
94ecc6f740f4da0baf6f88a4997b19f84a1bedf1 — Bobby Hamblin 4 months ago 0c90139 master
add chapters 8-12
A 08/resistance-calculator/resistance-calculator => 08/resistance-calculator/resistance-calculator +0 -0
M 08/resistance-calculator/resistance-calculator.cpp => 08/resistance-calculator/resistance-calculator.cpp +11 -12
@@ 10,9 10,8 @@

#define MAX_RESISTORS 100

int i = 0; // counter
float resistor; // resistor being input
float biggest_resistor = 0; // resistance of most resistive resistor
int resistor_count = 0; // counter
float resistors[MAX_RESISTORS]; // resistor being input
float total_resistance; // total resistance across network in ohms

int main() {

@@ 20,24 19,24 @@ int main() {

	while(true) {
		// user input
		std::cout << "Resistance of R" << i+1 << " in ohms: ";
		std::cin >> resistor;
		std::cout << "Resistance of R" << resistor_count+1 << " in ohms: ";
		std::cin >> resistors[resistor_count];
		// exit condition
		if(resistor == 0) {
		if(resistors[resistor_count] == 0) {

		// determine biggest resistor
		if(resistor > biggest_resistor)
			biggest_resistor = resistor;

		// increment counter

	// calculate total resistance
	total_resistance = biggest_resistor / (i+1);
	for(int i = 0; i < resistor_count; i++) {
		total_resistance += 1 / resistors[i];

	total_resistance = 1 / total_resistance;

	// print total resistance
	std::cout << "Total resistance across network: " << total_resistance << " ohms\n";

A 09/count-in-array/Makefile => 09/count-in-array/Makefile +13 -0
@@ 0,0 1,13 @@
# Makefile for program count-in-array

# Turn on debugging

	$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $^ -o $@

	rm $^


A 09/count-in-array/count-in-array.cpp => 09/count-in-array/count-in-array.cpp +63 -0
@@ 0,0 1,63 @@
* count-in-array -- count the amount of	*
*   times a number appears in an array	*
* Usage: Input array items at prompt,	*
*   and 0 to stop. Then enter the	*
*   number you are searching for	*

#include <iostream>

* count -- count the amount of times a	*
*   number appears in an array		*
* Parameters:				*
*   number -- number to search for	*
*   array -- array to search in		*
*   length -- length of array		*
* Returns:				*
*   amount of times n appears in array	*
int count(float number, float* array, int length) {
	int number_count = 0; // number of times number appears in array

	// iterate through each item in array, comparing it with the number searching for
	for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
		if(array[i] == number)


int main() {
	float number; // number to search for
	int length; // length of array
	int number_count; // number of times number appears in array

	int count(float number, float array[], int length); // number count function prototype

	// print program name
	std::cout << "count-in-array\n";

	// get array items and number to search for
	std::cout << "Enter array length: ";
	std::cin >> length;

	float* array = new float[length]; // array to search through

	for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
		std::cout << "Enter item " << i << ": ";
		std::cin >> array[i];

	std::cout << "Enter number to search for: ";
	std::cin >> number;

	// determine number count
	number_count = count(number, array, length);

	std::cout << number << " appears " << number_count << " times\n";

A 09/count-in-array/count-in-array.md => 09/count-in-array/count-in-array.md +23 -0
@@ 0,0 1,23 @@
# count-in-array

> Count the number of times 'n' appears in an array
> Users' Specification
> Jan 20, 2023 Bobby Hamblin

Counts the amount of times a number `n` appears in an array.  

Enter array items at prompt, and enter 0 to stop entering items in the  
array. Then enter which number you are searching for.

