@@ 4,14 4,7 @@ Welcome! In order to finish your user setup you might want to perform some actio
## Access to sudo
-First of all verify you have access to `sudo`. Check if you are on the `wheel` group by running the `groups` command.
-## Firefox
-- First start must be performed using `firefox -P default &`.
-- Change default search engine.
-- Install uMatrix with the `~/.mozilla/firefox/default/user.js` suggested rules.
-- Enable uMatrix on 'Private Windows' too.
+Probably you need `sudo` access. Check if you are on the `wheel` group by running the `groups` command.
## Sway
@@ 19,53 12,13 @@ Change desired variables on `~/.config/sway/vars`, then run `swayvars2bemenu` to
You can also add custom Sway configs by adding files to `~/config/sway/config.d/`.
-## Guix
-If using Guix is desired, setup your locales with `guix install glibc-utf8-locales`.
-By default it will work with a system-wide guix copy, if you want to use a local guix run `sed -i -e '/guix/d' ~/.profile` to unlock the local `guix pull` profile and spawn a new login shell.
-### Node and NPM
-If you want to use NPM with Guix run the following to enable global installs for your user account.
-guix install node
-bash -l
-test ! -d $HOME/.npm-global && mkdir $HOME/.npm-global && npm config set prefix '~/.npm-global'
-! grep -q 'npm-global' $HOME/.profile && printf '# NPM\nexport PATH=$HOME/.npm-global/bin:$PATH\n\n' >> $HOME/.profile && . $HOME/.profile
-You can run `lsp-setup npm` now for Emacs LSP JavaScript+TypeScript+Vue support.
-### PHP and Composer
-If you want to use Composer with Guix run the following to enable user based installations.
+## Doom Emacs
-guix install php
-bash -l
-wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/composer/getcomposer.org/fb07bd70d93cf733c1c94aef7fc68502f81aca2b/web/installer -O - -q | php -- --quiet
-mkdir -p .local/bin
-mv composer.phar ~/.local/bin/composer
-! grep -qF 'composer/vendor/bin' $HOME/.profile && printf '# PHP Composer\nexport PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.config/composer/vendor/bin"\n\n' >> ~/.profile
-cat << EOF > $HOME/.config/composer/composer.json
- "minimum-stability": "dev",
- "prefer-stable": true
+git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/doomemacs/doomemacs ~/.config/emacs
+~/.config/emacs/bin/doom install
-You can run `lsp-setup composer` now for Emacs LSP PHP support.
-## Ruby
-guix install ruby
-If you want Emacs LSP Ruby support, install ruby-solargraph too
-#! grep -qF 'Ruby gem' $HOME/.profile && printf '# Ruby gem\nexport GEM_HOME="$HOME/.gem"\nexport PATH="$PATH:$GEM_HOME/bin"\n\n' >> ~/.profile
## SSH keys
Copy existing ssh keys with by running the following, remember to change [main user].