55,38 @@ public class NavigationBarView: NSVisualEffectView {
    public override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) {
        guard let ctx = NSGraphicsContext.current?.cgContext else {
        let gradient = NSGradient(starting: presentation.colors.toolbarBackgroundTop, ending: presentation.colors.toolbarBackgroundBottom)!
        if self.window?.isKeyWindow == true {
            gradient.draw(in: self.bounds, angle: 270)
        } else {

        if !self.isBorderHidden {
            if self.window?.isKeyWindow == true {
            } else {
            ctx.fill(NSMakeRect(0, 0, NSWidth(self.frame), .borderSize))
    @objc func windowChangedFocus(_ sender: Any?) {
        self.needsDisplay = true
    override public func layout() {
        self.bottomBorder.frame = NSMakeRect(0, 0, frame.width, .borderSize)

        self.layout(left: leftView, center: centerView, right: rightView)

    override public func setFrameSize(_ newSize: NSSize) {

@@ 240,7 260,9 @@ public class NavigationBarView: NSVisualEffectView {
        NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: NSView.frameDidChangeNotification, object: centerView)
        NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: NSView.frameDidChangeNotification, object: rightView)
        self.bottomBorder.isHidden = !controller.bar.enableBorder
        self.isBorderHidden = !controller.bar.enableBorder
        self.needsDisplay = true
        if style != .none {

@@ 252,7 274,6 @@ public class NavigationBarView: NSVisualEffectView {


@@ 392,7 413,6 @@ public class NavigationBarView: NSVisualEffectView {
            self.leftView = left
            self.centerView = center

@@ 418,436 438,8 @@ public class NavigationBarView: NSVisualEffectView {
    deinit {