## Example

> Enter array length: *6*
> Enter item 1: *5*
> Enter item 2: *4*
> Enter item 3: *5*
> Enter item 4: *9*
> Enter item 5: *6*
> Enter item 6: *5*
> Enter number to search for: *5*
> 5 appears 3 times

A 09/hash/Makefile => 09/hash/Makefile +13 -0
@@ 0,0 1,13 @@
# Makefile for program hash

# Turn on debugging

	$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $^ -o $@

	rm $^


A 09/hash/hash.cpp => 09/hash/hash.cpp +46 -0
@@ 0,0 1,46 @@
* hash -- encodes a string with a	*
*   primitive hash			*
* Usage: Input a string at the prompt	*

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

* create_hash -- create a hash using	*
*  the ascii values of each character	*
* Parameters:				*
*   input -- string to encode		*
* Returns:				*
*   primitive integer hash of string	*
int create_hash(std::string input) {
	int hash = 0; // primitive hash of string

	// iterate through each item in array, comparing it with the number searching for
	for(int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
		hash += input[i];


int main() {
	std::string input; // input string
	int hash; // primitive hash

	int create_hash(std::string input);

	// print program name
	std::cout << "hash\n";

	std::cout << "Input a string: ";
	std::cin >> input;

	// determine number count
	hash = create_hash(input);

	std::cout << hash << "\n";

A 09/hash/hash.md => 09/hash/hash.md +15 -0
@@ 0,0 1,15 @@
# hash

> Encodes a string by adding together the character values
> Users' Specification
> Jan 26, 2023 Bobby Hamblin

For a given input string, this program returns a primitive hash code by  
adding up the value of each character in the string. The decimal ASCII  
value of each character is used and then added together to result in the  

## Example

> Input a string: *This is a test string*
> 408

A 09/kebab-to-snake-case/Makefile => 09/kebab-to-snake-case/Makefile +13 -0
@@ 0,0 1,13 @@
# Makefile for program kebab-to-snake-case

# Turn on debugging

	$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $^ -o $@

	rm $^


A 09/kebab-to-snake-case/kebab-to-snake-case.cpp => 09/kebab-to-snake-case/kebab-to-snake-case.cpp +51 -0
@@ 0,0 1,51 @@
* kebab-case-to-snake-case -- converts	*
*   kebab-case text to snake_case text	*
* Usage: Input string to be converted	*
*   at prompt				*

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

* convert_to_snake_case -- converts	*
*   text to snake_case			*
* Parameters:				*
*   kebab_case_text -- text to convert	*
* Returns:				*
*   snake case text			*
std::string convert_to_snake_case(std::string kebab_case_text) {
	std::string snake_case_text; // converted text

	for(int i = 0; i < kebab_case_text.length(); i++) {
		// if character is a hyphen, convert to an underscore
		if(kebab_case_text[i] == '-') {
		} else {


int main() {
	std::string kebab_case_text; // text to be converted
	std::string snake_case_text; // converted text

	std::string convert_to_snake_case(std::string kebab_case_text); // converter function prototype

	// print program name
	std::cout << "kebab-to-snake-case\n";

	// get strings
	std::cout << "Input text in kebab-case: ";
	std::getline(std::cin, kebab_case_text);

	// get and display begins status
	snake_case_text = convert_to_snake_case(kebab_case_text);
	std::cout << snake_case_text << "\n";

A 09/kebab-to-snake-case/kebab-to-snake-case.md => 09/kebab-to-snake-case/kebab-to-snake-case.md +16 -0
@@ 0,0 1,16 @@
# kebab-to-snake-case

> Converts text from kebab-case to snake_case
> Users' Specification
> Jan 20, 2023 Bobby Hamblin

Converts text from hyphen-separated kebab-case to underscore\_seperated  
snake\_case. Takes a string of input from the user, converts it, and  
prints the new string.

## Example

> kebab-case-to_snake_case  
> Input text in kebab-case: *This-text-is-to-be-converted*  
> This_text_is_to_be_converted  

A 09/maximum/Makefile => 09/maximum/Makefile +13 -0
@@ 0,0 1,13 @@
# Makefile for program maximum

# Turn on debugging

	$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $^ -o $@

	rm $^


A 09/maximum/maximum.cpp => 09/maximum/maximum.cpp +55 -0
@@ 0,0 1,55 @@
* maximum -- find the largest number in	*
*   in a given array			*
* Usage: Input array items at prompt,	*
*   and 0 to stop.			*

#include <iostream>

* maximum -- find maximum value in an	*
*   array				*
* Parameters:				*
*   array -- array to search in		*
* Returns:				*
*   largest number in array		*
int maximum(float* array) {
	float largest_number = 0; // largest number in array

