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Native Emacs Org Mode for Ruby Tilt
Loosen dependency constraints
Fix: Ignore emacs *Messages* + Fix: :body_with_resources option.
Initial commit. Working Tilt::EmacsOrg



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A native Org Mode parser for Tilt.


  1. Install emacs
  2. Install the tilt-emacs_org gem
  3. Done! Now Tilt has native Emacs Org support


require 'tilt/emacs_org'
template ='', 1, { setupfile: '' })
template.title # document title
template.head # scripts, links and styles on head
template.render # body of HTML document

This is an example usage, render can vary depending on options. All options are optional.


#:format => :body_only|:body_with_resources|:full

Defaults to :body_only.

  • :body_only renders body only, discarding head section of the document.
  • :body_with_resources renders body with head script, link and style elements on top of the rest of the body.
  • :full renders a full HTML document, just as emacs exports it.

You can always access head script, link and style elements by calling EmacsOrgTemplate#head, and document title by calling EmacsOrgTemplate#title.


If set, include a #+SETUPFILE on top of the document. Useful for default options.


Source code is available on

Bug reports and patches are welcome on


The gem is available as libre software under the terms of the MIT License.

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