//public class NavigationBarView: View {
//    private var bottomBorder:View = View()
//    var blurredBackground = true
//    private var visualEffectView: NSVisualEffectView?
//    private var leftView:BarView = BarView(frame: NSZeroRect)
//    private var centerView:BarView = BarView(frame: NSZeroRect)
//    private var rightView:BarView = BarView(frame: NSZeroRect)
//    override init() {
//        super.init()
//   //     self.autoresizingMask = [.width]
//        initBackground()
//        updateLocalizationAndTheme(theme: presentation)
//    }
//    required public init(frame frameRect: NSRect) {
//        super.init(frame: frameRect)
//       // self.autoresizingMask = [.width]
//        initBackground()
//        updateLocalizationAndTheme(theme: presentation)
//    }
//    override public func updateLocalizationAndTheme(theme: PresentationTheme) {
//        super.updateLocalizationAndTheme(theme: theme)
//        bottomBorder.backgroundColor = presentation.colors.border
//        if blurredBackground {
//            if let v = visualEffectView {
//                v.appearance = NSAppearance(named: presentation.colors.isDark ? .vibrantDark : .vibrantLight)
//            }
//        } else {
//            backgroundColor = presentation.colors.background
//        }
//    }
//    required public init?(coder: NSCoder) {
//        fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
//    }
//    func initBackground() {
//        if blurredBackground {
//            visualEffectView = NSVisualEffectView()
//            visualEffectView?.bounds = bounds
//            visualEffectView?.blendingMode = .withinWindow
//            visualEffectView?.material = .titlebar
//            //visualEffectView?.wantsLayer = true
//            addSubview(visualEffectView!)
//            self.setNeedsDisplay()
//        } else {
//            visualEffectView = nil
//        }
//    }
//    public func addToView(_ view: NSView) {
//        if blurredBackground {
//            if let v = visualEffectView {
//                v.addSubview(view)
//            }
//        } else {
//            self.addSubview(view)
//        }
//    }
//    public func removeAllFromView() {
//        if blurredBackground {
//            if let v = visualEffectView {
//                v.removeAllSubviews()
//            }
//        } else {
//            self.removeAllSubviews()
//        }
//    }
//    public override func draw(_ layer: CALayer, in ctx: CGContext) {
//        super.draw(layer, in: ctx)
////        ctx.setFillColor(NSColor.white.cgColor)
////        ctx.fill(self.bounds)
////        ctx.setFillColor(theme.colors.border.cgColor)
////        ctx.fill(NSMakeRect(0, NSHeight(self.frame) - .borderSize, NSWidth(self.frame), .borderSize))
//    }
//    override public func layout() {
//        super.layout()
//        self.bottomBorder.setNeedsDisplay()
//        self.bottomBorder.frame = NSMakeRect(0, frame.height - .borderSize, frame.width, .borderSize)
//        self.layout(left: leftView, center: centerView, right: rightView)
//    }
//    override public func setFrameSize(_ newSize: NSSize) {
//        super.setFrameSize(newSize)
//       // guard let window = window as? Window, !window.inLiveSwiping else {return}
//    }
//    public override var mouseDownCanMoveWindow: Bool {
//        return true
//    }
//    func layout(left: BarView, center: BarView, right: BarView, force: Bool = false) -> Void {
//        //
//        if frame.height > 0 {
//            //proportions = 50 / 25 / 25
//            let leftWidth = left.isFitted ? left.frame.width : left.fit(to: (right.frame.width == right.minWidth ? frame.width / 3 : frame.width / 4))
//            let rightWidth = right.isFitted ? right.frame.width : right.fit(to: (left.frame.width == left.minWidth ? frame.width / 3 : frame.width / 4))
//            left.frame = NSMakeRect(0, 0, leftWidth, frame.height - .borderSize);
//            center.frame = NSMakeRect(left.frame.maxX, 0, frame.width - (leftWidth + rightWidth), frame.height - .borderSize);
//            right.frame = NSMakeRect(center.frame.maxX, 0, rightWidth, frame.height - .borderSize);
//        }
//    }
//    // ! PUSH !
//    //  left from center
//    //  right cross fade
//    //  center from right
//    // ! POP !
//    // old left -> new center
//    // old center -> right
//    // old right -> fade
//    @objc func viewFrameChanged(_ notification:Notification) {
//        guard let window = window as? Window, !window.inLiveSwiping else {return}
//        layout(left: leftView, center: centerView, right: rightView)
//    }
//    func startMoveViews(left:BarView, center:BarView, right:BarView, direction: SwipeDirection) {
//        addToView(left)
//        addToView(center)
//        addToView(right)
//        NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: NSView.frameDidChangeNotification, object: leftView)
//        NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: NSView.frameDidChangeNotification, object: centerView)
//        NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: NSView.frameDidChangeNotification, object: rightView)
//        var nLeft_from:CGFloat = 0, nRight_from:CGFloat = 0, nCenter_from:CGFloat = 0
//        switch direction {
//        case .right:
//            nLeft_from = round(frame.width - left.frame.width)/2.0
//            nCenter_from = left.frame.width + right.frame.width
//            nRight_from = right.frame.minX
//        case .left:
//            nLeft_from = 0
//            nCenter_from = 0
//            nRight_from = right.frame.minX
//        case .none:
//            break
//        }
//        left.setFrameOrigin(nLeft_from, left.frame.minY)
//        center.setFrameOrigin(nCenter_from, center.frame.minY)
//        right.setFrameOrigin(nRight_from, right.frame.minY)
//        left.setNeedsDisplay()
//        center.setNeedsDisplay()
//        right.setNeedsDisplay()
//        left.layer?.opacity = 0
//        center.layer?.opacity = 0