	// iterate through each item in array, comparing it with the current largest number
	for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(array); i++) {
		if(array[i] > largest_number)
			largest_number = array[i];


int main() {
	int biggest_number; // number of times number appears in array
	float* array = new float[100]; // array to search through
	int i = 0; // counter for number of items in array

	int maximum(float array[]); // maximum function prototype

	// print program name
	std::cout << "maximum\n";

	while(1) {
		std::cout << "Enter item " << i+1 << ": ";
		std::cin >> array[i];

		if(array[i] == 0)

		i++; // increment counter

	// determine biggest number
	biggest_number = maximum(array);

	std::cout << "The biggest number is " << biggest_number << "\n";

A 09/maximum/maximum.md => 09/maximum/maximum.md +23 -0
@@ 0,0 1,23 @@
# maximum

> Find the maximum value in an array
> Users' Specification
> Jan 26, 2023 Bobby Hamblin

For a given array of floating-point numbers, this program returns the  
maximum value in that array.

Enter array items at prompt, and enter 0 to stop entering items in the  

## Example

> Enter item 1: *5*
> Enter item 2: *4*
> Enter item 3: *5*
> Enter item 4: *9*
> Enter item 5: *19*
> Enter item 6: *5*
> The biggest number is 19

M 09/strbegins/strbegins.cpp => 09/strbegins/strbegins.cpp +32 -27
@@ 1,48 1,53 @@
* word-count -- count words in a string	*
* Usage: Input sentence at prompt	*
* strbegins -- returns true if string1	*
*   begins string2			*
* Usage: Input strings at prompt	*

#include <iostream>

* count_words -- count words in a	*
*   string				*
* begins -- determines whether string1	*
*   begins string2			*
* Parameters:				*
*   sentence -- string to count words	*
*   string1 -- text to begin		*
*   string2 -- text to test		*
* Returns:				*
*   number of words in string		*
*   whether string1 begins string2	*
int count_words(std::string sentence) {
	int word_count = 0; // word count

	// increment word count if sentence contains text
	if(sentence != "")

	// iterate through each character in string, incrementing word count for each
	for(int i = 0; i < sentence.length(); i++) {
		if(sentence[i] == ' ')
bool begins(std::string string1, std::string string2) {
	bool does_begin = true; // whether string1 begins string2

	for(int i = 0; i < string1.size(); i++) {
		// if characters don't match, string doesn't begin
		if(string2[i] != string1[i]) {
			does_begin = false;


int main() {
	std::string sentence; // sentence to count
	int words; // number of words in sentence
	std::string string1; // determiner string
	std::string string2; // test string
	bool does_begin; // whether string1 begins string2 or not

	int count_words(std::string sentence); // word count function prototype
	bool begins(std::string string1, std::string string2); // begins function prototype

	// print program name
	std::cout << "word-count\n";
	std::cout << "strbegins\n";

	// get strings
	std::cout << "String 1: ";
	std::getline(std::cin, string1);
	std::cout << "String 2: ";
	std::getline(std::cin, string2);

	// get and display word count
	std::cout << "Input sentence to count: ";
	std::getline(std::cin, sentence);
	words = count_words(sentence);
	std::cout << "The sentence input has " << words << " words\n";
	// get and display begins status
	does_begin = begins(string1, string2);
	std::cout << does_begin << "\n";

M 09/strbegins/strbegins.md => 09/strbegins/strbegins.md +10 -5
@@ 1,14 1,19 @@
# strbegins

> Count words in a string
> Returns true if string1 begins string2
> Users' Specification
> Jan 20, 2023 Bobby Hamblin

Counts the number of words in an input string. A word is defined as a
collection of characters terminated by a space.
A function and test program to determine whether a first input string
begins a second input string or not

## Example

> Enter sentence to count: *This is an example sentence *
> The sentence input has 5 words
> strbegins
> String 1: *this is a test*
> String 2: *this is also a test*
> 1
> String 1: *this is another test*
> String 2: *testing string number 2*
> 0

A 10/divisible-by-ten/divisible-by-ten.h => 10/divisible-by-ten/divisible-by-ten.h +9 -0
@@ 0,0 1,9 @@
* divisible-by-ten -- macro returns 	*
*   whether an input number is evenly	*
*   divisible by ten or not		*

// Define the RETURN_STATUS type
#define DIVISIBLE_BY_TEN(x) if(((x) % 10) == 0) {return(true)} else {return(false)};

