### /lib/sys' Parabola GNU/Linux-libre setup
# This is my setup for Parabola GNU/Linux-libre, should mostly work for any Arch-based distro, with exception of the libreboot-utils and your-privacy packages.
## Packages
# tools for BIOS's GRUB encryption (hwbtool)
libreboot-utils flashrom
# ban spyware from my repos
# networking
iwd dhcpcd
# to compile stuff for the AUR
# hardware health
thermald tlp
# basic POSIX stuff
# autocomplete with tab on the terminal
# help
man-db man-pages texinfo
# sane editors
neovim emacs-nox
# doom emacs dependency
# manage the terminal
# download stuff
# version control
# sync stuff
# connect to remote hosts
# fonts
ttf-dejavu noto-fonts-emoji
# audio
wireplumber pipewire-alsa pipewire-pulse pipewire-jack pulsemixer
# screen sharing
# bluetooth
bluez bluez-utils
# terminal emulator
# windows manager
sway swaybg swayidle swaylock polkit xorg-server-xwayland
# menu
bemenu-wayland i3status-rust otf-font-awesome
# copypaste tools
wl-clipboard grim slurp swappy
# notifcations
# control reproduction through keyboard buttons
# safe passwords
gnupg pinentry-bemenu pass ydotool
# reproduce video, watch images, read PDFs
mvp imv zathura-pdf-mupdf
# email
aerc dante w3m
# printers
cups cups-filters
# record videos
# CLI multimedia edition
ffmpeg imagemagick
# GUI multimedia edition
audacity gimp inkscape kdenlive krita libreoffice-fresh
# virtualized/containerized environments
qemu-desktop lxd podman aardvark-dns podman-compose podman-dnsname fuse-overlayfs
## Enable required services
systemctl enable --now iwd dhcpcd tlp thermald
## Setup LXD
usermod -v 1000000-1000999999 -w 1000000-1000999999 root
lxd init
## Install configurations (this repo!)
# clone
git clone https://git.hacktivista.org/config
# install
cd config
. .dirrc
# done! now delete it
cd -
rm -r config
## Main user
# create user
useradd -m <user>
usermod -aG wheel <user>
passwd <user>
# now exit root session and login as user
## Enable user services
# used by passmenu
systemctl enable --now --user ydotool
## AUR packages
# AUR packages must be installed by a non-root user
# key required for librewolf-bin
gpg --search-keys 031F7104E932F7BD7416E7F6D2845E1305D6E801
# key required for tor-browser
gpg --auto-key-locate nodefault,wkd --locate-keys torbrowser@torproject.org
# install
AUR_PKGS='librewolf-bin tor-browser'
for PKG in $AUR_PKGS; do
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/$PKG.git
cd $PKG
makepkg -sic
cd -
## Setup password store
# export secret keys
gpg --export-secret-keys
# import on new installation
gpg --import super_secret_keys.gpg.asc
# trust them so you can sign
gpg --edit-key <KEY>
> trust
> 5
> q
# now you can restore your ~/.password-store
## Almost done!
# Check if you need to to something else by reading ~/todo.md
## Licensing
This project is licensed under MIT-0.
You don't need to attribute or ask anyone to use these files as you wish.
## I think that's all, enjoy! :)