//        right.layer?.opacity = 0
//        layout(left: left, center: center, right: right)
//    }
//    func moveViews(left:BarView, center:BarView, right:BarView, direction: SwipeDirection, percent: CGFloat, animationStyle:AnimationStyle? = nil) {
//        var pLeft_to:CGFloat = 0, pRight_to:CGFloat = 0, pCenter_to:CGFloat = 0
//        var nLeft_to:CGFloat = 0, nRight_to:CGFloat = 0, nCenter_to:CGFloat = 0
//        switch direction {
//        case .right:
//            //center
//            nLeft_to = round(frame.width - left.frame.width)/2.0 - (round(frame.width - left.frame.width)/2.0) * percent
//            nCenter_to = left.frame.maxX + right.frame.width - (right.frame.width * percent)
//            nRight_to = left.frame.width + center.frame.width
//            pLeft_to = self.leftView.frame.minX
//            pCenter_to = self.leftView.frame.width * (1.0 - percent)
//            pRight_to = self.leftView.frame.width + self.centerView.frame.width
//            break
//        case .left:
//            nLeft_to = 0
//            nCenter_to = left.frame.maxX * percent
//            nRight_to = left.frame.width + center.frame.width
//            pLeft_to = self.leftView.frame.minX
//            pCenter_to = self.leftView.frame.width + self.centerView.frame.width * percent
//            pRight_to = self.leftView.frame.width + self.centerView.frame.width
//            break
//        case .none:
//            break
//        }
//        left.change(pos: NSMakePoint(floorToScreenPixels(backingScaleFactor, nLeft_to), left.frame.minY), animated: animationStyle != nil, duration: animationStyle?.duration ?? 0, timingFunction: animationStyle?.function ?? .linear, completion: { [weak left] completed in
//            if completed && animationStyle != nil {
//                left?.removeFromSuperview()
//            }
//        })
//        center.change(pos: NSMakePoint(floorToScreenPixels(backingScaleFactor, nCenter_to), center.frame.minY), animated: animationStyle != nil, duration: animationStyle?.duration ?? 0, timingFunction: animationStyle?.function ?? .linear, completion: { [weak center] completed in
//            if completed && animationStyle != nil {
//                center?.removeFromSuperview()
//            }
//        })
//        right.change(pos: NSMakePoint(floorToScreenPixels(backingScaleFactor, nRight_to), right.frame.minY), animated: animationStyle != nil, duration: animationStyle?.duration ?? 0, timingFunction: animationStyle?.function ?? .linear, completion: { [weak right] completed in
//            if completed && animationStyle != nil {
//                right?.removeFromSuperview()
//            }
//        })
//        self.leftView.change(pos: NSMakePoint(floorToScreenPixels(backingScaleFactor, pLeft_to), self.leftView.frame.minY), animated: animationStyle != nil, duration: animationStyle?.duration ?? 0, timingFunction: animationStyle?.function ?? .linear)
//        self.centerView.change(pos: NSMakePoint(floorToScreenPixels(backingScaleFactor, pCenter_to), self.centerView.frame.minY), animated: animationStyle != nil, duration: animationStyle?.duration ?? 0, timingFunction: animationStyle?.function ?? .linear)
//        self.rightView.change(pos: NSMakePoint(floorToScreenPixels(backingScaleFactor, pRight_to), self.rightView.frame.minY), animated: animationStyle != nil, duration: animationStyle?.duration ?? 0, timingFunction: animationStyle?.function ?? .linear)
//        left.change(opacity: percent, animated: animationStyle != nil, duration: animationStyle?.duration ?? 0, timingFunction: animationStyle?.function ?? .linear)
//        center.change(opacity: percent, animated: animationStyle != nil, duration: animationStyle?.duration ?? 0, timingFunction: animationStyle?.function ?? .linear)
//        right.change(opacity: percent, animated: animationStyle != nil, duration: animationStyle?.duration ?? 0, timingFunction: animationStyle?.function ?? .linear)
//        self.leftView.change(opacity: 1.0 - percent, animated: animationStyle != nil, duration: animationStyle?.duration ?? 0, timingFunction: animationStyle?.function  ?? .linear)
//        self.centerView.change(opacity: 1.0 - percent, animated: animationStyle != nil, duration: animationStyle?.duration ?? 0, timingFunction: animationStyle?.function ?? .linear)
//        self.rightView.change(opacity: 1.0 - percent, animated: animationStyle != nil, duration: animationStyle?.duration ?? 0, timingFunction: animationStyle?.function ?? .linear)
//    }
//    public func switchViews(left:BarView, center:BarView, right:BarView, controller:ViewController, style:ViewControllerStyle, animationStyle:AnimationStyle, liveSwiping: Bool) {
//      //  var animationStyle = AnimationStyle.init(duration: 3.0, function: animationStyle.function)
//        if !liveSwiping {
//            layout(left: left, center: center, right: right)
//        }
//        NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: NSView.frameDidChangeNotification, object: leftView)
//        NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: NSView.frameDidChangeNotification, object: centerView)
//        NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: NSView.frameDidChangeNotification, object: rightView)
//        self.bottomBorder.isHidden = !controller.bar.enableBorder
//        if style != .none {
//            CATransaction.begin()
//            if !liveSwiping {
//                self.addToView(left)
//                self.addToView(center)
//                self.addToView(right)
//            }
//            self.addSubview(bottomBorder)
//            self.visualEffectView?.layer?.setNeedsDisplay()
//            left.setNeedsDisplay()
//            center.setNeedsDisplay()
//            right.setNeedsDisplay()
//            let pLeft = self.leftView
//            let pCenter = self.centerView
//            let pRight = self.rightView
//            if !liveSwiping {
//                left.layer?.opacity = 0
//                center.layer?.opacity = 0