A 10/divisible-by-ten/divisible-by-ten.md => 10/divisible-by-ten/divisible-by-ten.md +9 -0
@@ 0,0 1,9 @@
# divisible-by-ten

> A macro to return whether a value is divisible by ten
> Users' Specification
> Jan 27, 2023 Bobby Hamblin

As the short description implies, a singular macro that returns true if  
a its parameter is divisible by 10, and false otherwise

A 10/is-digit/is-digit.h => 10/is-digit/is-digit.h +8 -0
@@ 0,0 1,8 @@
* is-digit -- macros to determine if a 	*
*   value is a decimal or hex digit	*

#define IS_DIGIT(x) (std::isdigit(x) || value == '.')
#define IS_HEX(x) (input[0] == '0' && input[1] == 'x')

A 10/is-digit/is-digit.md => 10/is-digit/is-digit.md +9 -0
@@ 0,0 1,9 @@
# is-digit

> Macros to return whether its argument is a digit
> Users' Specification
> Jan 27, 2023 Bobby Hamblin

Two macros, IS\_DIGIT and IS\_HEX that determine whether a given value  
is a decimal or hexadecimal digit. The hexadecimal macro references the  
decimal macro.

A 10/return-status/return-status.h => 10/return-status/return-status.h +17 -0
@@ 0,0 1,17 @@
* return-status -- macro set to 	*
*   implement a RETURN_STATUS type	*

// Define the RETURN_STATUS type
typedef int RETURN_STATUS;

#define RETURN_ERROR 2

// Define the CHECK_RETURN_FATAL macro
#define CHECK_RETURN_FATAL(status) if((status) == 1) {return(true);};

A 10/return-status/return-status.md => 10/return-status/return-status.md +11 -0
@@ 0,0 1,11 @@
# return-status

> A set of macros to define a RETURN_STATUS type
> Users' Specification
> Jan 27, 2023 Bobby Hamblin

A set of macros to define a type called RETURN\_STATUS with the following  
implements a macro, CHECK\_RETURN\_FATAL that takes a RETURN\_STATUS as  
an argument and returns true if there is a fatal error.

A 10/swap-integers/swap-integers.h => 10/swap-integers/swap-integers.h +7 -0
@@ 0,0 1,7 @@
* swap-integers -- macro to swap two 	*
*   input integers			*

#define SWAP_INTEGERS(x, y) int temp = (a); (a) = (b); (b) = temp;

A 10/swap-integers/swap-integers.md => 10/swap-integers/swap-integers.md +7 -0
@@ 0,0 1,7 @@
# swap-integers

> Macro to swap two integer inputs
> Users' Specification
> Jan 27, 2023 Bobby Hamblin

This macro swaps the two integers input.

A 11/bit-shift/Makefile => 11/bit-shift/Makefile +13 -0
@@ 0,0 1,13 @@
# Makefile for progam bit-shift

# Turn on debugging

	$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $^ -o $@

	rm $^


A 11/bit-shift/bit-shift.cpp => 11/bit-shift/bit-shift.cpp +66 -0
@@ 0,0 1,66 @@
* bit-shift -- shift bits to the left	*
* Usage: Input an integer at the prompt	*

#include <iostream>

* shift_bits -- shifts all bits to the	*
*   left				*
* Parameters				*
*   integer -- integer to shift		*
* Returns				*
*   shifted integer			*
int shift_bits(int integer){
	int shifted_integer = integer; // integer after shift
	int mask = 1 << 31;  // Create a mask of the leftmost bit

	// shift each high bit to the left
	while ((shifted_integer & mask) == 0) {
		shifted_integer <<= 1;  // Shift the number one bit to the left
		// mask >>= 1; // Shift the mask one bit to the right


* print_bits -- print all bits in an	*
*   integer				*
* Parameters				*
*   integer -- integer to print		*
void print_bits(int integer) {
	for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(integer) * 32; i++) {
		std::cout << ((integer >> i) & 1);

int main() {
	int integer; // integer to shift
	int shifted_integer; // integer after shift

	// get user input
	std::cout << "Enter an integer: ";
	std::cin >> integer;

	// print bits of input integer
	std::cout << "\n";

	// shift the integer
	shifted_integer = shift_bits(integer);

	// print bits of shifted int
	std::cout << "\n";

	// print shifted value as decimal
	std::cout << shifted_integer << " ";
	std::cout << "\n";


A 11/bit-shift/bit-shift.md => 11/bit-shift/bit-shift.md +17 -0
@@ 0,0 1,17 @@
# bit-shift

> Shifts bits in an integer to the left end
> Users' Specification
> Jan 27, 2023 Bobby Hamblin

Given an integer, this program shifts all bits set to `1` to the left  

Enter an integer at the prompt.

## Example

> Enter an integer: *86*
> 01010110
> 11110000
> 240

A 11/count-bits/Makefile => 11/count-bits/Makefile +13 -0
@@ 0,0 1,13 @@
# Makefile for progam count-bits

# Turn on debugging

	$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $^ -o $@

	rm $^


A 11/count-bits/count-bits.cpp => 11/count-bits/count-bits.cpp +41 -0
@@ 0,0 1,41 @@
* count-bits -- count bits in integer	*
* Usage: Enter an integer at the prompt	*

#include <iostream>

* count-bits -- count bits in integer	*
* Parameters				*
*   integer -- integer to test		*
* Returns				*
*   number of bits set to 1 in integer	*
inline int count_bits(const int integer){
	int total_bits; // total bits in integer

	for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(integer)*8; i++) {
		int bit = (integer >> i); // bit being currrently counted
		if(bit & 1) {

int main() {
	int integer; // integer to test
	int total_bits; // bits in integer

	// get user input
	std::cout << "Enter an integer: ";
	std::cin >> integer;

	// count and print bits in integer
	total_bits = count_bits(integer);
	std::cout << total_bits << "\n";


A 11/count-bits/count-bits.md => 11/count-bits/count-bits.md +13 -0
@@ 0,0 1,13 @@
# count-bits

> Count set bits in an integer
> Users' Specification
> Jan 27, 2023 Bobby Hamblin

Given an integer, it counts the number of bits that are set to 1 in  
that integer.

## Example

> Enter an integer: *5*
> 2

A 11/graph/Makefile => 11/graph/Makefile +13 -0
@@ 0,0 1,13 @@
# Makefile for progam graph

# Turn on debugging

	$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $^ -o $@

	rm $^


A 11/graph/graph.cpp => 11/graph/graph.cpp +100 -0
@@ 0,0 1,100 @@
* graph -- bitmapped graphics engine	*

#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>

const int X_SIZE = 16; // size of the array in X direction
const int Y_SIZE = 16; // size of the array in Y direction

* We use X_SIZE/8 since we pack 8 bits per byte
char graphics[X_SIZE / 8][Y_SIZE]; // the graphics data

* set_bit -- set a bit in the graphics	*
*   array				*
* Parameters				*
*   x,y -- location of the bit		*
inline void set_bit(const int x, const int y){
	assert((x >= 0) && (x < X_SIZE));
	assert((y >= 0) && (y < Y_SIZE));
	graphics[(x)/8][y] |= static_cast<char>(0x80 >>((x)%8));

* clear_bit -- clear a bit in the	*
*   graphics array			*
* Parameters				*
*   x,y -- location of the bit		*
inline void clear_bit(const int x, const int y){
	assert((x >= 0) && (x < X_SIZE));
	assert((y >= 0) && (y < Y_SIZE));
	graphics[(x)/8][y] &= static_cast<char>(~(0x80 >>((x)%8)));

* test_bit -- test whether a bit in the *
*   graphics array is on or off		*
* Parameters				*
*   x,y -- location of the bit		*
* Returns				*
*   whether the bit is a 1 or 0		*
inline bool test_bit(const int x, const int y){
	assert((x >= 0) && (x < X_SIZE));
	assert((y >= 0) && (y < Y_SIZE));
	return (graphics[(x)/8][y] & (0x80 >>((x)%8))) != 0;

int main() {
	int loc; // current location to print
	void print_graphics(); // print the graphics data

	// draw a diagonal line across the screen
	for (loc = 0; loc < X_SIZE; loc++)
		set_bit(loc, loc);

	clear_bit(loc-1, loc-1);
	bool is_set1 = test_bit(loc-2, loc-2);
	bool is_set2 = test_bit(loc-1, loc-1);