//                right.layer?.opacity = 0
//            }
//            pLeft.updateLocalizationAndTheme(theme: presentation)
//            pCenter.updateLocalizationAndTheme(theme: presentation)
//            pRight.updateLocalizationAndTheme(theme: presentation)
//            self.leftView = left
//            self.centerView = center
//            self.rightView = right
//            var pLeft_from:CGFloat = 0,pRight_from:CGFloat = 0, pCenter_from:CGFloat = 0, pLeft_to:CGFloat = 0, pRight_to:CGFloat = 0, pCenter_to:CGFloat = 0
//            var nLeft_from:CGFloat = 0, nRight_from:CGFloat = 0, nCenter_from:CGFloat = 0, nLeft_to:CGFloat = 0, nRight_to:CGFloat = 0, nCenter_to:CGFloat = 0
//            switch style {
//            case .push:
//                //left
//                pLeft_from = liveSwiping ? pLeft.frame.minX : 0
//                pLeft_to = 0
//                nLeft_from = liveSwiping ? left.frame.minX : round(frame.width - left.frame.width)/2.0
//                nLeft_to = 0
//                //center
//                pCenter_from = liveSwiping ? pCenter.frame.minX : pLeft.frame.width
//                pCenter_to = 0
//                nCenter_from = liveSwiping ? center.frame.minX : left.frame.width + center.frame.width
//                nCenter_to = left.frame.width
//                //right
//                pRight_from = right.frame.minX
//                pRight_to = right.frame.minX
//                nRight_from = right.frame.minX
//                nRight_to = right.frame.minX
//                break
//            case .pop:
//                //left
//                pLeft_from = liveSwiping ? pLeft.frame.minX : 0
//                pLeft_to = 0
//                nLeft_from = liveSwiping ? left.frame.minX : 0
//                nLeft_to = 0
//                //center
//                pCenter_from = liveSwiping ? pCenter.frame.minX : center.frame.minX
//                pCenter_to = left.frame.width + center.frame.width
//                nCenter_from = liveSwiping ? center.frame.minX : 0
//                nCenter_to = left.frame.maxX
//                //right
//                pRight_from = liveSwiping ? pRight.frame.minX : right.frame.minX
//                pRight_to = right.frame.minX
//                nRight_from = right.frame.minX
//                nRight_to = right.frame.minX
//                break
//            case .none:
//                break
//            }
//            left.setFrameOrigin(nLeft_from, left.frame.minY)
//            center.setFrameOrigin(nCenter_from, center.frame.minY)
//            right.setFrameOrigin(nRight_from, right.frame.minY)
//            pLeft.setFrameOrigin(pLeft_from, left.frame.minY)
//          //  pCenter.setFrameOrigin(pCenter_from, pCenter.frame.minY)
//            pRight.setFrameOrigin(pRight_from, pRight.frame.minY)
//            // old
//            pLeft.change(opacity: 0.0, duration: animationStyle.duration, timingFunction: animationStyle.function, completion:{ [weak pLeft] completed in
//                if completed {
//                    pLeft?.removeFromSuperview()
//                }
//            })
//            pLeft.change(pos: NSMakePoint(pLeft_to, pLeft.frame.minY), animated: true, duration: animationStyle.duration, timingFunction: animationStyle.function)
//            pCenter.change(opacity: 0.0, duration: animationStyle.duration, timingFunction: animationStyle.function, completion:{ [weak pCenter] completed in
//                if completed {
//                    pCenter?.removeFromSuperview()
//                }
//            })
//         //   pCenter.change(pos: NSMakePoint(pCenter_to, pCenter.frame.minY), animated: true, duration: animationStyle.duration, timingFunction: animationStyle.function)
//            pRight.change(opacity: 0.0, duration: animationStyle.duration, timingFunction: animationStyle.function, completion:{ [weak pRight] completed in
//                if completed {
//                    pRight?.removeFromSuperview()
//                }
//            })
//            pRight.change(pos: NSMakePoint(pRight_to, pRight.frame.minY), animated: true, duration: animationStyle.duration, timingFunction: animationStyle.function)
//            // new
//            if !left.isHidden {
//                left.change(opacity: 1.0, duration: animationStyle.duration, timingFunction: animationStyle.function)
//            }
//            left.change(pos: NSMakePoint(nLeft_to, left.frame.minY), animated: true, duration: animationStyle.duration, timingFunction: animationStyle.function)
//            if !center.isHidden {
//                center.change(opacity: 1.0, duration: animationStyle.duration, timingFunction: animationStyle.function)
//            }
//            center.change(pos: NSMakePoint(nCenter_to, center.frame.minY), animated: true, duration: animationStyle.duration, timingFunction: animationStyle.function)
//            if !right.isHidden {
//                right.change(opacity: 1.0, duration: animationStyle.duration, timingFunction: animationStyle.function)
//            }
//            right.change(pos: NSMakePoint(nRight_to, right.frame.minY), animated: true, duration: animationStyle.duration, timingFunction: animationStyle.function)
//            CATransaction.commit()
//        } else {
//            self.removeAllFromView()
//            self.addToView(left)
//            self.addToView(center)
//            self.addToView(right)
//            self.leftView = left
//            self.centerView = center
//            self.rightView = right
//        }
//        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(viewFrameChanged(_:)), name: NSView.frameDidChangeNotification, object: left)
//        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(viewFrameChanged(_:)), name: NSView.frameDidChangeNotification, object: center)
//        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(viewFrameChanged(_:)), name: NSView.frameDidChangeNotification, object: right)
//    }

M submodules/TGUIKit/TGUIKit/PresentationTheme.swift => submodules/TGUIKit/TGUIKit/PresentationTheme.swift +102 -11
@@ 623,6 623,36 @@ public class ColorPalette : Equatable {
        return self._focusAnimationColor
    private let _toolbarBackgroundTop: NSColor
    public var toolbarBackgroundTop: NSColor {
        return self._toolbarBackgroundTop
    private let _toolbarBackgroundBottom: NSColor
    public var toolbarBackgroundBottom: NSColor {
        return self._toolbarBackgroundBottom
    private let _toolbarInactiveBackground: NSColor
    public var toolbarInactiveBackground: NSColor {
        return self._toolbarInactiveBackground
    private let _separatorColor: NSColor
    public var separatorColor: NSColor {
        return self._separatorColor
    private let _separatorInactiveColor: NSColor
    public var separatorInactiveColor: NSColor {
        return self._separatorInactiveColor
    private let _toolbarIconColor: NSColor
    public var toolbarIconColor: NSColor {
        return self._toolbarIconColor
//    private let _toolbarIconActiveColor: NSColor
    public var toolbarIconActiveColor: NSColor {
        return self.toolbarIconColor.darker(amount: 0.3)
    public var underSelectedColor: NSColor {

@@ 800,7 830,13 @@ public class ColorPalette : Equatable {
                listBackground: NSColor,
                listGrayText: NSColor,
                grayHighlight: NSColor,
                focusAnimationColor: NSColor) {
                focusAnimationColor: NSColor,
                toolbarBackgroundTop: NSColor,
                toolbarBackgroundBottom: NSColor,
                toolbarInactiveBackground: NSColor,
                separatorColor: NSColor,
                separatorInactiveColor: NSColor,
                toolbarIconColor: NSColor) {
        let background: NSColor = background.withAlphaComponent(1.0)
        let grayBackground: NSColor = grayBackground.withAlphaComponent(1.0)