	// print graphics data

	std::cout << is_set1 << "\n";
	std::cout << is_set2 << "\n";


* print_graphics -- print the graphics	*
*   bit array as a set of X and .'s	*
void print_graphics(){
	int x; // current x BYTE
	int y; // current y location
	int bit; // bit we are testing in the current byte

	for (y = 0; y < Y_SIZE; y++) {
		// loop for each byte in array
		for (x = 0; x < X_SIZE / 8; x++) {
			// handle each bit
			for (bit = 0x80; bit > 0; bit = (bit >> 1)) {
				assert((x >= 0) && (x < X_SIZE / 8));
				assert((y >= 0) && (y < Y_SIZE));

				if ((graphics[x][y] & bit) != 0)
					std::cout << 'X';
					std::cout << '.';
		std::cout << '\n';

A 11/graph/graph.md => 11/graph/graph.md +30 -0
@@ 0,0 1,30 @@
# graph

> Bitmapped graphics engine
> Users' Specification
> Jan 27, 2023 Bobby Hamblin

A program to control a bitmapped pixel display. Implements functions to  
set, clear, and test pixels on the display. Also implements a dummy  
display for testing purposes.

## Example

> X...............
> .X..............
> ..X.............
> ...X............
> ....X...........
> .....X..........
> ......X.........
> .......X........
> ........X.......
> .........X......
> ..........X.....
> ...........X....
> ............X...
> .............X..
> ..............X.
> ................
> 1
> 0

A 11/split-int/Makefile => 11/split-int/Makefile +13 -0
@@ 0,0 1,13 @@
# Makefile for progam split-int

# Turn on debugging

	$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $^ -o $@

	rm $^


A 11/split-int/split-int.cpp => 11/split-int/split-int.cpp +64 -0
@@ 0,0 1,64 @@
* split-int -- splits a int in to eight	*
*   4-bit values			*
* Usage: Input an integer at the prompt	*

#include <iostream>

* split_integer -- split int into	*
*   eight 4-bit values			*
* Parameters				*
*   integer -- integer to convert	*
* Returns				*
*   integer array of split values	*
void split_integer(const int integer, short int split_ints[]){
	for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
		split_ints[i] = (integer >> (4 * i)) & 0xF;  // Right shift and bitwise AND operation

* print_bits -- print all bits in an	*
*   integer				*
* Parameters				*
*   integer -- integer to print		*
void print_bits(int integer) {
	for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(integer) * 32; i++) {
		std::cout << ((integer >> i) & 1);

int main() {
	int integer; // integer to test
	short int split_ints[8]; // array to store split values

	// get user input
	std::cout << "Enter an integer: ";
	std::cin >> integer;

	// print bits of input integer
	std::cout << "\n";

	// split the integer
	split_integer(integer, split_ints);

	// print bits of split values
	for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
		std::cout << "\n";

	// print split values as decimal
	for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
		std::cout << split_ints[i] << " ";
	std::cout << "\n";


A 11/split-int/split-int.md => 11/split-int/split-int.md +22 -0
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# split-int

> Splits an integer into eight 4-bit values
> Users' Specification
> Jan 27, 2023 Bobby Hamblin

Given an integer composed of 32 bits, this program splits it into  
eight 4-bit values. Values are supplied as both binary and decimal.  

## Example

> Enter an integer: *-123456789*
> 11010111010011000010010100011111110101110100110000100101000111111101011101001100001001010001111111010111010011000010010100011111
> 11010000000000000000000000000000110100000000000000000000000000001101000000000000000000000000000011010000000000000000000000000000
> 01110000000000000000000000000000011100000000000000000000000000000111000000000000000000000000000001110000000000000000000000000000
> 01000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000
> 11000000000000000000000000000000110000000000000000000000000000001100000000000000000000000000000011000000000000000000000000000000
> 00100000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000
> 01010000000000000000000000000000010100000000000000000000000000000101000000000000000000000000000001010000000000000000000000000000
> 00010000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000
> 11110000000000000000000000000000111100000000000000000000000000001111000000000000000000000000000011110000000000000000000000000000
> 11 14 2 3 4 10 8 15 

A 12/mailing-list/mailing-list.md => 12/mailing-list/mailing-list.md +3 -0
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# mailing-list