@@ 1008,6 1044,13 @@ public class ColorPalette : Equatable {
        self._listGrayText = listGrayText
        self._grayHighlight = grayHighlight
        self._focusAnimationColor = focusAnimationColor
        self._toolbarBackgroundTop = toolbarBackgroundTop
        self._toolbarBackgroundBottom = toolbarBackgroundBottom
        self._toolbarInactiveBackground = toolbarInactiveBackground
        self._separatorColor = separatorColor
        self._separatorInactiveColor = separatorInactiveColor
        self._toolbarIconColor = toolbarIconColor
    public func listProperties(reflect: Mirror? = nil) -> [String] {

@@ 1173,7 1216,13 @@ public class ColorPalette : Equatable {
                            listBackground: listBackground,
                            listGrayText: listGrayText,
                            grayHighlight: grayHighlight,
                            focusAnimationColor: focusAnimationColor)
                            focusAnimationColor: focusAnimationColor,
                            toolbarBackgroundTop: toolbarBackgroundTop,
                            toolbarBackgroundBottom: toolbarBackgroundBottom,
                            toolbarInactiveBackground: toolbarInactiveBackground,
                            separatorColor: separatorColor,
                            separatorInactiveColor: separatorInactiveColor,
                            toolbarIconColor: toolbarIconColor)
    public func withUpdatedWallpaper(_ wallpaper: PaletteWallpaper) -> ColorPalette {

@@ 1302,7 1351,13 @@ public class ColorPalette : Equatable {
                            listBackground: listBackground,
                            listGrayText: listGrayText,
                            grayHighlight: grayHighlight,
                            focusAnimationColor: focusAnimationColor)
                            focusAnimationColor: focusAnimationColor,
                            toolbarBackgroundTop: toolbarBackgroundTop,
                            toolbarBackgroundBottom: toolbarBackgroundBottom,
                            toolbarInactiveBackground: toolbarInactiveBackground,
                            separatorColor: separatorColor,
                            separatorInactiveColor: separatorInactiveColor,
                            toolbarIconColor: toolbarIconColor)
    public func withAccentColor(_ color: PaletteAccentColor, disableTint: Bool = false) -> ColorPalette {

@@ 1575,7 1630,13 @@ public class ColorPalette : Equatable {
                            listBackground: listBackground,
                            listGrayText: listGrayText,
                            grayHighlight: grayHighlight,
                            focusAnimationColor: focusAnimationColor)
                            focusAnimationColor: focusAnimationColor,
                            toolbarBackgroundTop: toolbarBackgroundTop,
                            toolbarBackgroundBottom: toolbarBackgroundBottom,
                            toolbarInactiveBackground: toolbarInactiveBackground,
                            separatorColor: separatorColor,
                            separatorInactiveColor: separatorInactiveColor,
                            toolbarIconColor: toolbarIconColor)

@@ 1806,7 1867,13 @@ public let whitePalette = ColorPalette(isNative: true, isDark: false,
                                        listBackground: NSColor(0xefeff3),
                                        listGrayText: NSColor(0x6D6D71),
                                        grayHighlight: NSColor(0xF8F8F8),
                                        focusAnimationColor: NSColor(0x68A8E2)
                                        focusAnimationColor: NSColor(0x68A8E2),
                                        toolbarBackgroundTop: NSColor(0xF4F4F4),
                                        toolbarBackgroundBottom: NSColor(0xCBCBCB),
                                        toolbarInactiveBackground: NSColor(0xF6F6F6),
                                        separatorColor: NSColor(0xA0A0A0),
                                        separatorInactiveColor: NSColor(0xD1D1D1),
                                        toolbarIconColor: NSColor(0x565656)

@@ 1953,7 2020,13 @@ public let nightAccentPalette = ColorPalette(isNative: true, isDark: true,
                                           listBackground: NSColor(0x131415),
                                           listGrayText: NSColor(0xb1c3d5),
                                           grayHighlight: NSColor(0x18222d).darker(amount: 0.08),
                                           focusAnimationColor: NSColor(0x68A8E2)
                                           focusAnimationColor: NSColor(0x68A8E2),
                                           toolbarBackgroundTop: NSColor(0xF4F4F4),
                                           toolbarBackgroundBottom: NSColor(0xCBCBCB),
                                           toolbarInactiveBackground: NSColor(0xF6F6F6),
                                           separatorColor: NSColor(0xA0A0A0),
                                           separatorInactiveColor: NSColor(0xD1D1D1),
                                           toolbarIconColor: NSColor(0x565656)
public let dayClassicPalette = ColorPalette(isNative: true,
                                            isDark: false,

@@ 2087,7 2160,13 @@ public let dayClassicPalette = ColorPalette(isNative: true,
                                            listBackground: NSColor(0xefeff3),
                                            listGrayText: NSColor(0x6D6D71),
                                            grayHighlight: NSColor(0xF8F8F8),
                                            focusAnimationColor: NSColor(0x68A8E2)
                                            focusAnimationColor: NSColor(0x68A8E2),
                                            toolbarBackgroundTop: NSColor(0xF4F4F4),
                                            toolbarBackgroundBottom: NSColor(0xCBCBCB),
                                            toolbarInactiveBackground: NSColor(0xF6F6F6),
                                            separatorColor: NSColor(0xA0A0A0),
                                            separatorInactiveColor: NSColor(0xD1D1D1),
                                            toolbarIconColor: NSColor(0x565656)

public let darkPalette = ColorPalette(isNative: true, isDark:true,

@@ 2222,7 2301,13 @@ public let darkPalette = ColorPalette(isNative: true, isDark:true,
                                      listBackground: NSColor(0x131415),
                                      listGrayText: NSColor(0x8699a3),
                                      grayHighlight: NSColor(0x292b36).darker(amount: 0.08),
                                      focusAnimationColor: NSColor(0x68A8E2)
                                      focusAnimationColor: NSColor(0x68A8E2),
                                      toolbarBackgroundTop: NSColor(0xF4F4F4),
                                      toolbarBackgroundBottom: NSColor(0xCBCBCB),
                                      toolbarInactiveBackground: NSColor(0xF6F6F6),
                                      separatorColor: NSColor(0xA0A0A0),
                                      separatorInactiveColor: NSColor(0xD1D1D1),
                                      toolbarIconColor: NSColor(0x565656)

@available(macOS 10.14, *)

@@ 2252,7 2337,7 @@ private final class MojavePalette : ColorPalette {
    private var controlBackgroundColor: NSColor {
        return NSColor(0x1E1E1E)
    private var separatorColor: NSColor {
    private var separatorColor2: NSColor {
        return NSColor(0x3d3d3d)
    private var textColor: NSColor {

@@ 2308,7 2393,7 @@ private final class MojavePalette : ColorPalette {
        return controlBackgroundColor
    override var border: NSColor {
       return separatorColor
       return separatorColor2
    override var accentSelect: NSColor {
        return controlAccentColor.darker(amount: 0.2)

@@ 2523,7 2608,13 @@ public let systemPalette: ColorPalette = {
                            listBackground: NSColor(0x131415),
                            listGrayText: NSColor(0xb1c3d5),
                            grayHighlight: NSColor(0x292a2f).darker(amount: 0.08),
                            focusAnimationColor: NSColor(0x68A8E2)
                            focusAnimationColor: NSColor(0x68A8E2),
                            toolbarBackgroundTop: NSColor(0xF4F4F4),
                            toolbarBackgroundBottom: NSColor(0xCBCBCB),
                            toolbarInactiveBackground: NSColor(0xF6F6F6),
                            separatorColor: NSColor(0xA0A0A0),
                            separatorInactiveColor: NSColor(0xD1D1D1),
                            toolbarIconColor: NSColor(0x565656)

M submodules/TGUIKit/TGUIKit/TGSplitView.swift => submodules/TGUIKit/TGUIKit/TGSplitView.swift +1 -1
@@ 139,7 139,7 @@ fileprivate class SplitMinimisizeView : Control {
        super.draw(layer, in: ctx)
        if let splitView = splitView {
            if let drawBorder = splitView.delegate?.splitViewDrawBorder(), drawBorder {
                ctx.fill(NSMakeRect(floorToScreenPixels(backingScaleFactor, frame.width / 2), 0, .borderSize, frame.height))